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wwbusch (Offline)
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Default 30-03-2013, 20:39

Seems really difficulty to get a sim on the hop.

As we are just be taken from the airport and than directly to nowhere will be hard to find a cellphone store there.

Ok. We will have wifi, so that must be enough.
I have also a 250MB Europe Package on my Vodafone Germany Contract, so for Whatsapp/Email thats also enough...

Will cancel the first time in the last years to buy a local prepaid and use the home sim....
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wisniak (Offline)
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Default 09-04-2013, 18:11


I just returned from a week in the Peloponnese.
Used a Wind mobile broadband prepaid card which cost me ~15Eur.
The guy in the store said it'd be valid for 7 days, in reality it was open for 8 days.
Reception was so-so, even in major cities.
When it did work, speed was OK.
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DaveRo (Offline)
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Default 19-04-2013, 10:16

Both Cosmote and Wind are offering 500MB for 5€ up to 30/4/2013:
COSMOTE Internet Monthly Pass 200
WIND Mobile Internet 100

With both you can buy several in the same month. With Cosmote you can delay the expiry date of unused data by buying subsequent 3€ bundles...
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fsotirop (Offline)
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Default 19-04-2013, 12:11

Cosmote has the widest 3G/HSPA coverage (almost everywhere) plus LTE coverage in Athens&Thessaloniki, Wind the worst (good in big cities but little coverage in the countryside ). no LTE from Wind yet, is planned at the end of 2013. Cosmote 3G/HSPA network is overloaded thus Wind's actual browsing/downloading speed (where 3G/HSPA is availiable) is better and faster than Cosmote's.

but Wind prepaid F2G cards offer 1GB for 5euro (500mb+500mb gift) valid for 1month . activation only via internet at Free to Go
also Wind offers cheap bundles for calling back to Germany/UK/France/US/Canada etc.

i don't recommend Vodafone, expensive calling rates & internet bundles. medium 3G/HSPA coverage (worst than Cosmote better than Wind's). they just launched LTE in Athens

Last edited by fsotirop; 19-04-2013 at 12:26..
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MP_man (Offline)
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Default 30-06-2013, 19:10

Hello guys!
I need somebody to post the setting for Vodafone Internet. I have a Vodafone International sim card, I activated 500MB option with 5 eur, but it refuse to connect. I asume is from the setting, somthing is wrong with the APN.
So can you help me please!
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VladS (Offline)
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Default 30-06-2013, 21:06

Originally Posted by MP_man View Post
Hello guys!
I need somebody to post the setting for Vodafone Internet. I have a Vodafone International sim card, I activated 500MB option with 5 eur, but it refuse to connect. I asume is from the setting, somthing is wrong with the APN.
So can you help me please!
I'm not aware of a EUR5/500MB data option on Vodafone Greece SIM cards.

Mobile phones: iPhone 5, Blackberry 9900, Nexus S, Samsung S3322 duos
Mobile data cards: Huawei E587u-5, Huawei E583c, Huawei E160
Postpaid SIMs: CA: Fido, Wind; INTL: Telna
Prepaid SIMs: DE: Fonic, Lidl; AT: yesss!, bob; UK: O2; US: AT&T; RO: Orange, Vodafone; FR: b&you, Lycamobile; NL: Lycamobile; BE: Lycamobile, Jim Mobile; CL: Entel; MX: Telcel; INTL: eKit Blue, eKit Yellow
Dead SIMs: too many to list
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 02-07-2013, 12:53

Originally Posted by MP_man View Post
Hello guys!
I need somebody to post the setting for Vodafone Internet. I have a Vodafone International sim card, I activated 500MB option with 5 eur, but it refuse to connect. I asume is from the setting, somthing is wrong with the APN.
So can you help me please!
You can find the necessary settings on the "Vodafone" link of my signature.

Originally Posted by VladS View Post
I'm not aware of a EUR5/500MB data option on Vodafone Greece SIM cards.
There is such an option for the last two years or so. They just sell it as an "offer" to their 200MB (now 100MB) data option but their 500MB is extended every few months, just like the 500MB "offers" of Cosmote and Wind.

Since the guides on my signature are rather old, I'll prepare in a few days a new overview about the available prepaid data plans in Greece.
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DaveRo (Offline)
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Default 10-07-2013, 06:30

I'm using Cosmote internet pass 60 (Cosmokarte) because I can subscribe by SMS from this Nexus Android tablet. It would be cheaper to use internet pass 200 - which currently offers 500MB - but for that I would have to ring 1330 (I tried an SMS with '200' and '500' - doesn't work) which means moving the SIM into a phone and back so I haven't tried it.

Can anyone tell me what happens when you ring 1330? Is it a multiple-choice selection? Is it only in Greek? Any other way of subscribing?
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 23-07-2013, 15:30

Originally Posted by DaveRo View Post
I'm using Cosmote internet pass 60 (Cosmokarte) because I can subscribe by SMS from this Nexus Android tablet. It would be cheaper to use internet pass 200 - which currently offers 500MB - but for that I would have to ring 1330 (I tried an SMS with '200' and '500' - doesn't work) which means moving the SIM into a phone and back so I haven't tried it.

Can anyone tell me what happens when you ring 1330? Is it a multiple-choice selection? Is it only in Greek? Any other way of subscribing?

