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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 20-05-2019, 13:55


Originally Posted by kctopitz View Post
Received crypto currency spam PM from user PYRobert.

There should really be a way to report these messages from the inbox.
Same user "PYRobert" here. He's spamming for Bitcoin Investments.

Try to get back it from the waste bin and send it to effendi

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colin_thames (Offline)
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Default 21-05-2019, 15:31

Same user is spamming me. Is it possible to stop people PM'ing ALL? If they had to PM each user individually they'd soon stop. Or maybe upgrade v Bulletin!

From Wikipedia: "[v Bulletin 3] was launched in 2004. In July 2010, the BBC reported that there was a serious flaw in vBulletin software that allows anyone to easily access the database username and password. vBulletin 5 was released in 2012. In late 2017, a post by Technical Support Lead, Wayne Luke, confirmed that vBulletin 3 was now considered to be 'End of Life' software, with no further development of the series planned."

In the meanwhile I'd recommend everyone change their password, especially if they use it elsewhere.
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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 21-05-2019, 15:37

this is the other side of "older" Software. But we should be glad, that Effendi and his Team is running this board, with a lot of valuable Information.

If I get spam E-Mail oder spam Mail inside this Forum, both is not Optimum, but I don't bother, just click at "delete".

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 24-05-2019, 12:57

Hi guys,
I banned these spammers.
I also blocked all PM system for normal "members", including all of you. But all members with at least 10 messages on the board will be moved automatically to the "Verified Members" group, which can use PMs. But I think you all need to post at least 1 new post in order to receive the "upgrade". I'm sorry for all this mess, I hope it will help.

You are perfectly right that I should update the whole platform. Also the website is totally outdated and mostly useless these days. Unfortunately I don't have the free time I had in the past and I nearly abandoned this website. And I'm very sorry for that. But the forum has some very valuable information and it would be a pity to close it.

A new vBulletin is quite expensive and I don't have the time to customize it like I did with this old version. I'll do my best to update as soon as possible.

Again sorry for all the problems you are facing on this website.


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bylo (Offline)
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Thumbs up 24-05-2019, 18:52

Originally Posted by Effendi View Post
You are perfectly right that I should update the whole platform. Also the website is totally outdated and mostly useless these days. Unfortunately I don't have the free time I had in the past and I nearly abandoned this website. And I'm very sorry for that. But the forum has some very valuable information and it would be a pity to close it.

A new vBulletin is quite expensive and I don't have the time to customize it like I did with this old version. I'll do my best to update as soon as possible.

Again sorry for all the problems you are facing on this website.
Thanks for the update Carlo. There is no need to apologize. To the contrary we all owe you our heartfelt thanks for continuing to make this valuable resource available.

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kctopitz (Offline)
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Default 02-08-2019, 11:14

Originally Posted by Shermanclogs View Post
I have been getting a lot of OOPS, this link appears to be broken responses lately, and not just from this site. Im just trying to find some commonality. Anyone else getting this? Not just for this site?

Im using IE 7.
Any insight would be appreciated
You're using a browser which is so outdated I can only guess that you're still using Windows XP, which is no longer supported and no longer receiving security updates. You shouldn't be using either to access the internet, and any problems you're getting (and I'm sure there will be more) are a result of this. If you can't afford a new computer, I highly suggest installing Linux (an alternative operating system) and using that to access the internet. Lubuntu is a version of Linux designed to run on older computers.

The above said, this is totally off-topic. This isn't the place to discuss your computer problems. I'd advise seeking help from someone locally if you need it.
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