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phunt (Offline)
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Default TIM airtime costs - 07-05-2007, 00:38

Hi, I'm debating whether to setup a account or purchase a calling card to use in Italy with TIM for calling the USA from my GSM phone while we vacation in Italy (we be in the Dolomites and often will not have landline phone access, I know that would be cheaper than using TIM). From what I've read here, you can do this but have to pay "airtime" for the call. So I have 2 questions:

1) Is is possible to use a calling card like this?
2) If so, what would the TIM cost be to dial an Italian calling card number, i.e. what is the airtime cost to call a toll free number? (I tried to figure this out from the TIM rate page but it was not obvious how this would be charged)

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newbornin2k (Offline)
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Default 07-05-2007, 09:51

If it's a toll-free number (which begins with 800...) the cost will be zero.
Please note that some toll-free numbers are accessible only from landline (not from mobile phone); before buying, check whether there are specific restrictions to the calling card.
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 07-05-2007, 13:45

You'll probably have to call a geographic Italian number in order to use the calling card with a mobile phone... so the rate will be the same as to any Italian landline.

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