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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 10-04-2009, 17:00

I am sure there are quite a few folks (myself included) that would not have considered their service at all, if it was not for the local DID's they offer. Most of their advertisement is also built around the DID thing.

Originally Posted by motif1 View Post
Local DID numbers still not available.

They must be having a near-death experience, their revenues must be close to zero. I have a card I could not even use yet because no DID, fortunately I bought the cheapest plan and of course haven't paid for any airtime yet, because the card is useless to me without a local DID. I can't imagine that anybody is buying airtime.

If I were them, I might quietly remove from the front page of the web site the part that screams, BUY NOW, YOU WILL BE ROAMING IN 5 MINUTES.

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petkow (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2009, 08:52

Now that UM is dead and gone, and people start looking for alternatives, does anyone have any updates on these guys? Are they also heading down the UM route?

ALL my 'tickets' have been 'resolved' without anything actually happening. Has anyone had any indications if the DID's will come online soon?
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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2009, 09:15

Yes, I was told they hoped to have it done by the end of the week. Of course, I was told that last week.
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Angry 22-04-2009, 12:39

I purchased a MAXroam Sim last week to use during our up coming trip round Europe - oh how I wish I'd seen this forum first!

After managing to muddle through getting outgoing and text messages working, now that all the instructions and videos on their website are wrong, I realised that I had been issued with a Belgium number - not the UK one I was expecting!

So if some one calls me from the UK when I am roaming in Europe, not only will I be paying to receive the call, they will be paying to make an
international call from the UK, the combination of which would work out more than just ringing me on my UK vodafone sim.

I have raised a request to the support desk asking for a full refund as the SIM does not work as advertised, if I don;t get a response I will be raising a dispute through paypal.

Very disappointed - it would have been nice to save a bit on our data and SMS roaming costs - but I guess I will put vodafone passport on my UK account and keep a look out for free wifi while away!


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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2009, 13:07

You did the correct thing in asking for a refund. I really ca't believe that maxroam has not updated their website to reflect to indicate what they are really getting. At least until they get their DID problems ironed out. As it is now, their sim cards are no better that most other international sim cards out there. In a lot of cases, it's more expensive.

In this very dynamic market, it may be too late for them by the time they fix their DID problems.

They definitely need to update all the outdated stuff they are advertising on their website.

Originally Posted by View Post
I purchased a MAXroam Sim last week to use during our up coming trip round Europe - oh how I wish I'd seen this forum first!

After managing to muddle through getting outgoing and text messages working, now that all the instructions and videos on their website are wrong, I realised that I had been issued with a Belgium number - not the UK one I was expecting!

So if some one calls me from the UK when I am roaming in Europe, not only will I be paying to receive the call, they will be paying to make an
international call from the UK, the combination of which would work out more than just ringing me on my UK vodafone sim.

I have raised a request to the support desk asking for a full refund as the SIM does not work as advertised, if I don;t get a response I will be raising a dispute through paypal.

Very disappointed - it would have been nice to save a bit on our data and SMS roaming costs - but I guess I will put vodafone passport on my UK account and keep a look out for free wifi while away!


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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2009, 16:32

Something is going on a MAXRoam's website. For weeks the page for purchasing new numbers has displayed an error message, with no numbers showing up in the drop-down box. Now the error message is gone, and the drop-down box offers the ability to purchase numbers in one U.S. area code (Toledo, Ohio, I believe). I didn't try to purchase anything because I want to conserve the small credit in my account, but if someone wants to invest 99 eurocents, I'd be interested to know whether it works.

The call forwarding page still shows an error when you try to forward your number. Some while ago, I was able to forward my Belgium number to my home phone, but of course that doesn't do me much good.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2009, 16:38

Well, the agreement is that each sim will have one DID and then the option to purchase other DID's ifi needed. In my opinion, they need to get the default DID working first, and then work on fixing the part about adding other DID's. Unless they are no longer offering any default DID's as they are advertising and now requiring a purchase. That will likely be the end for them. Since most folks probably would not have considered them were it not for the DID.

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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2009, 19:14

I don't disagree. Getting my original DID back is more important. But it would at least be a good sign if they were able to assign any non-Belgium numbers to the card. They may need to set up the capability to assign non-Belgium DIDs before they can begin matching the DIDs of their original customers to their cards.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default DID Numbers - 05-05-2009, 09:41

Is there any update on DID numbers working on maxroam? Is the first free?

Originally Posted by Grampa View Post
I don't disagree. Getting my original DID back is more important. But it would at least be a good sign if they were able to assign any non-Belgium numbers to the card. They may need to set up the capability to assign non-Belgium DIDs before they can begin matching the DIDs of their original customers to their cards.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 05-05-2009, 13:55

No. Nothing from maxroam. However, I just logged into their website and noticed that they listed some US and Canada DID's for 3.99 Euro/month. It does not mean that it will work if you add it. Also, no mention of the one DID that was supposed to be free. I will not be surprised if it's no longer feasible for them to offer a free DID.

Originally Posted by mingelli View Post
Is there any update on DID numbers working on maxroam? Is the first free?

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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