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bbob (Offline)
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Default 07-05-2010, 20:13

Originally Posted by PaytooMobile View Post
I will appreciate a little more respect for a company old for 5 years, who pay his tax return since 2005, who have 10 peoples working in USA, 15 in Australia, 5 in France and 5 in Netherland, who made millions $ turn over since the beginning and who are profitable and despite all of his technicals or partners issues are still in Business and who just release the best product availlable in the market.

In this post I checked the status of the company as i't's said to be listed on the german stock exchange. Stock price seems to have dropped.

What is even more stange that on the stock exchange registered companies website there is no reference to any financial data. As far as I know public companies listed on the stock exchange should have this available. Also the stockprice seemed to have dropped to 0.01 for down form 2.5

Maybe you should also ask yourself why you are getting companies. If you write the best product available in the market you can wait for reactions.

Why would your product be the best in the market. Looking at prices no free incoming would not make your product the best in the market for me, maybe for others.

If you want to be taken serious don't say nice words just do what you say and than people will comment. So far we have only seen written statements no actual cards in use so for now there is nothing to test and nothing for you to say it's the best product.
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jeffg1998 (Offline)
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Default I Got My Paytoo Card Last Week - 07-05-2010, 23:47

I actually got my sim card last week along with the $25.00 balance that Yackie owed me.... so the cards do exist!

I have not tried it and am not planning on using it in the near future as I finished my last trip to Europe for awhile before the card came.

I emailed Vanessa at Paytoo and she stated that "for now" there is no inactivity fee. I hope Mr. "Paytoo" can confirm this. I'd hate to lose my balance after waiting 15 months to get the SIM card.
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GadgetKen (Offline)
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Thumbs up Test of Paytoo sim card - 08-05-2010, 04:52

OK, finally got to try out the new Paytoo sim card that I got in the mail earlier this week. Here's the review I promised.

So far a thumbs up on the new PayToo sim card offering.

The sim card came in a US Postal Service Priority Mail small cardboard package with a tracking label on it. Inside was a small plastic wrapped cardboard sleeve along with several instruction pamphlets in several languages, and a 2 page cover letter. The sim chip pops out of a plastic card that is a little smaller than I normally see, but the sim chip itself is normally sized. The plastic card has the phone number, PIN code and the PUK code on it.

Inserting it in my dual sim phone in Connecticut, USA, the chip authenticated after entering the 4 digit pin code (usual 3 try scheme before a PUK is required). It showed "Yackie Telecom" as the carrier although it was likely registering on AT&T based on signal strength. The AT&T MVNO chip I had in the other slot did boot a few seconds faster the first time I put the new chip in the phone, but boot up time was almost identical thereafter. Call out on the Paytoo sim card is always with a "00" prefix rather than "+" and the country code is always needed (in this case "1").

I tried a brief test call to my office voicemail. A brief message saying USSD or SMS message being sent showed in the display and then the phone almost immediately rang back afterwards(much faster than I normally see on a call-back sim). Voice quality was very good with a slight trace of white noise. Touchtone passthrough did work to enter the pin numbers for my office voicemail. The sim is definitely data enabled because the data indicator went active although I did not actually try this feature.

Billing appeared immediately on the PayToo website. It was billed as US$.51 for 42 seconds rounded up to 60 seconds, with is actually US$.06 cheaper than listed in their rate calculator. Also no connect charge was levied. While more expensive per minute than my AT&T/Jolt or T-Mobile/Tuyo prepaid sim cards (approximately US$.15/minute and US$.08 per minute respectively after discounts), this still would be competitively priced for visitors to the US than using postpaid gsm sims in roaming mode.

Primary usage will likely be in the non-US Caribbean to supplement other communication options including the competing e-kit simple calling sim card, a regional Digicel Bermuda sim card, Skype, and Iridium. First test will be in Bermuda starting on May 29th. Will see how stacks up against the Digicel card on price and call quality.

