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tiistai (Offline)
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Exclamation Which SIM card should I get? - 04-05-2016, 17:06

Ok, the most useless thread, but I'm so tried of trying to find out which SIM meets my needs.

I'm going to Elba for several monts - maybe a year or even longer - and I study online. So I'd like to get a card that let's me use damn a lot of GB, as I want to use my mobile's internet with tethering on my laptop. (I checked my phone and it said I used 80GB one month... so really, a lot GB for cheap.)

English isn't my native language, sorry for the mistakes, sorry if this kind of thread isn't allowed around here, I'm just tired of trying to figure this out by myself. I don't understand much of techonology so reading the contracts (in Eng and It...) is breaking my brain. Please help this idiot.
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Leonsh (Offline)
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Default 23-05-2017, 10:02

Hello! I need to purchase prepaid sim card for week tour to Italy. My needs -is 1-2 Gb internet, 100-200 min/sms local. Where to buy near Malpensa airport? Which of sim better- Wind/TIM/Vodafone or MVNO operators? What about international Sim - Estonian (Travelsim/XXsim)or from Germany(
)-are they have good coverage in North Italy? Thank you!
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ghostrider (Offline)
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Default 04-11-2017, 21:47

Originally Posted by Leonsh View Post
Hello! I need to purchase prepaid sim card for week tour to Italy. My needs -is 1-2 Gb internet, 100-200 min/sms local. Where to buy near Malpensa airport? Which of sim better- Wind/TIM/Vodafone or MVNO operators? What about international Sim - Estonian (Travelsim/XXsim)or from Germany(
)-are they have good coverage in North Italy? Thank you!
I saw this post just now, so I will reply in order to give the correct info to everyone who in the near future needs the same infos.
I would go for the Travelsim (or Lemonsim, Airbalticcard) simply because as soon as the plane touches down, you have a number and a data connection perfectly working. I haven't seen phone shops there and in any case going through the activation process, the minimum top up and the activation sim fee is not worth it. The Estonians actually have lots of data packages and the latter (1 cent per MB into EU) is perfect for people who can have wifi access in the hotel lobby and need small data amounts.
As for the coverage, the Travelsim connects to all 4 networks working here in Italy, automatically choosing the one with the strongest signal in the area.
So, my recommendation is to use one of those very reliable simcards.
The airbalticcard also allows sending of free sms from the website, so you can also receive urgent communications with no hassle.

International roaming sim in portfolio:
Tellink, Lemonsim, Travelsim, Airbalticcard, Mtx Connect.
Slot 1
Ho. Mobile
Slot 2
Tellink Roaming Sim

Abandoned sim cards: Piranha mobile, Ortel Mobile
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svenn (Offline)
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Default 28-12-2018, 20:32

You could. also use mtx
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help please, italy

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