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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 2017 Piranha Mobile Sim Card 2017 thread - 03-06-2017, 21:54

2017 Piranha Mobile Sim Card 2017

I think I will start a new thread
to take over for the one started almost 5 years ago
and 44 pages long with over 430 messages.
Thus here we can have more current discussions
and issues addressed.

First issue.
Are any of you noticing issuses/problems receiving
SMS to the UK phone number??
I don't seem to get the SMS delivered to the UK number
from non-US SIM cards. For instance, Smart [Philipines] and
UK based cards ekit and Three [WorldSim also but not tested recently].

Piranha says that the UK number should not be used
but it works when I send the UK number a SMS from a Truphone,
Lycamobile, Piranha [shows from the US number]
and from the Piranha website.
Send an SMS to a Piranha SIM
This page works with both the UK and US numbers.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default GCI[?] is no longer available to use with Piranha. - 08-06-2017, 02:43

If the rate table can be trusted,
the Alaskan operator GCI[?] is no longer available to use with Piranha.
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PSIM (Offline)
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Default 08-06-2017, 06:21

AT&T now covers Alaska at rate advertised.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 08-06-2017, 06:34

Originally Posted by PSIM View Post
AT&T now covers Alaska at rate advertised.
Good to know.
Is it their own towers?
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ghostrider (Offline)
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Default 17-06-2017, 23:11

This morning I needed the Internet connection so I tried to use the piranha. Totally useless. The sim did not connect to data all day so tonight I opened a ticket. They replied that there has been a problem with openroamer and to switch to another apn, omitting to provide all necessary details. I obviously set up this new apn and did not work. On the other side, they said the issue has been solved and that openroamer was now working. Totally untrue.
So once again I wrote and this time asked for sim deactivation and full refund. Do you know what they replied? Please send back the card and we'll refund you. You probably already know that last month I already spent 6 euros to ship the sim to the Uk in order to have it checked so this people want me to spend other money just to have mine back.
I can't believe it but what I can tell you for sure is before buying this sim card or even think about it, do, please do, a thorough search on the web and read all the complaints. The sim will not work when you step out of the plane or whenever or wherever you need most. The sim will not register. The sim will simply not provide data. The sim will not provide anything.
This made me think just one thing: yes, the Estonian cards are very expensive to call and have a less fancy number but they do work, and work flawlessly.
Please think not just one but one million times before buying a Piranha sim card.

International roaming sim in portfolio:
Tellink, Lemonsim, Travelsim, Airbalticcard, Mtx Connect.
Slot 1
Ho. Mobile
Slot 2
Tellink Roaming Sim

Abandoned sim cards: Piranha mobile, Ortel Mobile
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PSIM (Offline)
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Default 17-06-2017, 23:24

Originally Posted by ghostrider View Post
This morning I needed the Internet connection so I tried to use the piranha. Totally useless. The sim did not connect to data all day so tonight I opened a ticket. They replied that there has been a problem with openroamer and to switch to another apn, omitting to provide all necessary details. I obviously set up this new apn and did not work. On the other side, they said the issue has been solved and that openroamer was now working. Totally untrue.
So once again I wrote and this time asked for sim deactivation and full refund. Do you know what they replied? Please send back the card and we'll refund you. You probably already know that last month I already spent 6 euros to ship the sim to the Uk in order to have it checked so this people want me to spend other money just to have mine back.
I can't believe it but what I can tell you for sure is before buying this sim card or even think about it, do, please do, a thorough search on the web and read all the complaints. The sim will not work when you step out of the plane or whenever or wherever you need most. The sim will not register. The sim will simply not provide data. The sim will not provide anything.
This made me think just one thing: yes, the Estonian cards are very expensive to call and have a less fancy number but they do work, and work flawlessly.
Please think not just one but one million times before buying a Piranha sim card.
we have no other users who have issues, the Data issue was resolved quickly and you were informed, unfortunately you choose to ignore our instruction on an alternative APN setting. We are quite happy to dispute your post as you have been making calls and using Data up until today's issue, which only affected Data
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 17-06-2017, 23:42

Hi Ghostrider, just seen your post and i thought i better check my Piranha Card, which i just have and mine seems to be working fine on Data, i have it on, may i ask where are you roaming?.
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ghostrider (Offline)
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Default 18-06-2017, 04:27

