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EllasDevil (Offline)
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Default Does the area code make any difference...? - 20-09-2007, 11:03

Hi guys,

I currently have a T-Mobile to go sim card with a 407 area code (Kissimmee FL) which I use when I go to the States.

I'm going to let a family member take this sim card with them when they go to the states next month. They'll visit Los Angeles, Hawaii, San Fransisco and Las Vegas before returning home.

Then as they come back, I'll be going to Los Angeles for a week.

Firstly, will the T-Mobile to go service work in all the places I named above, I assume it'll be fine in CA but I wondered about Hawaii, with it being so far off the coast of mainland USA, are there any extra charges incured by using the T-Mobile to go service there?

Finally, the area code. Does it make any difference that the phone will have a FL area code when using it in CA? Will there be any domestic roaming costs? Will I still have the same level of service? What dis-advantages are there to having a non local area code? The reason I'm asking was that if there would be a problem, I figured I'd call T-Mobile and change the area code to one that corresponds with Los Angeles.
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default should fly! - 20-09-2007, 13:53

Originally Posted by EllasDevil View Post
Hi guys,

I currently have a T-Mobile to go sim card with a 407 area code (Kissimmee FL) which I use when I go to the States.

I'm going to let a family member take this sim card with them when they go to the states next month. They'll visit Los Angeles, Hawaii, San Fransisco and Las Vegas before returning home.

Then as they come back, I'll be going to Los Angeles for a week.

Firstly, will the T-Mobile to go service work in all the places I named above, I assume it'll be fine in CA but I wondered about Hawaii, with it being so far off the coast of mainland USA, are there any extra charges incured by using the T-Mobile to go service there?

Finally, the area code. Does it make any difference that the phone will have a FL area code when using it in CA? Will there be any domestic roaming costs? Will I still have the same level of service? What dis-advantages are there to having a non local area code? The reason I'm asking was that if there would be a problem, I figured I'd call T-Mobile and change the area code to one that corresponds with Los Angeles.
Should be no problems in LA, Vegas or SFran. Check the TO GO service map on HI. Since the AREA CODE is 407, the only question would be SERVICE availability. I suspect coverage outside main cities or tourist areas is non-existent.

There should be no roaming charges on the mainland and I would also thing the same for HI. Just 10 cents a minute in and out if you are gold rewards.

Anyone calling the 407 phone from a landline will incur LD charges. That would be the disadvantage. From mobiles it should make no difference.
I live in AREA CODE 804 and got my son an 818 (N Hollywood CA) prepaid with T-MO. He kept that for the longest time. He WANTED to keep it being Hollywood!

If you are going to live in LA longer than 30 days and have friends there, you might want to change area codes. As you see, my son did not want to change and had 818 for ~ 3 years.

Bon voyage.


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