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Jaykay4455 (Offline)
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Default Vadafone omnitel - 19-08-2014, 12:15

I found a old phone from my X years past father... I'm belgian (lots of italian here).
I didn't had the battery for the phone so i use mine.. I don't know the pin. i tried the older. and after 3 ok go Puk.
Ok how..
Don't know the phone number Because it's a italian number... And I have the sim and the stuff. How to get the puk legaly. Like proof my id? or when was the last used like how many years.. or How?
I tried to go to omnitel but i don't speak italian(ty dad) and the site looks weird.. So how?

It's a 64.3sim. I have the serial number like 89xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9 - x.

Btw: I just don't care about this sim.. i just wanna know if there a old text about me on the phone or sim.. I don't want to use it.

Sorry it's look like. Hello i stole a sim to a italian how to hack this legaly.

If someone can help me.
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 21-08-2014, 07:16

If it's an old Vodafone-Omnitel branded sim and was not used for long it will be totally dead now. Vodafone Italy sim cards have a validity of 11+1 months after the last refill, then they're dead. So I suppose there's no way to get that puk unless you find the original package. And expecially without knowing the number it's rather impossible...

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 22-08-2014, 07:24

You could always try sending an email to Vodafone explaining the situation and giving the SIM number (printed on it), your dad's full name, date of birth, etc. There's always a chance they have the PUK in their database. But as Effendi says, a dual-branded SIM means it's 11-12 years old (though it might have been first used a couple years more recently than that), so don't expect them to help you.

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
Former DE: Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Blauworld, 01051mobile, Solomo, Lycamobile, Simyo, Congstar, Fonic, Edeka Mobile, Lidl Mobile; PL: Heyah, Era, Virgin, Sami Swoi, Orange, POP, iPlus, Carrefour Mova, Telepin Mobi, Play, Lycamobile, T-Mobile; UK: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin; US: T-Mobile, AT&T, Lycamobile; CZ: Vodafone, Oskar; ES: Lebara; GR: Vodafone, Wind; UA: Vodafone; IL: Orange; TR: Turkcell
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akraus88 (Offline)
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Default 23-08-2014, 00:05

Originally Posted by Jaykay4455 View Post
I found a old phone from my X years past father... I'm belgian (lots of italian here).
I didn't had the battery for the phone so i use mine.. I don't know the pin. i tried the older. and after 3 ok go Puk.
Ok how..
Don't know the phone number Because it's a italian number... And I have the sim and the stuff. How to get the puk legaly. Like proof my id? or when was the last used like how many years.. or How?
I tried to go to omnitel but i don't speak italian(ty dad) and the site looks weird.. So how?

It's a 64.3sim. I have the serial number like 89xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9 - x.

Btw: I just don't care about this sim.. i just wanna know if there a old text about me on the phone or sim.. I don't want to use it.

Sorry it's look like. Hello i stole a sim to a italian how to hack this legaly.

If someone can help me.
You should be able to read SMS messages by taking out the SIM card. No need to have the sim card inside.
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puk voda italia omnitel

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