Forum (Archived)

Showing results 1 to 50 of 64 Search: Posts Made By: Schlips1
Forum: Europe 07-08-2017, 21:34
Replies: 24
Views: 37,478
Posted By Schlips1
I tried to read ...

I tried to read

but I failed. An example: I found 18 times FUP - but what does it means? Fair Use Policy?
Forum: Europe 05-08-2017, 22:08
Replies: 24
Views: 37,478
Posted By Schlips1
Other way

Just figured out:

SFR: Calling and texting like in France, Data disactivated (!):
"Les connexions internet ne sont pas possibles depuis l`étranger."
Forum: Europe 19-06-2017, 19:57
Replies: 24
Views: 37,478
Posted By Schlips1
No EU roaming fees - no roaming (anymore)


the no-roaming-fee-decision got some bad sideeffects.

Exemple Sweden:

- Tele 2 / Comviq: Prepaid roaming is only possible with an "EU roaming add on" - you have to pay for it, can`t...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 17-07-2013, 20:00
Replies: 1
Views: 6,512
Posted By Schlips1
Validity Yoigo


my Yoigo SIM with actual tariff "La del Cero Tarjeta" was blocked by Yoigo.

In Roaming no outgoing calls or (payable) SMS nor incoming calls had been possible. After sending an e-mail to...
Forum: Austria & Switzerland 09-06-2013, 16:33
Replies: 3
Views: 8,102
Posted By Schlips1
Networks and Validity

some additional informations about the Austrian prepaid sims:

1. Home-network of "eety" is 232-128, so while in Austria the Sim is (still) roaming in 232-05 (Orange / One). Be aware:...
Forum: Europe 24-07-2012, 21:26
Replies: 0
Views: 2,291
Posted By Schlips1
Update Iceland


here a small update for Iceland:

Around the capital there are three networks alive:
- Siminn (2G, 3G)
- Vodafone (2G, 3G)
- Nova (3G)

The best choice to get a sim card is at one of...
Forum: Europe 16-07-2012, 22:03
Replies: 21
Views: 21,943
Posted By Schlips1
When trying, I get forwarded to my bank to put in...

When trying, I get forwarded to my bank to put in the secure code (so this is working), then I get a error message von OTP

"A terhelendő kártya az üzletági követelményeknek nem felel meg."
Forum: UK & Ireland 30-06-2012, 16:30
Replies: 9
Views: 5,250
Posted By Schlips1
Hi, I have got my o2-ie SIM for almost 10...

I have got my o2-ie SIM for almost 10 years. At the beginning you needed to do something chargable (eg send a SMS) every 90 days, now it is every 180 days. So just top up 10 € and with app. 10...
Forum: Europe 04-12-2011, 12:25
Replies: 0
Views: 2,672
Posted By Schlips1
Top up Orange Sk


my Orange Sk number is to expire on 7th of December.

I tried to figure out, how to top it up OUTSIDE Slovakia, and finally I got a response from the Orange CC:

"You are right you need...
Forum: Europe 04-12-2011, 12:13
Replies: 21
Views: 21,943
Posted By Schlips1
Hello, I tried them, but it did not work. ...


I tried them, but it did not work.

I think, top up with Bonbonijera does not work outside Croatia: They check the IP address and IP addresses outside Croatia seem to be rejected.

Forum: Americas 10-01-2011, 00:27
Replies: 6
Views: 5,419
Posted By Schlips1
I finally found the stick's information on ...

I finally found the stick's information on

Unsupported Browser (
Forum: Americas 10-01-2011, 00:14
Replies: 14
Views: 12,625
Posted By Schlips1
In the newest T-Mobile prepaid folder is stated: ...

