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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Default 10-08-2010, 20:55

Vodafone Ro is (compared to other providers) easy to handle:
- With *123# (Send) you may check the actual status (the expiry date)
- When reaching the expiry date your account gets frozen (hybernation)
- You may not use any services, you have to pay for
- You may receive SMS
- You may receive calls (when hooked up to Vodafone Ro - not while roaming!)
- With *123# (send) you get the information, how much credit is frozen and the last date, you may recharge your account
- Maximum time is 300 days
- After recharing all the money (the "new" one and the "frozen" one) may be used again
- The (new) expiry date depends on how much you toped up
- When active: I think, the new validity date will not extend the old validity date anymore (here I am not completly sure)
- See and then click on "Click aici pentru detalii despre valorile de reincarcare si valabilitate".
In your case:
Expiry date (Begin of Hybernation): 10.11.11 (11th of November 2010)
Last date before closing your line: 11.09.06 (6th of September 2011)
So: If you want to use your number (active) you have to recharge it before 11th of November.
In this case, the new expiry date will be:
- The old one, if the time extension is shorter than the "time" you would get
- The time corresponding to your recharge value in all other cases
Examples: You would recharge on 10.10.10 with 5€: Your expiry date would not change (it would still be valid for 31 days, the new one would be only for 30 days).
You would recharge on 10.11.10 with 7€. Your expiry date would be 11.01.09 (60 days)
If you 're doing nothing: To avoid loosing your money and your number you have to recharge before 6th of September 2011.

Last edited by Schlips1; 10-08-2010 at 21:21.. Reason: Remark of extending validity while still active
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raywright1 (Offline)
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Default re: SIM lifetime - 11-08-2010, 01:38


thanks for the very helpful answer. some follow up questions:

if the SIM is extended only according to the top up amount, it seems useless to keep a SIM since I cannot justify topping up and extending the card if I am not in the country to use it on the local network. for example, it would cost too much to keep topping up every 30 or 60 days from Nov 2010 until summer 2011. i would never be able to consume that much credit that i would accumulate.

what is the behavior of the SIM between the 4-month validity and the 10-month (300-day) expiry date? it seems the least expensive way to keep a number in perpetuity is to wait until the 300-days is approaching, but by that time, the SIM cannot be used outbound unless it is topped up right? and in this case, the small top up amounts only get me a short extension.

i'm still not clear about the best strategic time to top up if i want the same phone number for the summer 2011: prior to Nov 11 2010 (top up while abroad), or July 2011 when i actually arrive on the local network? or is there another option: to invoke a billable event prior to nov 11 2010 and do not top up at all if i am content with my credit level?

thanks again for your help.

(feel free to write privately if this is already clear to everyone else)

Originally Posted by Schlips1 View Post
- Maximum time is 300 days
Last date before closing your line: 11.09.06 (6th of September 2011)
So: If you want to use your number (active) you have to recharge it before 11th of November.
If you 're doing nothing: To avoid loosing your money and your number you have to recharge before 6th of September 2011.

Mobile Devices:
  1. Samsung SM-N10A (Galaxy Note 4)
    LTE700 (B17), LTE850 (B5), LTE1700/2100 (B4), LTE2600 (B7), LTE1900 (B2), LTE700 (B12)
    GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850 {B5}, UMTS900 {B8}, UMTS1900 {B2}, UMTS2100 {B1}
  2. Samsung SGH-i777 (Galaxy S II)
    GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850 {B5}, UMTS1900 {B2}, UMTS2100 {B1}

  1. US: ATT
  2. RO: VOD
  3. UK: VOD
  4. IT: WIND
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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Posts: 64
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Default 11-08-2010, 21:42

Originally Posted by raywright1 View Post
if the SIM is extended only according to the top up amount, it seems useless to keep a SIM since I cannot justify topping up and extending the card if I am not in the country to use it on the local network. for example, it would cost too much to keep topping up every 30 or 60 days from Nov 2010 until summer 2011. i would never be able to consume that much credit that i would accumulate.
Just top it up, when you want to use it! The money will not get lost during hybernation! In most cases it does not make sense to keep it active (for outgoing calls). But you may use it in hybernation (eg. in the USA) to receive SMS. Because they are free!

Originally Posted by raywright1 View Post
what is the behavior of the SIM between the 4-month validity and the 10-month (300-day) expiry date? it seems the least expensive way to keep a number in perpetuity is to wait until the 300-days is approaching, but by that time, the SIM cannot be used outbound unless it is topped up right? and in this case, the small top up amounts only get me a short extension.
Yes, that's it. But do not forget to top up!

Originally Posted by raywright1 View Post
i'm still not clear about the best strategic time to top up if i want the same phone number for the summer 2011: prior to Nov 11 2010 (top up while abroad), or July 2011 when i actually arrive on the local network? or is there another option: to invoke a billable event prior to nov 11 2010 and do not top up at all if i am content with my credit level?
I would do it while roaming before you are leaving. So you may use it when you 'll arrive (especially in a case of emergency).
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raywright1 (Offline)
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Default clear explanation of PAYG terms - 12-10-2010, 19:14

Here is quite probably the clearest explanation that I have read regarding the conceptual terms of PAYG SIMs as it relates to the SIM's active and dormant lifetimes, and a link to a top-up website for smaller markets ( which I had never heard of. I realize most here understood the finer nuances but this paragraph made it very clear for me and I feel better equipped to strategically keep my SIMs around in light of my various travel plans. It comes by way of Vodafone Romania

Each time you recharge your Prepaid Card, you receive 1 to 5 validity months to use your credit, depending on the recharged value. After the validity period expires, you will benefit from an extended period of 10 months (300 days) in which you can be called. You can recharge the prepaid card anytime through any of these methods:

Online from MyVodafone – you can log in your Vodafone account, top-up your prepaid card and pay with credit card from any place in the world.

With value cards
Electronic recharge
International recharge - through
Call *122# and find prepaid services created to help you keep in touch with friends and family outside Romania.

Mobile Devices:
  1. Samsung SM-N10A (Galaxy Note 4)
    LTE700 (B17), LTE850 (B5), LTE1700/2100 (B4), LTE2600 (B7), LTE1900 (B2), LTE700 (B12)
    GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850 {B5}, UMTS900 {B8}, UMTS1900 {B2}, UMTS2100 {B1}
  2. Samsung SGH-i777 (Galaxy S II)
    GSM850, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS850 {B5}, UMTS1900 {B2}, UMTS2100 {B1}

  1. US: ATT
  2. RO: VOD
  3. UK: VOD
  4. IT: WIND
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