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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2014, 23:04

Originally Posted by Donal View Post
Ha, ha, ha!

I heard a similar "fly-on-the-wall" comment exactly one hundred years ago. I hope this doesn't get me banned!
I know the meaning of the idiom of the "fly on the wall", but beyond that my English proficiency seems to be insufficient to understand what you are trying to say.
Anyway my warmest congratulations to your high age especially that you are still using a computer!

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
postpaid: O2 on Business XL; prepaid: DE: Aldi Talk, Lidl; UK: 3; BG: MTel, vivacom; RU: MTS; RS: MTS; UAE: du Tourist SIM; INT'L: toggle mobile
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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2014, 23:28

I am not going to answer each of your detailed picks, since it's simply not worth battling here. It's not my interrest to fight with you. We have all waited so long for such a Multi-National Data-Roaming offer and it seems, most of you simply make it bad, based on personal flavours.

You are seriously right, that the whole consideration on my side is based (as yours) on my personal needs and it is unfavourable to use the Toggle card outside the Toggle Countries. You can compare it at least with 3 AT old "Roam like home" - if the countries included fit your usage, it's a very good offer.

In my oppinion it's still unfair to compare other billing cycles with each other. You ask me to justify the longer billing cycle. It's not about justifying it, it's just my persuasion that you have to compare the same against it. 100 MB a day is like 1 GB a month. The AVERAGE consumer doesn't need it at all. My average data roaming on my mobile with emails, messenger etc. is 120 - 150 MB a month. If you read the review of the aldi talk sim roaming package on teltarif, they state that there is no exact notification when your data volume is empty. Also there is a break between the packages if you are going to reorder one. In between, data will be billed at usual roaming prices.

If you know you are going to use a high amount of data, to my personal flavour its favouarable to have a higher fixed amount of roaming data on a longer period. Based on MY preferences I travel via Zurich Airport to Germany, Spain or Switzerland or even visit clients in Norway. Toggle covers all of my travel destinations. I live in Austria, but have 3G Swisscom/Toggle coverage at home. If I decide to book 1 GB of data within 30 days I know that I can use it in all countries I visit. It could be used within a day, a week (with no breaks in between packages to be renewed) or at least 30 days.

To close this discussion and answer your last question regarding comparion of different offers with another question: If you want to buy a car, lets say a Golf IV, and you find a offer in the newspaper. Are you going to compare that offer for the Golf with other offers for a Golf or do you compare it with Alfa Romeo, Renault, Citroen and Toyota - if you want to buy a Golf? (Golf stands here for the 1 GB package)

Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
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Donal (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 01:34

Originally Posted by bourbonkiller View Post
If you read the review of the aldi talk sim roaming package on teltarif, they state that there is no exact notification when your data volume is empty. Also there is a break between the packages if you are going to reorder one. In between, data will be billed at usual roaming prices.
Bourbonkiller may have a very valid point here. My experience of activating a new AldiTalk sim in Germany, is that after you initially book an AldiTalk option, you are informed that it may take up to 6 hours for the newly-booked option to become active. I don't know how long you have to wait when you book one of the EU-Options.

Perhaps people can book the EU-DataOption in different countries and tell us how long they have to wait before the option is activated.
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Default 16-08-2014, 01:43

Originally Posted by inquisitor View Post
Anyway my warmest congratulations to your high age especially that you are still using a computer!
Thank you! How kind of you. I look younger than I really am.
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smudge (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 02:03

Whoops! I have nothing to add!