In the newest T-Mobile prepaid folder is stated:

"Use your prepaid phone in Mexico, Canada, the Dominican Republik and Haiti, with more countries coming soon. Visit for details".
Forum: Americas 09-01-2011, 23:46
Replies: 6
Views: 5,419
Posted By Schlips1
Hello, sorry, it took a while to answer. It...


sorry, it took a while to answer. It worked - once - to use a phone as a modem with the 1,49 USD daypass. The bad thing about that is, most phones not coming from T-Mobile US do not have...
Forum: Italy 09-01-2011, 23:30
Replies: 42
Views: 25,182
Posted By Schlips1
Hello, is the problem, because they use the...

is the problem, because they use the "Verified by Visa e MasterCard SecureCode", you do not have with your credit cards or do they accept no foreign Credit Cards (like 3 UK)?
Forum: Americas 03-01-2011, 15:10
Replies: 6
Views: 5,855
Posted By Schlips1
Hello, it seems, they have changed the...


it seems, they have changed the system (for the worse):

Answer Center | AT&T...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 29-12-2010, 23:53
Replies: 12
Views: 6,750
Posted By Schlips1
If based in Estonia (= EU) you may expect to get...

If based in Estonia (= EU) you may expect to get the EU roaming tariff inside the EU. But this seems not to be the case.
I am wondering, how this is working.
Forum: Americas 19-12-2010, 05:05
Replies: 6
Views: 5,419
Posted By Schlips1
I am not sure, if it is that easy! I tried...

I am not sure, if it is that easy!

I tried my (voice) prepaid sim and put in

In the Access point field, type
In the Username field, type GPRS.
In the Password field, type...
Forum: Americas 17-12-2010, 13:26
Replies: 6
Views: 5,419
Posted By Schlips1
Prepaid Data with T-Mobile US


there is a prepaid data service from T-Mobile available now:

Unsupported Browser...
Forum: Europe 11-12-2010, 22:38
Replies: 27
Views: 16,913
Posted By Schlips1
Top up with Credit Card


I finally found

to top up hungarian prepaid cards. I tried T-Mobile and it worked...

(... but I am still looking for a swedish page...)
Forum: Austria & Switzerland 06-12-2010, 23:12
Replies: 12
Views: 34,931
Posted By Schlips1
Ok mobile is on the Orange network. So, you have...

Ok mobile is on the Orange network. So, you have to recharge the Sim once a year (and sometimes the system looses your number despite that) ....
Forum: Germany 06-12-2010, 22:40
Replies: 3
Views: 6,211
Posted By Schlips1
Are you sure, that you do have a BLAU-SIM and not...

Are you sure, that you do have a BLAU-SIM and not a BLAUWORLD-SIM???

BLAUWORLD only offers a "flatrate" for landlines. Both Simcards are labeled with (!!) and it is shown "BLAU" on your...
Forum: Germany 04-12-2010, 00:13
Replies: 3
Views: 6,211
Posted By Schlips1
On 100 MB Prepaid UMTS Datenpaket für...


100 MB Prepaid UMTS Datenpaket für mobiles Internet-Surfen vom Handy (

may be found:

Kostenlose Kurzwahl 1155
1. Rufen Sie...
Forum: Americas 16-11-2010, 20:03
Replies: 7
Views: 18,718
Posted By Schlips1
You are completly right, but it is so complicate...

You are completly right, but it is so complicate to explain the new Status. I have been to Saba last week. They do border checks, in and out. Interesting: When you are coming back to SXM, the lady at...
Forum: Americas 15-11-2010, 23:49
Replies: 7
Views: 5,734
Posted By Schlips1
Incoming calls on your LOCAL Digicel networks are...

Incoming calls on your LOCAL Digicel networks are for free as usual (like almost everywhere worldwide except US / Canada).

But: Despite that all Digicel networks (except Digicel F) are labeled...
Forum: Americas 15-11-2010, 23:23
Replies: 7
Views: 18,718
Posted By Schlips1
Arrow St. Maarten / St. Martin overview

Here a short overview about the actual situation in St. Maarten (NL) / St. Martin (F).