That’s strange. I checked on a Greek forum and they claim that they can use the Internet Monthly Pass 200 by sending an SMS with '500' to 1330.

Alternatively, check my (old) overview on Cosmote here. Back then, there was again the same 500MB offer which was activated by sending '500' to 1333 not to 1330. So you can try the first number instead.

Another option is to activate it by ringing 1330 and see if they have an English language voice prompt. I’m not in Greece at the moment so I can’t check that out. Or you could call the customer service by ringing 13838 where they certainly have English speaking operators and they can certainly activate that internet option for you.

One last and more permanent option is to download the Cosmote What’s Up App from Google Play and activate/deactivate all the available data/voice/sms add-ons or check your remaining MBs/mins/SMS directly from there. If you don’t want to download the App, you can have almost the same functionality by visiting the site from your Android browser.

I’m not sure if the above are available in English but it is relatively easy to activate the 500MB add-on. Just click the top link on the first page and then scroll down to the '500MB for 5€' option. But since both the App and the work only with the What’s Up product, if you have the Cosmokarta instead of the What’s Up prepaid product, you can switch for free to What’s Up by sending an SMS (more info here).
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 23-07-2013, 15:52

This is another update of my older posts about the currently available prepaid data plans, add-ons and offers in Greece. This will be a shorter overview because all four mobile operators offer more or less the same data plans while they all have now comprehensive English sites. For more detailed information and useful tips check my older posts (links on my signature) and/or visit the English pages of the operators.

1. Pre-activated data plans
The following data plans are the default plans when you purchase a new SIM prepaid card or when you haven’t already activated some other data plan. They don’t charge anymore on volume basis but on daily basis. They offer 10-20MB per day for 1€ and after that they may (or may not) limit the connection speed (Cosmote and Vodafone) or they charge additionally (Wind and Q-Mobile).

2. Small volume data plans

The following data plans include 60MB (or 120MB on offer) per month for 3€. Most expire automatically after 30 days and there is usually no limit to the number of bundles a user can purchase within the 30 days. If you purchase a new plan within those 30 days the new 60MBs are added to any remaining MBs and the bundle is extended for additional 30 days. Tip: those plans are generally not recommended because the “Middle volume data plans” on the next section are most cost effective.

  • Cosmote Internet Monthly Pass 60: 60MB, 3€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal
    COSMOTE: Internet Monthly Pass Prepaid

  • Vodafone Surf & Email 60: 60MB (120MB until 30/09/2013), 3€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal (tip: choose the bundle without automatic renewal)
    Surf & Email 60 -

  • Wind Mobile Internet 60: 60MB, 3€, you can buy only one bundle each month, with automatic renewal (see the Wind page for deactivation info)
    Mobile Internet 60 | WIND

  • Q-Mobile Surf 120: 120MB, 3€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal
    Surf 120

3. Medium volume data plans
The following data plans generally include 120MB per month for 5€ but currently they offer 500 to 1024MB per month which makes them much more cost-effective than the previous “small volume data plans”. All expire automatically after 30 days and there is no limit to the number of bundles a user can purchase within the 30 days. If you purchase a new plan within those 30 days the new 500MBs are added to any remaining MBs and the bundle is extended for additional 30 days.
  • Cosmote Internet Monthly Pass 200: 200MB (500MB until 30/07/2013), 5€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal
    COSMOTE: COSMOKARTA Exclusive Services

  • Vodafone Surf & Email 100: 100MB (500MB until 30/09/2013), 5€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal
    Surf & Email 100 -

  • Wind Mobile Internet 100: 100MB (500MB or 1024MB if you activate it online until 30/09/2013), 5€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal
    Mobile Internet 100 | WIND

  • Q-Mobile Surf 500: 500MB, 5€, you can buy as many additional bundles as you like, no automatic renewal
    Surf 500

4. Large volume data plans
The following data plans are recommended for computers and tablets but of course you can use them on the phones as long as you are not interested on voice/SMS. The SIM card is a special card that does not offer voice, it offers only data and sometimes SMS (with a special application). The activation and the validity, balance/duration checks are performed only through a web interface.
  • Cosmote Internet On The Go Prepaid: SIM-Only Starter Pack with 20€ credit: 20€, SIM & Modem Starter Pack with 40€ credit: 35€, Top-up: 2GB/15€/10days or 5GB/40€/30days
    COSMOTE: COSMOTE Internet On The Go Prepaid

  • Vodafone KartoInternet: SIM-Only Starter Pack with included data access for 15 days: 20€, SIM & Modem Starter Pack with included data access for 30 days: 50€, Top-up: 2GB/20€/15days or 5GB/40€/30days
    Vodafone KartoInternet -

  • Wind Mobile Broadband without contract: SIM-Only Starter Pack with included data access for 30 days: 14.90€, SIM & Modem Starter Pack with included data access for 30 days: 29.90€, SIM & WiFi Modem Starter Pack with included data access for 30 days: 49.90€, Top-up: 2GB/10€/7days or 3GB/30€/30days
    Mobile Broadband without contract | WIND

That's the most important information about the current prepaid mobile data offers in Greece. If you need additional information or if something is not covered please let me know and I will update this post.

Last edited by Evan; 23-07-2013 at 16:01..
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