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fsotirop (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 23:04

forwarding via c610ip to isn't possible?
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 23:12

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
forwarding via c610ip to isn't possible?
Using +372 numbers seems to be way too complicated,expensive and time consuming, especially for something that may or may not work.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 23:16

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
forwarding via c610ip to isn't possible?
I don't think so (not sure).

But you can do this:

  1. c610ip : Settings > Telephony > Connections > add hotvoip (settings: HotVoip | Sizzling hot deals )
  2. Settings > Telephony > Dialling Plans > make +372 go out via hotvoip

But keep in mind that this will be subject to the reliability of your c610ip Internet connection. It's much better to forward directly with hotvoip.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 23:20

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Using +372 numbers seems to be way too complicated,expensive and time consuming, especially for something that may or may not work.
Complicated? : for technophobes perhaps. They are free to juggle with X number of SIMs and pay more for worldwide coverage if they prefer.

Expensive? No, it is cheaper if used properly.

Time consuming? Not at all.

+372 has been working rock stable for 2 years here (More stable than EKIT). This is the top quality of mobile phone roaming, used every day, day in day out (onesimcard is my primary phone number. Even my home phone is showing my +372 as caller ID -> reachable on 1 number worldwide). Even better network quality than the very expensive national mobile contracts I had (don't need them anymore ), as it allows me to roam on several networks within the original country (which is not possible with the national providers - only 1 network).

As for the betamax voip clones, they have been working great for me for the past 7 years . Meanwhile I have seen SIMs suggested here come and go: United Telecom, Isle of Man sims, etc...

But of course, for the technophobes, if callback is too complicated, there are other more expensive "normal" options that can be cheaper than "normally used" +372 (=without callback) as several people have suggested.

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 00:00..
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 00:00

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
It has been working rock stable for 2 years here.

And when used properly, much cheaper than anything else that has been suggested here.

But some people prefer to juggle with X number of SIMs while also paying more because it seems easier to them.
So you say its MUCH cheaper than any other card on the market or mentioned in this thread, i do a lot of traveling to US and Canada, so i have taken these 2 countries as examples.

Call cost back to UK from US using .
Tru $0.15 calling a landline $0.33 calling a mobile, SMS $0.15
Piranha $0.14 calling a landline $0.17 calling a mobile, SMS $0.15 Data $0.30 MB
OneSimcard $0.45 calling a landline $0.45 calling a mobile SMS $0.40 Data $1.00 MB

Call cost back to UK from Canada using.
Tru $0.54 calling a landline $0.54 calling a mobile, SMS $0.45
Piranha $0.23 calling landline $0.26 calling mobile, SMS $0.15 Data $0.38 MB
OneSimcard $1.25 calling a landline, $1.25 calling a mobile, SMS $0.40 Data $1.00 MB

cost of card.
Tru $30.00 with $15.00 credit
Piranha $18.00 with $7.50 credit
Onesimcard $30.00 no credit.

these are approximate costs so i maybe 1 or 2 cents out, but my maths says the most expensive card by far is Onesimcard. If i am missing something please feel free to correct and when Toggle launches it will be cheaper still.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 00:26

Keep in mind that I am talking about worldwide roaming (the subject of this thread), while you are talking about regional roaming.

But let's see:

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
So you say its MUCH cheaper than any other card on the market or mentioned in this thread, i do a lot of traveling to US and Canada, so i have taken these 2 countries as examples.

Call cost back to UK from US using .
Tru $0.15 calling a landline $0.33 calling a mobile, SMS $0.15
Piranha $0.14 calling a landline $0.17 calling a mobile, SMS $0.15 Data $0.30 MB
OneSimcard $0.45 calling a landline $0.45 calling a mobile SMS $0.40 Data $1.00 MB
Onesimcard with callback (Single SIM - only onesimcard): US to UK

US Incoming: FREE
UK Landline:
€0.07 incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.07 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: €0.07 incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.075 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
SMS UK using SIM menu: $0.15
SMS UK using Fishtext with WebSMS app on android: €0.03 (+ ~€0.03 data to send the SMS if not on WIFI)

Onesimcard with callback (dual-SIM - callback on 2nd local/regional SIM, showing +372 caller ID or any other caller ID): US to UK

US Incoming:
UK Landline:
FREE incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.00 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: FREE incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.005 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
SMS UK using SIM menu: $0.15
SMS UK using Fishtext with WebSMS app on android: €0.03 (+ ~€0.03 data to send the SMS if not on WIFI)

In any case, for data the best is a 2nd local SIM with local data bundles in the dual-sim phone (but if only to trigger the callbacks the Onesimcard is good enough).

