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CellRider (Offline)
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Default Is there hope? - 23-03-2009, 14:45

As of this morning Maxroam's web-site is down for an upgrade. Maybe the changes promised are finally going to happen!

Application Offline is currently offline for a major upgrade.

This upgrade is essential to continue to provide you with the world class service you have come to expect from MAXroam.

This upgrade is scheduled for completion at 21:00 GMT Monday 23 March 2009.

If you have any queries during this time, please contact or call us on +353 21 425 0658.

The MAXroam Team
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adam917 (Offline)
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Default 23-03-2009, 20:03

Originally Posted by andy View Post
A Euro for 10 seconds? No, presumably the minimum charge is longer. Over a year ago, they were hoping for 15 cents in the near future.

I'm interested to hear that they are the first network in the world to have affordable prepaid data. Though I'm slightly sceptical that it will be more affordable in 100k steps than using my home network which for years has been aggregating it in fractions of k at a time. And other global SIMs have smaller steps, without a new SIM needed, as announced recently. I suppose it depends on the price ...

I'm also interested to hear about their excellent feedback from many customers about the new SIM card. The last person I asked said that the old one is still working, hadn't been aware of a new one, and hasn't replied to my news that it may have a number from a different country.
That's what I wondered about. For now, most of my data use is on a BlackBerry which consumes data in little bits at a time. My operator, T-Mobile USA, counts data in chunks of just 1 KB. It seems many European operators don't do that and charge in chunks as high as 10, 100, or even 333 KB. The extra 'slack' data can really add up if use is not on the high, continuous side.

I am assuming you were talking about Celtrek when it came to offering affordable pre-paid data? I'm guessing that YouTube video from a year ago still hasn't panned out.

My eKit SIM charges more than even my Mobal World SIM for data thanks to the 100 KB minimum charge and higher data charges depending on where you are.
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 24-03-2009, 08:44

Originally Posted by Grampa View Post
The card hasn't come yet, but I'll post when I know. The old MAXRoam card had a very long list of places it would forward to for free, as well as a long list of DIDs you could choose. I was even able to forward to my (cellular) UM card for free.

I have two cards. I was able to set them up so that a friend in the US and his parents in Europe could call back and forth to each other for free. Because the credits didn't expire, this was a great use for the cards when I wasn't traveling.

I've been trying to get information on these features in the new card ever since the old cards died. If MAXRoam continues to support these features, it is worth keeping the cards alive. If not, I think I'm done with prepaid roaming cards.
Do you really believe a provider can keep up allowing to make free call and free forwards if you don't use the card. I can only assume that their system did not really work. You could use a did number and forward that for free to a cellphone. As a company you can never make money on this.

Sure you will support maxroam if they continue to offer these features but be realistic do you really think they can do this and make money. They need some money to stay alive.
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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 24-03-2009, 20:59

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
Do you really believe a provider can keep up allowing to make free call and free forwards if you don't use the card. I can only assume that their system did not really work. You could use a did number and forward that for free to a cellphone. As a company you can never make money on this.

Sure you will support maxroam if they continue to offer these features but be realistic do you really think they can do this and make money. They need some money to stay alive.
I didn't say it was a good business plan. I said their forwarding feature was a great way to use the card between travels (when traveling, I do use the card -- or did).

The reason I'm giving up on prepaid cards is not because MAXRoam might drop this feature. It's because the entire industry seems to be falling apart, and I don't want to take the risk of prepaying for something that has a good chance of not being available when I need it.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2009, 10:04

It looks like the new MaxRoam website is available now with more countries added (mostly Aran countries) and it looks like that have kept alive the free forwarding features to fixed lines in 50 countries. The rates has also slightly changed (mostly improved). I tried support with 4 questions and received theor feedback in 2 days and sim and credit have no expiry date.
Has any received the new card?

Originally Posted by Grampa View Post
I didn't say it was a good business plan. I said their forwarding feature was a great way to use the card between travels (when traveling, I do use the card -- or did).

The reason I'm giving up on prepaid cards is not because MAXRoam might drop this feature. It's because the entire industry seems to be falling apart, and I don't want to take the risk of prepaying for something that has a good chance of not being available when I need it.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2009, 10:33

Rates seem decent and as you say, they have finally added some of the Arab countrys that were missing! Am off to Bahrain in a weeks time. Let's hope they manage to ship my card to me by then!
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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2009, 22:04

I am out of town now. There is a good chance my cards have been delivered, but I won't know until I return.
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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2009, 22:19

I did just try to set forwarding using the web interface, but it would not take. Perhaps I need to use the card once before forwarding will work. Unfortunately I won't be able to do that for a while.
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Grampa (Offline)
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Default 29-03-2009, 04:20

My MAXRoam cards arrived, but like others, I found that they are not working properly. Inbound rings to the Belgium number, but not to my US DID. Outbound works only with the *182* code. Forwarding does not appear to work for either the Belgium number or the US number, irrespective of whether I use the website or the phone to implement the forwarding. I have a support ticket in.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 29-03-2009, 08:22


did you try also to check if on outbound calls the caller ID is passed on.

Originally Posted by Grampa View Post
My MAXRoam cards arrived, but like others, I found that they are not working properly. Inbound rings to the Belgium number, but not to my US DID. Outbound works only with the *182* code. Forwarding does not appear to work for either the Belgium number or the US number, irrespective of whether I use the website or the phone to implement the forwarding. I have a support ticket in.
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