Last edited by smudge; 16-08-2014 at 02:28..
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 09:44

Originally Posted by Donal View Post
Bourbonkiller may have a very valid point here. My experience of activating a new AldiTalk sim in Germany, is that after you initially book an AldiTalk option, you are informed that it may take up to 6 hours for the newly-booked option to become active. I don't know how long you have to wait when you book one of the EU-Options.
Having ordered AldiTalk's EU Internet Paket 150 four times during the last week while I was staying in Austria and Hungary, I can report from my own experience that the text message informing you of your allowance being used up arrives within seconds. After that it took 5-15 minutes before I could re-order the next pack. Although I left mobile data activated during these gaps, the costs amounted to a few cents each time (billed at € 0.23/MB). That's indeed inconvenient but automatically recurring subscribtion may become available soon.
In comparison with toggle I would have been billed some € 125 for 150MB in Austria or Hungary.

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
postpaid: O2 on Business XL; prepaid: DE: Aldi Talk, Lidl; UK: 3; BG: MTel, vivacom; RU: MTS; RS: MTS; UAE: du Tourist SIM; INT'L: toggle mobile
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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 10:57

It seems, you still don't get the point. Toggle is a Multi-National Data offer, not a EU roaming package. Austria is not even included in their offer, what happens if you take your Aldi-Talk SIM to the US? You pay 99 Eurocent per MB - no package avaiable. But that's kind of irrelevant here...

Some of us are not german based as you are, so to us Germany is roaming country. Again, with focus on the Toggle offer this might not attract YOU. If I travel to Germany with the Aldi Sim, that's not roaming - it's domestic. I will have to order a german domestic data package as well, costing me additionally 6 to 10 Euros, depending on the offer of choice.

Toggle - for those of us who really can use it, is a great offer. It's even valid in their domestic market UK (something Aldi doesn't offer). And it is clear to me, that the Toggle offer doesn't attract you because Germany is no roaming country for you! But still - the value is clear to anyone that NEEDS that amout of data, in countries included.

I think we should stop here, I am quite happy to discuss any Aldi Talk related topics over in the Aldi Talk Forum and will join the Nokia 630 Dual Sim discussion as well, since I own that handset. It may be of no surprise, which two Simcards are in that handset?!


Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 12:23

Agreed. Of course my Nokia 630 Dual SIM accomodates an AldiTalk SIM as well as a toggle SIM.
However - as this may be relevant for readers of this thread - the automatic IMSI switching of the Nokia 630 DS does not work reliably as I sometimes need to change the IMSI manually from the STK menu which is a burried quite deep in the settings menu.

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
postpaid: O2 on Business XL; prepaid: DE: Aldi Talk, Lidl; UK: 3; BG: MTel, vivacom; RU: MTS; RS: MTS; UAE: du Tourist SIM; INT'L: toggle mobile
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bourbonkiller (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 16:41

Originally Posted by inquisitor View Post
However - as this may be relevant for readers of this thread - the automatic IMSI switching of the Nokia 630 DS does not work reliably as I sometimes need to change the IMSI manually from the STK menu which is a burried quite deep in the settings menu.
I haven't discovered this yet, as I always switch manually because of Austrian and Swiss Networks available at my place and my worry, to switch into roaming mode without notice. However, my wife's toggle is in a Lumia 520 switched to automatic mode and it works fine. Must have something to do with the dual sim feature.

Have anyone noticed that recently deliverred Toggle Simcards come with preregisterred Countries on it? I had a look at the sim of my wife and there has been a Spanish, French, US, Australian and German IMSI preregisterred without showing a number, all showing as expiring july 2023. Funny enough, there is a IMSI listed as "1"?

So you don't even have the full choice on countries personally needed...


Mobiles: iPhone 7+, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, Blackberry Priv, Honor 8, Lumia 950
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 16-08-2014, 19:55

Perhaps those new SIM cards can now store more than 9 IMSIs. You could easily find out...

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
postpaid: O2 on Business XL; prepaid: DE: Aldi Talk, Lidl; UK: 3; BG: MTel, vivacom; RU: MTS; RS: MTS; UAE: du Tourist SIM; INT'L: toggle mobile
VoIP: (German DID); (British DID); (British DID); (Swiss DID); (Bulgarian DID);
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netherlands, toggle

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