There are four (4) networks on the french side and two (2) network on the "netherland" part. On the north...
Forum: Europe 26-10-2010, 19:43
Replies: 3
Views: 6,090
Posted By Schlips1
On the DNA network you may also use Go mobile: ...

On the DNA network you may also use Go mobile:

GoMobile > Home (

They are roaming, too.
Forum: Germany 15-10-2010, 20:41
Replies: 57
Views: 39,268
Posted By Schlips1
Which network? Bouygues?

Which network? Bouygues?
Forum: Italy 12-10-2010, 19:43
Replies: 10
Views: 18,546
Posted By Schlips1
I remember that in former times it was possible...

I remember that in former times it was possible to activate the email to SMS service in all german networks.
But there is was a problem: The phone companies got the "wonderful" idea of charging...
Forum: Germany 25-09-2010, 23:23
Replies: 106
Views: 57,283
Posted By Schlips1
Validity: @inquisitor: Are you sure? On the...

@inquisitor: Are you sure? On the Fonic-URL is stated:
Wie lange ist das aufgeladene Guthaben für die Nutzung verfügbar?
Seit dem 01.02.2008 steht das Guthaben unbegrenzt zur Verfügung....
Forum: Americas 28-08-2010, 23:10
Replies: 6
Views: 5,855
Posted By Schlips1
I just checked the ATT-pages and it seems that...

I just checked the ATT-pages and it seems that they have added value:

DataConnect Day Pass - 100MB $15.00 100MB maximum usage over 1...
Forum: Germany 25-08-2010, 23:15
Replies: 57
Views: 39,268
Posted By Schlips1
There are two things: If you mistype the APN...

There are two things:
If you mistype the APN you get a "connection" with all outgoing traffic working.
O2 is disconnecting once a day your high-speed connection, see the footnotes on the original...
Forum: Germany 25-08-2010, 07:28
Replies: 57
Views: 39,268
Posted By Schlips1
No, it did not work. After waiting 72 hours (as...

No, it did not work. After waiting 72 hours (as stated in their adds) I called CC. They activated it on the spot.
And something else: Tchibo is not recommanded for data, because you have to us their...
Forum: Germany 24-08-2010, 21:58
Replies: 57
Views: 39,268
Posted By Schlips1
Yes it does: *104# 1 1

Yes it does:


Forum: Austria & Switzerland 14-08-2010, 10:34
Replies: 0
Views: 3,855
Posted By Schlips1
Prepaid Liechtenstein

from the four networks in Liechtenstein (Orange Liechtenstein, Swisscom Liechtenstein, FL 1, Tango Liechtenstein) only Tango had offered a local prepaid service. Tango has belonged to the...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 11-08-2010, 22:08
Replies: 1
Views: 3,999
Posted By Schlips1

Last fall (September) I bought a Yoigo SIM and used it mainly for data.
I figured out, that VoIP is blocked.
After returning, I tried to use the SIM while roaming, but it did not work in any...
Forum: Europe 11-08-2010, 21:42
Replies: 13
Views: 5,869
Posted By Schlips1
Just top it up, when you want to use it! The...

Just top it up, when you want to use it! The money will not get lost during hybernation! In most cases it does not make sense to keep it active (for outgoing calls). But you may use it in hybernation...
Forum: Europe 10-08-2010, 20:55
Replies: 13
Views: 5,869
Posted By Schlips1
Vodafone Ro is (compared to other providers) easy...

Vodafone Ro is (compared to other providers) easy to handle:
- With *123# (Send) you may check the actual status (the expiry date)
- When reaching the expiry date your account gets frozen...
Forum: Europe 10-08-2010, 18:46
Replies: 13
Views: 5,869
Posted By Schlips1
Something else: To 1: Except of the new Apple...

Something else:
To 1: Except of the new Apple stuff mentioned almost all GSM-phones are using the same kind of Sim-cards. So these Sims fit in all phones. So there is almost never a problem. But you...
Forum: Europe 03-08-2010, 21:44
Replies: 3
Views: 2,402
Posted By Schlips1
- The validity is (usually) one year. - Some...

