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patphelan (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2010, 22:43

Well Andy
you know what they say about assumptions
I will again REITERATE Cubic Telecom is now a licensed "Mobile Network Operator"
I hope this makes it clear enough for anyone who has been following this string.

Pat Phelan
6310i to Nexus and all in between
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andy (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2010, 23:04

Originally Posted by patphelan View Post
Well Andy
you know what they say about assumptions
I will again REITERATE Cubic Telecom is now a licensed "Mobile Network Operator"
I hope this makes it clear enough for anyone who has been following this string.
In which territory is your main network operating, and which regulatory body issued these licences and let the frequencies?

Ireland? USA? United Kingdom? Liechtenstein? Jersey?

How is it that you are using numbers allocated to another network, rather than your own?
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patphelan (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2010, 23:16

Our licence is mainland Europe
we are using MSISDN'S from multiple countries, we just decided to start with the UK, we will add mutiple numbers over the next few months
we also supply DIDS from 66 countries
Why do I feel we are always on trial here Andy

Pat Phelan
6310i to Nexus and all in between
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andy (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2010, 23:30

So these would be arrangements with a series of MNOs to use their identities?

I think some people would be interested to see a UK MSISDN. Can you give an idea when it will become available?

And will you be using BASE or Mobistar for a Belgian ID, or is it too soon to say?
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John-CallKey (Offline)
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Default 29-06-2010, 10:10

Originally Posted by patphelan View Post
Now you know why I hate joining in here, I think we are all aware of people with multiple accounts in here hiding their real face.
Our product is not Callkey rebranded or any other rebranding I am sure any one of the O Preys who are on here can confirm this
Cubic Telecom is now a fully licensed MNO
Not sure where the above pricing arises but if you want to check the below link
250 minutes with no callback in 43 countries with full 3G/HSDPA for €79 is pretty awesome value.
my email is above, if anyone wants a test card (they can check the IMSE themselves then , drop me a line but thats it for me.
thanks for taking the time
I can categorically confirm that Pat is correct and MaxRoam are not using the CallKey platform.


John O'Prey

CoSpeed / CallKey
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grtvndrvlk (Offline)
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Default 29-06-2010, 13:42

Originally Posted by patphelan View Post
I will again REITERATE Cubic Telecom is now a licensed "Mobile Network Operator"
I hope this makes it clear enough for anyone who has been following this string.
I sent a series of emails to most European telecommunication authorities, GSM Association and a few carriers linking to this thread.
I'll post my findings as they come along.

Here is the list of Mobile Network Operators in Europe as of June 28th 2010.
List of mobile network operators of Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 02-07-2010, 09:34

Originally Posted by patphelan View Post
I forget to mention above
NO CALLBACK in over 100 countries
We dont like old technologies here at MAXROAM
All our SIM cards are 3G/HSDPA
Ok here we go again. You don't like old technology meaning other companies are using outdated technology.

Sometimes old technology seems to work very well and the old callback type sims still offer some better rates. But wait if you are modern you just have to pay more, that's part of being modern.

Your roaming rates for eu are not impressive at all. Maximum call rate set by the eu is 0.39 euro without vat. You are at that level, don't know if this is with or without vat. Even regular local sims have the simular or even lower rates.

USA roaming 0.99 euro per minute incoming. some of these old callback type sims have free USA roaming. So a no go for your sim when used in the USA.

Same for some other countries, south africa, huge incoming ekit is free for example.

some other your rates can compete so it all depens on countries but in gernral I am not impressed with your offer.

You have changed platforms before in the past, probably to offer user the best technology everytime

You are offering 66 DID for different countires, not impresses there are many companies that can do this. Everyone can become a reseller for these voip companies. Most of these overcharge these voip numbers anyhow.
Germany you can get voip for free, Netherland 10 euro per year. You start at 3 euro per month and up. so again not impressed here.

The last thing I don't understand is you have a uk number and charge for incoming calls in the uk even if you are in the uk.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-07-2010, 10:07

Originally Posted by grtvndrvlk View Post
I sent a series of emails to most European telecommunication authorities, GSM Association and a few carriers linking to this thread.
I'll post my findings as they come along.
Gert, are you here on the attack? What exactly is your objective in sending these emails? If it is to merely discredit MaxRoam, then I can say that most members here are not interested in your personal war with them.

Here is the list of Mobile Network Operators in Europe as of June 28th 2010.
List of mobile network operators of Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That Wikipedia list is by no means comprehensive. It is missing plenty of MVNO's.
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patphelan (Offline)
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Default 02-07-2010, 14:16

Thank you Petkow
I appreciate your message
we have tried to engage here on numerous occasions, I find it at times to be full of so called "experts"
We do fine and we will continue to do fine
We have consistently advanced our offerings and our technologies and have never left 1 customers without 1 cent unlike many others including ones that used to sponsor this forum
We have never not engaged even under this constant pressure/"Harassment"
I am SURE one of the other "experts" will reply to this email THOUGH I would rather they not
Have a great weekend

Pat Phelan
6310i to Nexus and all in between
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123456 (Offline)
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Default 02-07-2010, 15:10

Yesterday i met a friend who recently bought a new Global SIM card from Maxroam.
Some facts i noticed about the SIM:
- In Holland it only roams on Vodafone, not on KPN or T-Mobile.
- The UK phone number (dial *123#) starts with +44793 (Jersey)
- The number on the SIM starts with 89423 (Liechtenstein)
- The phone says that Vodafone NL is its 'home' network
- The SMSC also seems to be at Vodafone NL
So all in all it's rather an original combination!
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