Phones/Wireless Devices: Doogee S90, Isatphone Pro, Amazon Kindle 3G, SkyRoam MiFi device, Karma MiFi device, AT&T Liberate MiFi device
Sim Cards: T-Mobile (Mint), AT&T (Mifi device or Kindle), Koko
Satphone: InMarSat
Broadband US Wireless Data: AT&T postpaid, Sprint (Karma Mobility prepaid)
Broadband International Data: SkyRoam
VOIP: Skype
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PaytooMobile (Offline)
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Default 08-05-2010, 09:09

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
In this post I checked the status of the company as i't's said to be listed on the german stock exchange. Stock price seems to have dropped.

What is even more stange that on the stock exchange registered companies website there is no reference to any financial data. As far as I know public companies listed on the stock exchange should have this available. Also the stockprice seemed to have dropped to 0.01 for down form 2.5

Maybe you should also ask yourself why you are getting companies. If you write the best product available in the market you can wait for reactions.

Why would your product be the best in the market. Looking at prices no free incoming would not make your product the best in the market for me, maybe for others.

If you want to be taken serious don't say nice words just do what you say and than people will comment. So far we have only seen written statements no actual cards in use so for now there is nothing to test and nothing for you to say it's the best product.
As the Market expert you seem to be, you have probably saw the fact we are on the Open Level market.....which doent have the same regulation

Regarding the stock market, we have been waitting to have the product released for doing our communication, and again, we dont have any volume, so the bid and ask have no value and it doesnt show the company cap market, and again, any personn can make an open order to buy at 1 cts , and this will Virtualy show this Price as the BID price, and until we have one real order, this is not the value of the stock, any way, when the stock will be back at 2 Euro, we will have this comversation again..

And we have allways offered to have an incoming fees at cost if possible than offering a free incoming BUT a surtaxed number at 2 EURO for receiving the call.......and i think we are right in this way

And as you said, before to make a comment, please wait to have a SIM in your hand, and not only the SIM as we offert a full suite of service

Have a great week end

Paytoo Mobile
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borjeg (Offline)
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Default 08-05-2010, 09:36

Originally Posted by PaytooMobile View Post
I will appreciate a little more respect for a company old for 5 years, who pay his tax return since 2005, who have 10 peoples working in USA, 15 in Australia, 5 in France and 5 in Netherland, who made millions $ turn over since the beginning and who are profitable and despite all of his technicals or partners issues are still in Business and who just release the best product availlable in the market.

You are talking about your personal interest in your company, and that is of very little interest for the customers. That's internal talk. Deal with your problems and shortcomings and stop whining! Hire consultants to help you with refocusing on the customers and to advice you with correcting your attitude problems.

I am talking about how you have been treating your customers, and that is of major interest.

Get your focus and priorities right! Without happy customers you are absolutely NOTHING.

When we deal with our clients, we do it only from THEIR point of view. We have stayed alive and healthy for 29 years now.
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PaytooMobile (Offline)
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Default 08-05-2010, 10:29

Originally Posted by borjeg View Post
You are talking about your personal interest in your company, and that is of very little interest for the customers. That's internal talk. Deal with your problems and shortcomings and stop whining! Hire consultants to help you with refocusing on the customers and to advice you with correcting your attitude problems.

I am talking about how you have been treating your customers, and that is of major interest.

Get your focus and priorities right! Without happy customers you are absolutely NOTHING.

When we deal with our clients, we do it only from THEIR point of view. We have stayed alive and healthy for 29 years now.
Again you are wrong, if we did not take seriusly our customer's interest we had closed the company and that's all.....and never worked to have the product live and to replace one year or more after the Iceland issue , the sim card with the old balance.....

This is a proof that we have the ressources to stay alive, and to have the volonty to clean the issue with our existing customers, and most of them have been keeped their trust in our company, abd was patient..

Again time will give us raison, and will see at the end of the day who will stay dtaund up and who will not.....

And despite the customer are very iportant, he is not allways right, the goal is to have most of them happy as you can not provide satisfaction to all of them.

Paytoo Mobile
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 08-05-2010, 17:00

Today my Paytoo SIM arrived, shipped from France. There is zero balance on it so i couldnt test much yet.