- The validity is (usually) one year.
- Some discount offers like CBB do have a no-use-fee.
- All cards using the Sonofon / Telenor Dk network are not roaming. The customer care (from Telenor Dk)...
Forum: Greece and Cyprus 28-07-2010, 22:23
Replies: 5
Views: 9,961
Posted By Schlips1
That's nice because I asked Vodafone Gr and got...

That's nice because I asked Vodafone Gr and got the answer:

"3. You are not able to register your Prepaid from outside the country.
According to the New Law (N.3783/09) for All mobile numbers...
Forum: Greece and Cyprus 24-07-2010, 10:50
Replies: 1
Views: 5,261
Posted By Schlips1
Wind Greece



PrePaidGSM: Wind (Greece) (

is stated:
"International Roaming:
Activation € 4.40, tariffs depend on foreign carriers (Foreign...
Forum: Greece and Cyprus 21-07-2010, 18:37
Replies: 5
Views: 9,961
Posted By Schlips1
A last-minute update: For Vodafone and Cosmote...

A last-minute update: For Vodafone and Cosmote you really need to go to an store in Greece. For Q and Wind / Tim / Telestat users, there is an other solution, too. See:

Wind - Registration...
Forum: Italy 19-07-2010, 22:13
Replies: 6
Views: 9,567
Posted By Schlips1
Today I was in the same situation - in Greece! ...

Today I was in the same situation - in Greece!
My SFR was in the "hibernation"-status (after expiry before switch off).

Calling to 950 worked, when pressing "1" (check credit) I got told that I...
Forum: Greece and Cyprus 19-07-2010, 07:34
Replies: 222
Views: 193,620
Posted By Schlips1
Hello! To top up dial 1223 and then listen...


To top up dial 1223 and then listen to the announcement (that tells you that you have to register your Sim-card) then type in the 16 digit code and end with the hash/pound (#) key.

Forum: Europe 11-07-2010, 10:44
Replies: 5
Views: 4,247
Posted By Schlips1
The Zorro Sim-Pack is still 39,-. They do...

The Zorro Sim-Pack is still 39,-.

They do have a URL: ZORRO Kõnekaart (

Zorro Sims do not roam, see ZORRO Kõnekaart- Küsimused ja vastused - Korduvad küsimused -...
Forum: Europe 30-06-2010, 17:56
Replies: 5
Views: 4,247
Posted By Schlips1
As mentioned here (Starter kit | Tallinn Mobile...

As mentioned here (Starter kit | Tallinn Mobile 3G ( the set with 2 Simcards is 5€ (78 kr).
It should contain:
FREE OF CHARGE calls inside the...
Forum: Europe 29-06-2010, 17:30
Replies: 5
Views: 4,247
Posted By Schlips1
After asking, Tallinn Mobile send me some...

After asking, Tallinn Mobile send me some additional informations:

"We should regret to announce that renovation of the network and in this connection, there is more interference. If you already...
Forum: Europe 28-06-2010, 21:12
Replies: 5
Views: 4,247
Posted By Schlips1
Update Estonia

here a (short) update on prepaid in Estonia.
There are now four (4) networks available:
- Tele 2 (GSM / 3G): Tele2 - Eraklient (
- EMT (GSM / 3G): Parima kvaliteediga...
Forum: Americas 18-04-2010, 15:59
Replies: 14
Views: 12,625
Posted By Schlips1
Hello, I noticed an update on ...


I noticed an update on

Prepaid roaming shall now be available in

- Haiti
- Dom. Rep
Forum: Americas 18-04-2010, 15:46
Replies: 2
Views: 4,630
Posted By Schlips1
Hello, Data on US-networks is (still) quite...


Data on US-networks is (still) quite expensive. Not for the iphone, but for a connection via Huawei-USB-Modem stick, I did the following:

I went to an (real!) AT&T store and asked for a...
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