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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 18:51

So, now I am in Holland, I can receive calls with my riiing card, but Icannot dial out. I was in US last week and had a similar problem. I get the first call back, the riiing call back and a message that says,

the number you are calling is invalid, or cannot be reached?

now, the same thing is happening to me here in Holland, I don't even get my callback callback, or even when I just try to dial and pay, it just says, the number you are calling is invalid.

I know there is about 7 euro on the card, is that too low?
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 18:55

Are you trying to use a callback service such as cbw and/or enlinea to make your calls? If so , it wouldn't surprise me. This is an ongoing problem with cbw and/or enlinea and while others think not, I wonder if the local network you are roaming on has something to do with this as they see it that you are depriving them of income for their grossly overpriced international calls....or maybe it's just one of those down periods that seem to constantly plague cbw and/or enlinea.
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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 20:15

so, yes and no.

I have tried it using the callback, enlinea or CBW, but it is the FIRST call back from Riiing that is not even working. I have tried just calling my home in USA, and even THAT call rings back and says, the call cannot be completed, number is invalid, or whatnot.

same was true in USA last week.

Is there a riiiing problem, or better way to reach riiing.

and, does anyone else here think the UM site is really crappy? I mean, very hard to find any info, or what are the ZONES, and costs?
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pschi (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 20:43

Originally Posted by tivoboy
so, yes and no.

I have tried it using the callback, enlinea or CBW, but it is the FIRST call back from Riiing that is not even working. I have tried just calling my home in USA, and even THAT call rings back and says, the call cannot be completed, number is invalid, or whatnot.

same was true in USA last week.

Is there a riiiing problem, or better way to reach riiing.

and, does anyone else here think the UM site is really crappy? I mean, very hard to find any info, or what are the ZONES, and costs?
+65 is Singapore ...
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 20:49

Maybe that's it...when using riiing and calling the US, you have to dial +1 650 xxx xxxx.....and that could be why you're not reaching cbw.
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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2005, 21:14

I didn't have to do that in china, but maybe that is it?
I'll try it

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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 21-12-2005, 06:33

A data point: I was using Riiing in Antwerpen this same time period (Fri thru Mon), both directly and with CBW and I had no problems. So it may have been carrier related.

I didn't have internet access or I would have posted this sooner.

Last summer, I had a similar problem in Germany -- I was having problems woth errors when trying to enter a number to CBW (after the callback). I went to manual selection of the network, chose a different one, and it worked. Could have been a coincidence. (And no, I don't remember which one worked and which didn't)

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 25-12-2005, 15:20

Well, cannot call again in tanzania?

question, now I am in tanzania. The problem is that I am getting the call
back, from riiing, but it says. This number is disconnected, or invalid?

To call a number in the states, Ihave tried +1, 650, xxxxxxx, or
+650.XXX.XXXX or +001,650,XXX,XXXX

any suggestions? I can RECEIVE calls, but not initiate them.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 25-12-2005, 17:47

Originally Posted by tivoboy
Well, cannot call again in tanzania?

question, now I am in tanzania. The problem is that I am getting the call
back, from riiing, but it says. This number is disconnected, or invalid?

To call a number in the states, Ihave tried +1, 650, xxxxxxx, or
+650.XXX.XXXX or +001,650,XXX,XXXX

any suggestions? I can RECEIVE calls, but not initiate them.
As to the number format, +1 650 xxxxxxx is valid for calls from Riiing. It's possible that 001 650 xxxxxxx might work as well since '00' is an 'international dialing code' from many European countries. The two other formats which you have tried are IMHO invalid.

Another question - how do you dial the number you want to call?
Is it "regular" dialing or you use "menu based calling" via "Call/Anrufen" menu?
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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 26-12-2005, 14:31

yes, I am using the menu based calling, I haven't been able to use regular calling anywhere.

I have tried +1, +001, haven't tried +00, will try that.

I only have 5 euro on the card, anyone experience problems with calling with very low balances?
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