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jhh112 (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 09:39

I got my daughter an ICQ (United Mobile) card originally. It worked great for months. But as many have noticed, ICQ have disappeared. I had tried an Estonian SIM, with highly variable results, not suitable for a non geek daughter. Other intl SIM suppliers are dropping like flies. Maxroam changed systems earlier this yr, had transition problems, but claimed to offer data access and responded promptly (often within an hour) to exploratory inquiries to their support team.

So I gave Maxroam a go and reported results here. And got some commments back "but you didn't ask us first". ??

I am physicist/engineer, lots of experience in R&D (incl a bit of telecomms) in US, Australia, France, Japan, Russia, in all of which I have lived and worked for years. So I know a bit about the various phone systems. I travel with two mobiles (now E71 and w810i) and 2+ SIMs. Maxroam tests done with both phones on four German networks, with call/SMS attempts to and from AT&T mobile, German landline, and SKype numbers. Bottom line: I was able to ring Maxroam from Skype, and send SMS Maxroam to Maxroam and Maxroam to AT&T. That's it.

Maxroam data connection attempts to four different APN configurations listed by Maxroam and BASE (their Belgian supplier). And I skimmed thru the BASE website looking for hints. Tried tweaks like GSM only, UMTS, dual mode. Packet hunting, etc. No luck at all.

Radio silence from Maxroam support for > 48 hrs after I reported problems and asked for new instructions, this was surprising since so responsive before when I asked for details. Just got some messages frm them, will read and report. Also, a refund of what I paid seems to have appeared just now. Hmm.
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petkow (Offline)
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Wink 08-07-2009, 10:26

Originally Posted by jhh112 View Post
So I gave Maxroam a go and reported results here. And got some commments back "but you didn't ask us first". ??
Precisely! That pretty much sums us up! The mean folks that we are!

Donīt worry... just trying to help! Itīs just pretty unfortunate that you found the thread after you bought Maxroam! Better luck next time. Nice that they have refunded you though!

Seriously though... Just a quick question. Not knowing where your daughter is travelling to etc. but have you considered buying your daughter a "no-nonsense, non-geek" standard national SIM from one of the European main networks? Of course, not even knowing if she will be mainly in Europe, but if she is especially compared to Maxroam (where incoming costs 17c/min across Europe) the rates on mainstream products (especially after the EU price caps that are now in place), are completely comparible. Better still with a Vodafone UK SIM incoming are free for the summer across Europe and quite a few other "Passport" countries.

Good luck!
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jhh112 (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 11:09

We are a multi-lingual, multi-passport family who own national SIMs from the US, Australia on a continuing basis and various others for short periods. The ICQ SIM worked for first part of daughter's voyage (she went from Australia to Argentina and stayed awhile). She then went to Chile and Bolivia and switched to local SIMs. She is in US now, and I added her to our US AT&T service (shares minutes) for few months. Then she is off for some more months around the EU, by which time EU roaming rates will have ratcheted lower. The UK EasyRoam looks interesting in that your balance has no use-by date, and taking advantage for their swap offer for United Mobile SIM could be a good choice.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 11:23

I swapped my UM sim for easyroam and I am quite satisfied based on my usage in Europe and West Africa a couple of weeks ago. I also like the features and customizations available, forwarding, free VM, etc. Just like with other Isle of man sim cards.

Originally Posted by jhh112 View Post
The UK EasyRoam looks interesting in that your balance has no use-by date, and taking advantage for their swap offer for United Mobile SIM could be a good choice.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 14:46

I have said it before, one of the most important features of any global SIM is a responsive customer service/tech support that is open 24/7 from all over the world.. That's one reason I like my Ekit SIM's so much.

When I bought my first Ekit Passport SIM two years ago, I took a new unlocked Verizon Motorola World phone to Europe with me. Due to the Motorola software and Verizon's operating system, I could not get the phone to work. One call to a very responsive and patient tech at Ekit and I was making calls.
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123456 (Offline)
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Default I asked a few questions. - 04-09-2009, 17:13

Reply from Maxroam Support within a day:
There is a charge associated with unanswered calls. However this is something we will be removing from the service in the coming few months.

There is no monthly fee of 1 EUR, we had originally planned to introduce this but it was never implemented. We also have no intention of introducing this fee.

...... ......
Customer Service Operative
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123456 (Offline)
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Smile No charges for unanswered calls anymore! - 06-10-2009, 12:20

Last week i had some unanswered calls when travelling in Indonesia and Malaysia. None of then was charged. So Maxroam held the promise to remove the charges for unanswered calls!
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123456 (Offline)
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Thumbs down Charges for unanswered calls are back! - 21-01-2010, 18:08

Originally Posted by 123456 View Post
Last week i had some unanswered calls when travelling in Indonesia and Malaysia. None of then was charged. So Maxroam held the promise to remove the charges for unanswered calls!
Today i had 2 unanswered calls to the Netherlands and although the calls were dropped automatically after 57 seconds 50 eurocent per call was charged. Without any notice from Maxroam the charges for unanswered calls are back. I think i will leave them after finishing my current credit!
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GadgetKen (Offline)
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Default 21-01-2010, 20:21

Will also be using up my MaxRoam credit. Tough accessing account on their website, cumbersome dialing procedure (usually had to use * prefix code to initiate callback), no local US number but did have good customer service and reasonable rates in some countries. I wish them well but it's just not the right choice for me.

Going to Nevis end of February for a couple of weeks and Bermuda at the end of May. Will use up MaxRoam chip on Nevis trip and then switch my dual sim phone to:
1) Digicel Bermuda (Digicel is on Nevis and in-network roaming rates are reasonable and dialing procedure is easy).
2) A dual US/UK number ekit SimpleCalling sim chip I got in the mail yesterday from an ebay ekit auction. By luck of the draw, I got an out of state number in Southampton, New York (fancy town on Long Island; I can pretend I own a seaside "cottage" with servants and a yacht). Good rates from some countries (St. Marteen en route is cheap and Nevis is reasonable) but not others (Antigua on the way back and Bermuda on my following trip are very high rates). Also liked the polished simplecalling website, full features including data and phone linked web blogs, and very reasonable rates for calls made in the US and Canada. Realize this sim doesn't suit everybody's needs, but it should work OK for me.
Will have backup of an old Iridium phone, wifi Skype (either my MacBook or Sony Mylo), and old fashioned landline calling cards.

Phones/Wireless Devices: Doogee S90, Isatphone Pro, Amazon Kindle 3G, SkyRoam MiFi device, Karma MiFi device, AT&T Liberate MiFi device
Sim Cards: T-Mobile (Mint), AT&T (Mifi device or Kindle), Koko
Satphone: InMarSat
Broadband US Wireless Data: AT&T postpaid, Sprint (Karma Mobility prepaid)
Broadband International Data: SkyRoam
VOIP: Skype
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default Outage in some countries - 01-06-2010, 15:06

Just FYI. From the maxroam website:

"Please note that due to an issue with partner carriers in certain countries, customers roaming in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Morocco, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey and USA will be unable to make or receive calls until further notice. We would like to apologise for this interruption to service, we are endeavouring to return service to the affected areas as soon as possible. "

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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