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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 27-05-2006, 00:56

Its hard to beleive, there are people who would rather pick up the phone and order something rather than deal with the web

And while in theory every SIM should work in every phone, having one place to complain if there is a problem is worth it to some people. After all, that's how IBM stayed in business all those years ago.

I bought my Swiss SIM from them because I needed it a fixed amount of time (i.e. before I left). It took me nearly a month to get my Riiing SIM from that guy in Germany on eBay. The guy stopped answering my emails after a while (I was being a pest). Being able to call somebody, get a tracking number, etc. etc. has a value -- and a cost.

And they are much less a rip off then those folks who rent you an old phone for more than you buy it

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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khalisha (Offline)
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Default 10-06-2006, 12:55

Hi everyone. I wanted to weigh in on this discussion as well. Telestial is criminally expensive. Last year I talked to the owner, Ken Grunski, about buying SIM cards wholesale to sell to students. The wholesale prices were only $1 or $2 dollars lower than the retail prices, and, in some cases, they were much higher!

Needless to say, I didn't pursue that option. I still launched my company, Zengo Wireless, to provide affordable SIM cards to students. While it's true that there are a lot of costs associated with importing the SIM cards (in addition to wholesale rates not being as great as they could be), it is unfortunate that some businesses seek to rob people blind by charging customers 2-3 times more than the value of the SIM card and the old phones they sell. (And, to be honest, that is what motivated me to start Zengo Wireless.)

Not being able to find a reliable wholesaler of country specific SIM cards meant that we had to start smaller than we had originally intended (we currently sell the United Mobile SIM and the brand new Motorola v190 (quad band GSM)).

We'd like to try to expand to country specific cards (and maybe some of the other international sim offerings). We're looking for reliable SIM card wholesalers in the UK, Spain, France, and Italy, if you know of any.

Zengo Wireless
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