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prion (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2006, 06:32

Does anyone have any idea whether it is possible to dial freephone numbers in Hungary(06800), Czech Republic (800) or Austria (0800) from mobiles and if they are charged;

Generally it would be a nice idea to compile a list of european mobile operators that allow freephone numbers for free (even not all at least some).

What do you say;
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2006, 10:58

Originally Posted by prion
Does anyone have any idea whether it is possible to dial freephone numbers in Hungary(06800), Czech Republic (800) or Austria (0800) from mobiles and if they are charged;

Generally it would be a nice idea to compile a list of european mobile operators that allow freephone numbers for free (even not all at least some).

What do you say;
Great idea. And don't forget 00800/+800 - international toll free. It's not so obvious either as I showed on the example of Poland
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andy (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2006, 12:28

This was once available on a certain networks website, but as I didn't foresee them removing it I never saved it offline.

I posted a query here about this quite a while ago, then a saved list of countries but not networks. In some countries some but not all networks allow this, and some on contracts but not prepaid. I'll find my old post and edit this

In UK, no networks have free 0800 calls. On postpaid or prepaid inclusive bundles some count it from inclusive minutes, some charge extra. On O2 (and maybe Vodafone?) you dial the number without the leading 0. There is a callthrough number 02002220700 that is useful to reach 0800 as an ordinary number. Rather strangely, I discovered that int'l 00800 numbers are free on my O2 contract, and wasted time trying to find a calling card with reasonable rates.

And in many places, calling card access numbers are either barred or have their own higher tariffs from mobile or callboxes, depending whether they want to pay up I suppose. Netherlands is pretty strict on this and Germany difficult.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2006, 13:53

Originally Posted by prion
Does anyone have any idea whether it is possible to dial freephone numbers in Hungary(06800), Czech Republic (800) or Austria (0800) from mobiles and if they are charged;

Generally it would be a nice idea to compile a list of european mobile operators that allow freephone numbers for free (even not all at least some).

What do you say;
In germany 0800-Numbers are free to call from any phone including mobiles.
+800 is charged by e-plus, i dont know for the others as i dont have a number to test.

The owner of the 0800-Number can decide if they allow connectivity to their number from mobiles or payphones. If they dont want to cover the charges you get a free announcement that this number is restricted to landlines.

Calling cards charge about 20ct/min surcharge if called from mobiles or payphones to cover the higher connectivity-costs.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
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prion (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2006, 16:00

Netherlands iis indeed very strict on dialing these numbers even from payphones. I tried CBW, nobelcom and none worked from payphones.

In Greece no freephone number can be dialed from any mobile.

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andy (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2006, 20:20

This was the old thread
These are some countries I suspect of free 0800 or equivalent. Some free on all, some only one or two - B,D,DK,SF,I,IRL,HR,LV,LT,NL,CH,E,CZ
- still in German alpabetical order, as I copied it from the FL1 website

Perhaps this didn't get pursued much as our discoveries about other callback with Riiing shortly followed that
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 07-07-2006, 10:17


Try and see if you can find your defunct web page there.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 07-07-2006, 10:44

Originally Posted by Stu

Try and see if you can find your defunct web page there.
Thank you - that is impressive.

To begin with, I was a bit sceptical on reading that, as the same link is still active with a newer version (fortunately I never deleted it from Favourites), but ........*/%20http://www...roaming_li.html

There are 10 versions cached; I didn't study them all, but the most recent Feb 2005 is what I remember (an earlier one looks similar), and quite a few of the links (not all networks) in it work as well; some give a message "Sorry, we can't find the archived version of this page" and suggest another search

On the individual network links, there is often (not always) a line about freephone calls, such as "0800 Service - immer " - immer = always
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