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Call cost back to UK from Canada using.
Tru $0.54 calling a landline $0.54 calling a mobile, SMS $0.45
Piranha $0.23 calling landline $0.26 calling mobile, SMS $0.15 Data $0.38 MB
OneSimcard $1.25 calling a landline, $1.25 calling a mobile, SMS $0.40 Data $1.00 MB
Canada to UK: same rates as US above.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
cost of card.
Tru $30.00 with $15.00 credit
Piranha $18.00 with $7.50 credit
Onesimcard $30.00 no credit.
Airbaltic card is €10 with 0 credit if this is an issue (€35 with 30 credit and €50 with 50 credit).

(€ 15 for "Airbaltic American Dream" SIM if you want free incoming in US & Mexico)

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
these are approximate costs so i maybe 1 or 2 cents out, but my maths says the most expensive card by far is Onesimcard. If i am missing something please feel free to correct and when Toggle launches it will be cheaper still.

Yes, Toggle Mobile already is my 2nd SIM in the dual-SIM phone for Europe.

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 00:49..
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 00:43

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
Keep in mind that I am talking about worldwide roaming (the subject of this thread), while you are talking about regional roaming.

But let's see:

Onesimcard with callback (Single SIM - only onesimcard): US to UK

US Incoming: FREE
UK Landline:
€0.07 incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.07 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: €0.07 incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.075 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
SMS using SIM menu: $0.15
SMS using Fishtext with WebSMS on android: €0.03 (+ ~€0.03 data to send the SMS if not on WIFI)

Onesimcard with callback (dual-SIM - callback on 2nd local/regional SIM, showing +372 caller ID or any other caller ID): US to UK

US Incoming:
UK Landline:
FREE incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.00 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: FREE incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.005 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
SMS using SIM menu: $0.15
SMS using Fishtext with WebSMS on android: €0.03 (+ ~€0.03 data to send the SMS if not on WIFI)

In any case, for data the best is a 2nd local SIM with local data bundles in the dual-sim phone (but if only to trigger the callbacks the Onesimcard is good enough).

Canada to UK: same rates as US above.

Yes, Toggle Mobile already is my 2nd SIM in the dual-SIM phone for Europe.
so where do they advertise these rates, I have looked at Onesimcards website rates and i can only find the rates i published, as per there site, SIM Card - International cell phone rates
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HappyCamp (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 00:54

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
so where do they advertise these rates, I have looked at Onesimcards website rates and i can only find the rates i published, as per there site, SIM Card - International cell phone rates

I can't see this rate or understand how this works.

T-Mobile $30 "Wal-mart plan". Unlimited data & text. 100 voice minutes per month.

Europe 2013 vacation:
Piranha-Mobile and Truphone plus the following
AT: T-Mobile, CZ: Tesco Mobile, DE: Lidl & Toggle Mobile, DK: Telia & Toggle Mobile, ES: Toggle Mobile, FR: Orange & Toggle Mobile, HU: T-Mobile, SE: Telenor & Toggle Mobile
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 01:16

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
so where do they advertise these rates, I have looked at Onesimcards website rates and i can only find the rates i published, as per there site, SIM Card - International cell phone rates
Here for a comparison of all the betamax clones per country:

Call rates comparison table

(select the countries you want holding CTRL to filter for a clear view)

To use them conveniently you need the MobileVOIP iphone & android application (sends SMS extremely cheap too):

The good thing is that you can use this with any phone or SIM card (even Piranha if you prefer).

(you can use the MobileVOIP app, but you can also trigger callbacks via the web, or use local access numbers, or the windows application, or SIP - check the chosen provider's "ways to call" page)

edit: if you have WIFI or good 3G you can call directly without callback (saving the callback costs), but callback usuall gives the best call quality.


edit: I use this to trigger the callback as it uses less data than the MobileVOIP application (we are talking about 2 or 3 cents here ) :


As I have also quoted the SMS rates, this is optional for a cheap SMS alternative (the above mentioned MobileVOIP also send SMS for almost as cheap already, but Fishtext gives you SMS delivery reports):

For Fishtext SMS you need to install these 2: WebSMS + Fishtext connector on Android:

SMSDroid allows full integration of WebSMS like the system SMS application:

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 01:39..
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 01:53

The Betamax/Finarea/Dellmont group has been in business for a least 10 years. It has been working very well for me for the past 7 years (from home phones, Mobile, on the way using hotel phones, etc...).

To make it very simple here is the procedure to get going:

  1. choose the provider that best fits your rates for the countries you need: Call rates comparison table
  2. make an account on the provider's website (add .com to the name)
  3. charge 10€ credit
  4. install (or for iphone get it from the iphone market).

And start saving big while calling.

edit: call quality can be a little lower than a direct call from time to time depending on the countries. But with such rates I think there's nothing to complain about.

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 02:08..
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