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saren (Offline)
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Default Video cables connecting laptop to big screen TV - 19-11-2008, 19:04

Video cables connecting laptop to big screen TV

I am looking for a cable to buy that allows me to watch AVI/MPG files (running on my laptop) on different Big screen TV''s. I know there are S-VIDEO cables, and VGA cables for sale, but what's the difference? Also, do I need any software, like a CD with drivers? Or is just a matter of connecting the cable, and fine tuning the monitor/LCD resolution settings on my Dell Inspiron 8600 laptop? Which configurations are necessary? I am running XP. I'm also streaming a lot of video (so the videos are not always on my hardrive when they're playing). I hope it's not an issue.


How much are these cables in Europe?
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 20-11-2008, 01:23

Most laptops (that I've seen) have only a VGA output connector. You can easily get adaptors to break out the RGB signals for devices that have separate RGB cables. I'm not so sure about S-Video. I think the answer will be highly dependent on what inputs your TV has.
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bylo (Offline)
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Default 20-11-2008, 14:45

If you have an S-Video output on your notebook then you could connect to S-Video on the TV. But remember that is just video. You will also need an audio cable, probably something that goes from a standard headphone jack to RCA.

VGA to VGA will also work in case the TV lacks VGA input. Again, remember the audio cable.

I would get the cables and test everything out before leaving for Europe. You can get S-Video and audio cables heer inexpensively at most dollar stores.

The user guide for your notebook should also explain what your options are and what settings, e.g. screen resolution, you need to make this work.

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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 20-11-2008, 16:47

Note that SVideo Out will only give you SDTV resolution. It can be quite watchable (I wouldn't want to web surf at that resolution, but watching videos in full screen mode is quite acceptable, especially if they were of decent resolution to start with).

If your computer has HDMI out and you have a high definition television, you're golden, particularly if your TV does 1080P. You can run your computer at your TV's native resolution and get a really sharp picture.

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