Edit: Update:

So here is the first test:
- the card registeres to Vodafone Germany.
- Balance check works, a SMS reply from a UK cellphone number says "your balance is 0.00$"
- Trying to make a call fails, no direct dial but also no callback arrives (guess cause of no balance)
- incoming calls dont work, when calling from my Telekom landline it says the number is unknown
- when trying to access the Paytoo menu (dial 756) my Nokia 1100 simply does a reset!
- the manuals are appearantly translated by google translate - the german manual is only to read for entertainment but you dont get a clue what it is about


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
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Last edited by dg7feq; 08-05-2010 at 17:28..
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borjeg (Offline)
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Default 08-05-2010, 18:46

Originally Posted by PaytooMobile View Post
Again you are wrong, if we did not take seriusly our customer's interest we had closed the company and that's all.....and never worked to have the product live and to replace one year or more after the Iceland issue , the sim card with the old balance.....

This is a proof that we have the ressources to stay alive, and to have the volonty to clean the issue with our existing customers, and most of them have been keeped their trust in our company, abd was patient..

Again time will give us raison, and will see at the end of the day who will stay dtaund up and who will not.....

And despite the customer are very iportant, he is not allways right, the goal is to have most of them happy as you can not provide satisfaction to all of them.
I wouldn't call it "taking it seriously" giving incorrect or no answer to customers for about a year. Your internal problems are of absolutely no interest to the customers. You are making a fundamental error here!

And, of course, customers aren't allways right, why do you even discuss it in this thread? What gave you that idea?

Yes, of course, time will tell. Most of your former clients have given up on you, so you will have to start all over again with new ones. That is much more expensive than taking care of the old ones.

I wish you the best of luck with your new company products, but it is absolutely necessary for you work even harder with your attitude problems. You are not supposed to force your internal problems onto your clients. You are suppose to please them.

We have survived 29 years of hard competition and ups and downs in the international economy. We wouldn't have lasted even one year if we didn't have the right focus; the well-beeing of our customers.
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PaytooMobile (Offline)
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Default 09-05-2010, 06:48

Originally Posted by borjeg View Post
I wouldn't call it "taking it seriously" giving incorrect or no answer to customers for about a year. Your internal problems are of absolutely no interest to the customers. You are making a fundamental error here!

And, of course, customers aren't allways right, why do you even discuss it in this thread? What gave you that idea?

Yes, of course, time will tell. Most of your former clients have given up on you, so you will have to start all over again with new ones. That is much more expensive than taking care of the old ones.

I wish you the best of luck with your new company products, but it is absolutely necessary for you work even harder with your attitude problems. You are not supposed to force your internal problems onto your clients. You are suppose to please them.

We have survived 29 years of hard competition and ups and downs in the international economy. We wouldn't have lasted even one year if we didn't have the right focus; the well-beeing of our customers.

As i think we will never make you happy, whatever decisions we may take, i dont see why you would like to have a new sim, so i think that the best is to refund your old balance. and to whiching you good luke with the other suppliers, who will give you a better service and product for sure

So please tell us at how you want to receive your refund

Have a great Sunday



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PaytooMobile (Offline)
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Default 09-05-2010, 06:52

Edit: Update:

So here is the first test:
- the card registeres to Vodafone Germany.
- Balance check works, a SMS reply from a UK cellphone number says "your balance is 0.00$"
- Trying to make a call fails, no direct dial but also no callback arrives (guess cause of no balance)
- incoming calls dont work, when calling from my Telekom landline it says the number is unknown
- when trying to access the Paytoo menu (dial 756) my Nokia 1100 simply does a reset!

Can you access to the SIM application by the regular way, which is to find it throught the applications? the 746 is a USSD request, and it's interesting to know that the nokia 1100 have a problem with that,

- the manuals are appearantly translated by google translate - the german manual is only to read for entertainment but you dont get a clue what it is about

WHich is creasy because the translation was made by a German translator...
Very sorry for that, we will correct for the next print


Paytoo Mobile
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