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snidely (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 07:32

Has anyone here heard of or used: ?

It appears you can choose either a U.S., French, or UK number.
Their rates for outgoing seem reasonable and claim they can be used in 160 countries. Who are they and how does this all work. It appears that outgoing calls make use of a callback system like United Mobile. How can they issue numbers from 3 dif. countries?


Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 08:30

The service looks like a VOIP service rather than a mobile service. Yahoo took over the old dialpad service. It is my understanding that since they took it over, you lost the ability to connect via sip and could only connect via their proprietary software. While it is not a bad offer, take a look at,, and voipdiscount before leaping. For many people this is a better offer.
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sec (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 08:37

I see no free incoming calls... presumably not even in the country "adopted" (i.e. the prefix that you have chosen: US, UK, France "or any other number from our list of available numbers" (???))

My Phones: Nokia 6230 - Nec N343i - Nokia 6230i
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Prepaid Sims: WORLWIDE: Riiing, UM+ - IT: Voda, Wind
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sec (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 09:00

Effendi/AndreA: don't you think it could be useful to have a post (maybe pinned) containing just a list of all the international prepaid sim offers on the internet? There seem to be so many new ones coming up e.g. yackiemobile or just - a google ad on prepaidgsm - mentioned by Przemolog earlier this month - but I had to "search" the forum to find out it had been already spotted.

My Phones: Nokia 6230 - Nec N343i - Nokia 6230i
My Sims: Wind IT prepaid (+ Voda IT postpaid corporate phone)
Prepaid Sims: WORLWIDE: Riiing, UM+ - IT: Voda, Wind
Deceased Sims: WORLWIDE: Hop - NZ: Vodafone - FR: Bouygues - IT: H3G - US: T-Mobile
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 10:01

Originally Posted by sec
Effendi/AndreA: don't you think it could be useful to have a post (maybe pinned) containing just a list of all the international prepaid sim offers on the internet? There seem to be so many new ones coming up e.g. yackiemobile or just - a google ad on prepaidgsm - mentioned by Przemolog earlier this month - but I had to "search" the forum to find out it had been already spotted.
Yes, I was thinking about almost the same (restricted to very numeruous Manx sims only). I agree it's an excelllent idea - it's getting really a lot of this stuff . I also think that the list should contain also rebranded SIMs with the same rates (like e.g. Eco World which is in fact a relabelled UM).

As to Yackiemobile itself, my first impressions:
1) It seems to be the first international SIM to beat the Hop rates in the USA and Canada (especially on incoming calls) - but not in Cuba and India :P
2) The coverage seems to be similar to 09 but there's also a roaming with something named "Satellite communication B" ??? :unsure:
3) The description of the menu based calling and compatibility nakes me think that it uses UM/09 technoiogy rather than "Manx" one
4) I think that there must be a separate SMS number - I doubt if SMSes can be forwarded from "official" landline numbers to a "real" SIM number :unsure:
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 10:14

Originally Posted by sec
Effendi/AndreA: don't you think it could be useful to have a post (maybe pinned) containing just a list of all the international prepaid sim offers on the internet? There seem to be so many new ones coming up e.g. yackiemobile or just - a google ad on prepaidgsm - mentioned by Przemolog earlier this month - but I had to "search" the forum to find out it had been already spotted.
It's a good idea, no problem, but everybody can start that thread and then we can just put it stiky on this forum... I mean, I'm a little busy these days, so if you want to start the hard job...

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 13:59

i just tried to call one of their french numbers that appear in the ordering list to find out if its a mobile or landline number. It picks up at once and plays music (at the moment something from Genesis)

As the numbers they are offering are really landlines (checked the number range) the incoming call costs of 24 us-cent can only be used to cover the forwarding costs of the virtual sim-card numbers.

In total i think they have a good offer.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 14:49

Originally Posted by dg7feq
As the numbers they are offering are really landlines (checked the number range) the incoming call costs of 24 us-cent can only be used to cover the forwarding costs of the virtual sim-card numbers.
So, you think that if you called a "real" SIM number instead of US/UK/FR landline forwarding number, the incoming call would be free (at least in countries with 24 cents inbound rate - there are some more expensive!)
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 15:18

Originally Posted by Przemolog
So, you think that if you called a "real" SIM number instead of US/UK/FR landline forwarding number, the incoming call would be free (at least in countries with 24 cents inbound rate - there are some more expensive!)
Well, they could do it for free but i guess they wont.

i just found sth interesting in the user guide:

"Incoming Call:

* There are two options to receive calls:
o Via land line
o Via your homeland GSM by using "divert calls" feature from your land line number.
* When the phone rings, answer it normally by pressing "send."
* When caller ID is activated, press #1 to receive the call.
* To activate caller ID service, contact Yackie Mobile Support: *606 From Yackie Mobile SIM."

That makes it look very suspicious again.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
Phones: Huawei Mate7, Huawei P9
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2006, 15:53

Originally Posted by dg7feq
Well, they could do it for free but i guess they wont.
If they do, it might mean free incoming calls in US and Canada .

Originally Posted by dg7feq
i just found sth interesting in the user guide:
"Incoming Call:

* There are two options to receive calls:
o Via land line
o Via your homeland GSM by using "divert calls" feature from your land line number.
* When the phone rings, answer it normally by pressing "send."
* When caller ID is activated, press #1 to receive the call.
* To activate caller ID service, contact Yackie Mobile Support: *606 From Yackie Mobile SIM."

That makes it look very suspicious again.
"Via your homeland GSM by using "divert calls" feature from your land line number."
Suspicious or not - I don't understand it

I would say ""Via your homeland GSM by using "divert calls" feature TO your land line YACKIEMOBILE number.". If I could divert incoming calls from my "regular" mobile phone to Yackie, this might make any sense :unsure:
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