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fawinds (Offline)
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Default 09-12-2016, 03:27

A question about getting a new replacement SIM. I asked customer service a few months ago and they said that I just need to buy a new SIM and they will transfer to it the number and balance of my current Toggle SIM. Unfortunately they can only transfer the UK number, so I would lose the Spanish and US numbers.

Has anybody been in this situation?

I have some doubts as to whether the CS rep simply read that foreign numbers cannot be ported to the UK SIM, because I cannot understand why they cannot simply point the existing numbers to the new SIM as they do with the UK number.

I'm tempted to try and see what happens as I would like to get one of the new SIMs with 20 IMSIs, but to be honest, the Spanish number is a very easy to remember one and I would not like to lose it.

Curiously enough, does anybody know how do they transfer the call to a foreign number to the UK SIM? I thought they were simply linked to the country's IMSI, but I have realised that when there is an incoming call to any of the foreign numbers my phone shows it as "forwarded call", whereas calls to the main UK number are not. I understand that that this may mean that they simply forward the foreign number to the UK number and the IMSI is only used for roaming purposes but unrelated to the foreign number. Something in this direction may be the fact that, after getting a temporary number and IMSI for France, I let it expire but regardless of not having the French number anymore, when I visited France I received the text with the toggle country rates just because the IMSI was still in my SIM. And in fact, although they say you need a local number to get those rates, I could call and was charged those rates without the French local number.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 14-12-2016, 16:30

yes, as long as the IMSI is on the card you will get the "local" rates.
I assume you are also right about the method of using the foreign numbers as they really always show up as a forwarded call.

Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Default 25-12-2016, 15:05

Originally Posted by fawinds View Post
A question about getting a new replacement SIM. I asked customer service a few months ago and they said that I just need to buy a new SIM and they will transfer to it the number and balance of my current Toggle SIM. Unfortunately they can only transfer the UK number, so I would lose the Spanish and US numbers.

Has anybody been in this situation?

I have some doubts as to whether the CS rep simply read that foreign numbers cannot be ported to the UK SIM, because I cannot understand why they cannot simply point the existing numbers to the new SIM as they do with the UK number.

I'm tempted to try and see what happens as I would like to get one of the new SIMs with 20 IMSIs, but to be honest, the Spanish number is a very easy to remember one and I would not like to lose it.

Curiously enough, does anybody know how do they transfer the call to a foreign number to the UK SIM? I thought they were simply linked to the country's IMSI, but I have realised that when there is an incoming call to any of the foreign numbers my phone shows it as "forwarded call", whereas calls to the main UK number are not. I understand that that this may mean that they simply forward the foreign number to the UK number and the IMSI is only used for roaming purposes but unrelated to the foreign number. Something in this direction may be the fact that, after getting a temporary number and IMSI for France, I let it expire but regardless of not having the French number anymore, when I visited France I received the text with the toggle country rates just because the IMSI was still in my SIM. And in fact, although they say you need a local number to get those rates, I could call and was charged those rates without the French local number.
I've raised that question to Customer Support quite some time back and got the answer, that any number but the one of the network the SIM was booked in latest, could be transferred to a new SIM card.

In my case this means, if my SIM was registered in the swiss network (home network) they can transfer my UK, German, Spanish and US number to the new SIM, but not the Swiss one. Therefor I never spread my local numbers to anyone, only the UK number....


Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
Prepaid-SIM: 3 UK, Save Money Sim, Toggle Mobile UK, XX-Sim, Koko Mobile
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 01-01-2017, 00:27

Do the EU roaming rates cover promos and specials? If not, I can see base rates going up but being offset by more promos or bundling of free wifi access in the home country.
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peterdoo (Offline)
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Default 02-01-2017, 14:56

Yes, promos and specials count for EU roaming. What you would pay for a call/text from your home network to another network in the same country (the actual price, does not matter whether discounted or not) is what has to be charged in the EU for calls/texts (a surcharge is allowed until mid of this year).

On-net prices (from home network to home network) do not have any influence on roaming prices so those can be lower or with higher minutes limits.

For data the operators anyhow got many possibilities to limit the amount that can be used in EU roaming without surcharge. What they still can do, is to separate packages to a call/text part and a data part. As the price for the data package would be lower in this case than for the complete package, one would get less data without surcharge in roaming.
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fawinds (Offline)
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Default 03-01-2017, 09:23

Originally Posted by bourbonkiller View Post
I've raised that question to Customer Support quite some time back and got the answer, that any number but the one of the network the SIM was booked in latest, could be transferred to a new SIM card.

In my case this means, if my SIM was registered in the swiss network (home network) they can transfer my UK, German, Spanish and US number to the new SIM, but not the Swiss one. Therefor I never spread my local numbers to anyone, only the UK number....

I have contacted cs again and here is their reply:

Further to your email, we would like to let you know that you can transfer you Toggle mobile number and the credit to your other Toggle SIM card. However, the process of transferring the number and the credit takes up to 5 working days and local numbers cannot be retained.

I'll test with a secondary card where I don't mind losing the local number, and see what happens.
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fawinds (Offline)
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Default 09-01-2017, 16:27

An update on this. After three days Toggle Mobile has deactivated my old SIM card, but the new SIM still shows its original number and zero balance.

Probably it will stay like that for a few days, but I cannot say I did not expect it. I ported some time ago a mobile number to Toggle and it took a 5 days since they disconnected the number from the old company until it was working on the Toggle SIM.

Basically, they take their time!
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 09-01-2017, 16:39

Has anyone recently roamed in the US? I realize that Lycamobile supports 4G in the US and wonder if toggle SIM cards would be allowed onto T-Mobile's 4G network there.

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
postpaid: O2 on Business XL; prepaid: DE: Aldi Talk, Lidl; UK: 3; BG: MTel, vivacom; RU: MTS; RS: MTS; UAE: du Tourist SIM; INT'L: toggle mobile
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fawinds (Offline)
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Default 09-01-2017, 21:58

Well, SIM transfer completed. Main UK number and balance available on new SIM. None of the local numbers have been transferred, so, I can confirm that SIM change means loss of local numbers. All of them, both those for which you pay £5 per year and the 30-day free ones.

I admit that I just wanted to change SIM because of the higher capacity of the new SIM, but since I intended to use a couple of the local numbers for business, my concern is that if at any point in the future the SIM stops working and I need a replacement, I will lose valuable numbers. The obvious answer is don't use Toggle for business. Quite sad because there are not many alternatives if you need mobile numbers from different countries. Not very happy with it
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123soleil (Offline)
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Default 25-03-2017, 11:18

In germany now and data doesnt seem to be working. Im connected to Vodafone 3g network. Can anyone confirm its working?
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netherlands, toggle

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