Originally Posted by PSIM View Post
we have no other users who have issues, the Data issue was resolved quickly and you were informed, unfortunately you choose to ignore our instruction on an alternative APN setting. We are quite happy to dispute your post as you have been making calls and using Data up until today's issue, which only affected Data
I followed your instructions, immediately, but data did not work even with this other apn. It is a continuous fight with this sim card. You can say whatever you want, I know you will keep saying that everything is fine but it isn't. Full stop. Did you see data connections yesterday? No. So please stay on topic, don't reply "you in the past used the sim for data" or "you did not follow our instructions". Where you there? I did exactly what you suggested but it did not work. The only thing you say is that your sim is working. Well, I can confirm that your sim had always problems, I always had to select subscription 3 (for Italy) and I cannot imagine what would happen in another country.
No, sir, the sim is not working for me. No data, severe difficulties registering and slow reconnecting to networks when moving in uncovered areas.
I can report my experience but your reply will always be "the sim works fine" which is untrue. Completely untrue.
As for your "no other complains from other people, well just make s very simple search on Google and you will discover that problems are reported and the service (rectius: sim reliability) is described in various terms.
I have been trying even now to manually register the sim in order to make it work for data but to no avail. I have now deactivated it. As soon as I get back home I will take it out of my phone. Just to be clear, the sim has almost 20 GBP of credit and I tried for months to make it work properly, but when I needed it most, it did not work.
No no. That's not how a roaming sim should be. Far from smooth, simple, reliable. That's my experience and, as Google demonstrates, the experience of others.

International roaming sim in portfolio:
Tellink, Lemonsim, Travelsim, Airbalticcard, Mtx Connect.
Slot 1
Ho. Mobile
Slot 2
Tellink Roaming Sim

Abandoned sim cards: Piranha mobile, Ortel Mobile

Last edited by ghostrider; 18-06-2017 at 04:49..
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ghostrider (Offline)
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Default 18-06-2017, 04:28

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Hi Ghostrider, just seen your post and i thought i better check my Piranha Card, which i just have and mine seems to be working fine on Data, i have it on, may i ask where are you roaming?.
Thanks for checking, I am in Italy, in this moment Southern Italy. Flying back North in a few hours.

International roaming sim in portfolio:
Tellink, Lemonsim, Travelsim, Airbalticcard, Mtx Connect.
Slot 1
Ho. Mobile
Slot 2
Tellink Roaming Sim

Abandoned sim cards: Piranha mobile, Ortel Mobile
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PSIM (Offline)
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Default 18-06-2017, 05:18

Originally Posted by ghostrider View Post
I followed your instructions, immediately, but data did not work even with this other apn. It is a continuous fight with this sim card. You can say whatever you want, I know you will keep saying that everything is fine but it isn't. Full stop. Did you see data connections yesterday? No. So please stay on topic, don't reply "you in the past used the sim for data" or "you did not follow our instructions". Where you there? I did exactly what you suggested but it did not work. The only thing you say is that your sim is working. Well, I can confirm that your sim had always problems, I always had to select subscription 3 (for Italy) and I cannot imagine what would happen in another country.
No, sir, the sim is not working for me. No data, severe difficulties registering and slow reconnecting to networks when moving in uncovered areas.
I can report my experience but your reply will always be "the sim works fine" which is untrue. Completely untrue.
As for your "no other complains from other people, well just make s very simple search on Google and you will discover that problems are reported and the service (rectius: sim reliability) is described in various terms.
I have been trying even now to manually register the sim in order to make it work for data but to no avail. I have now deactivated it. As soon as I get back home I will take it out of my phone. Just to be clear, the sim has almost 20 GBP of credit and I tried for months to make it work properly, but when I needed it most, it did not work.
No no. That's not how a roaming sim should be. Far from smooth, simple, reliable. That's my experience and, as Google demonstrates, the experience of others.
We did advise you about the use of dual SIM handsets, and SIM settings, unfortunately you refused to listen to our advice and still insist on writing spurious comments. For all readers of your posting and as way of proof that you did use the SIM even though you posted it did not work period, we have taken a snapshot with called numbers censored.
6/17 2:06a 3:00 Italy to Italy
6/17 12:49a 1:00 Italy to Italy

As far as we are concerned the matter is now closed and your account has been cancelled as per your request, and for everyone's information who does not live in Europe, it does not cost 6 Euros to send a standard letter from Italy to the UK.
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