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EllasDevil (Offline)
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Post Greek Prepaid Require Registration... - 01-06-2010, 11:50


All prepaid customers of all the Greek networks need to ensure they have registered all their personal details before 31st July to ensure they are not disconnected (at the moment I am unsure as to whether lines will be completely ceased on this date or will be simply restricted for incoming and outgoing calls allowing the user to register later and re-activate the account).

All customers who activated their connections before November 2009 need to ensure they go in person to a retail store of their network to supply the required information.

A friend of mine Kat wrote a detailed post on her website as to how to register with your network and the steps required. You can click here to be linked to the information.

Just remember though, there is no other way of registering except in person at a retail store so if you're abroad with no intention of visiting Greece before the end of July, you will have your connection cancelled.
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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Default 21-07-2010, 18:37

A last-minute update: For Vodafone and Cosmote you really need to go to an store in Greece. For Q and Wind / Tim / Telestat users, there is an other solution, too. See:

Wind - Registration procedure

» If I am abroad, how can I proceed with the identification of my particulars?
Through an authorization, on condition that the subject authorization bears the certified signature (certification provided by the Consulate, Police Department or the Citizens’ Advisory Bureau). You are entitled to declare your data by 30-06-2010.

I think, the 30-06-2010 is a mistake and should be 31-07-2010. See the original version:

» Αν είμαι στο εξωτερικό, πως μπορώ να κάνω ονομαστικοποίηση του αριθμού μου;
Μέσω εξουσιοδότησης, εφόσον η εξουσιοδότηση είναι επικυρωμένη με θεωρημένο το γνήσιο της υπογραφής (π.χ. από προξενείο, Αστυνομικό Τμήμα ή Κέντρο Εξυπηρέτησης Πολιτών). Έχετε δικαίωμα να δηλώσετε τα στοιχεία σας έως 31-07-2010.

The form my be found here:

Last edited by Schlips1; 21-07-2010 at 18:45..
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 27-07-2010, 12:09

Originally Posted by Schlips1 View Post
A last-minute update: For Vodafone and Cosmote you really need to go to an store in Greece. For Q and Wind / Tim / Telestat users, there is an other solution, too. [/url]
Not really. The other two also accept this method of registration if you are abroad. I registered in all 3 providers with that method while in Germany.
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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Default 28-07-2010, 22:23

That's nice because I asked Vodafone Gr and got the answer:

"3. You are not able to register your Prepaid from outside the country.
According to the New Law (N.3783/09) for All mobile numbers (Registered
before the 09/11/2009 or New ones) must be registered under your
Personal details. Otherwise your mobile number will be inactive on the
31/07/2010. You have the time to do so until the 30th of July 2010.
After that date if your number is still unregistered then it will be
immediately deactivated without any further notice. So, you must visit a
Vodafone shop here in Greece to register your Prepaid connection. There
is no any other procedure from abroad and until the registration you are
not able to use it. E-mail or web registration is not possible.
All that you need is your Passport and the sim card of that mobile
number. If you please pass this Important information to your friends if
they have under their possession a Greek Prepaid mobile number
unregistered, no matter from which Network (Vodafone or other). The
registration is free of charge."

Vodafone has been the only one, which put in "Hotel" at an address during registration.....
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 29-07-2010, 21:35

There's not need to worry, the answer from Vodafone is absolutely incorrect, the information provided by Wind is the correct one. And I insist on that because:

- I've already registered a Vodafone SIM while I was abroad, with an official authorization from the Consulate.

- The law is clear and applies the same to all three companies. Vodafone cannot deny that kind of authorization.

- The same authorization procedure applies in many other cases when your physical presence is not possible. I personally followed the same procedure many times and for many different reasons.
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EllasDevil (Offline)
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Default 30-08-2010, 10:22

Just to update this thread slightly:

The deadline passed at the end of last month and all unregistered prepaid connections have been [b]barred rather than ceased.[b/]

This means users can still register at the points of sale of their chosen network and their connections will be restored.

If these connections still haven't been registered by 31st January 2011 (6 months after the barring was applied) then they will be ceased completely and the numbers recycled.
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