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dilijasi (Offline)
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Default 24-06-2009, 14:33

Looks like VIPnet stands strong to its promise

Postpaid: T-Mobile Croatia
PAYG: VIPnet Croatia, Vodafone Italy, 3 Italy, Vodafone UK, o2 Germany, Telenor Serbia, AT&T US
Data SIM: VIPnet Croatia, 3 Italy
Hardware: BlackBerry Curve 8900, HTC Magic, HTC Desire Z, Huawei E160X, Option 225
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andy123 (Offline)
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Default 24-06-2009, 18:41

Thanks for the advice i will travelling to europe soon and would also visit some clients in croatia too.Nice to know some good carrier over there.

Thanks guys
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Ruben (Offline)
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Default 29-06-2009, 15:53

hi everyone
Last summer i was using both Vip and tele2 simcards and i can say that last one was MUCH cheaper for everything (gprs and sms/calls)
this year i see this thing on their website
TELE2 Hrvatska - Mobilni internet - Podatkovni tarifni modeli

as i understand, i can pay 125kn for 1GB and surf happy
i wrote a message to their support, waiting for answer with confirmation
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hkr (Offline)
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Default 30-06-2009, 10:36

Is it not postpaid?

I used VIP for data, primarily because I had a VIP voice SIM with quite some credit on it. I made only one phone call (another Croatia mobile network), and that one call was truly expensive. I am not used to such high domestic rates in Hungary.

I normally used my phone's built-in SIP VoIP client either through WLAN or 3G, and I was quite satisfied. Sometimes a bit of a delay, but I was compensated for by the price that these calls cost

I also bought two T-Mobile HR starter packs for 1 kn / piece. They are not activated yet, but when I saw that during the 2 minutes we spent at a Pula newsagent, about 4 people bought 1, 2 or even 6 pieces of these packs, I decided to buy two to find out what the pack is good for As far as I understand, it comes with 10 kn credit, and if I top it up with at least 50kn, I get another 50kn, plus 1000 minutes network-internal calls. But I am not sure.

3x Vodafone (HU) 1x T-Mobile) formerly also Pannon
Vodafone, Pannon, T-Mobile (HU) Optimus (PT) SamiSwoi, ERA, Orange (PL) VIP (HR) T-Mobile (AT) Vodafone, O2, Orange, T-Mobile (UK) Vodafone (DE) Data-only prepaid: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Djuice/Pannon (HU)
International SIMs: UM+, Sim4Travel, TravelSim
Phones: Nokia E51, E71, Samsung D880, SE P990i, Ericsson T39m -forever! , many others in the drawer. 3G modems Huawei E220, E870, EU870D, U740, Alcatel X200
VoIP: Justvoip, CallWithUs, Neophonex, fonline, Macrogate and several others for outgoing... DIDs from Macrogate, DIDww, Gradwell, Voxbone and others. FreePBX, Vigor router with inbuilt ATA, Nokia E-series phones.
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Pred02 (Offline)
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Default T-Mobile SIMPA Croatia Internet settings - 26-07-2011, 13:10


Can anyone please post of confirm the internet settings (APN, PIN, Account Code, Password) for T-Mobile SIMPA USB Stick and package so I can configure my 3G router.

Thank you
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Martin54321 (Offline)
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Default vipnet - 03-02-2012, 15:19

Originally Posted by dilijasi View Post
Hello all

I've noticed your interest in mobile internet offer in Croatia, probably by all of you who already visited or will be visiting Adriatic coast during summer holiday season.

Information provided in previous posts is mostly correct but I felt it needed a bit more structure and detail to make it one-stop-post for all your needs. Here we go...please note current exchange rate 1 Euro=7.30 Kuna.

Currently there are three providers of prepaid mobile (broadband) internet in Croatia (suprisingly, given its size and population - 4.5M inhabitants).

1. T-Mobile Croatia, current offerings available at T-Mobile Croatia :: Simpa Internet

T-Mo offers 'Simpa Internet' bundle consisting of Option Icon 225 7.2Mb HSDPA USB stick (locked to network, Globetrotter Connect software included), a SIM data card, 100 Kuna balance for 198 Kuna. T-Mobile charges 1 Kuna for 1Mb of data. Topups are available everywhere (T-Mo shops, kiosks, street vendors, supermarkets), ranging from 50 to 200 Kuna, while the bundle mostly at their shops. SIM cards are sold separately, costing 100 Kuna (100Mb included). SIM card/balance validity is 12 months. Coverage is good, urban areas provide real HSDPA/UMTS speeds while on islands and in rural areas you will get Edge/GPRS. For those using their own data cards APN is web.htgprs, dialing number *99#

2. Vipnet (Vodafone) Croatia, VIPonline

Vipnet is offering 'Vipme Broadband' package for 191 Kuna. It consists of Huawei E160X 3.6Mb HSDPA USB stick (locked), a data SIM and 100 Kuna balance. VMC software is in the bundle but I advise you against it, use Huawei's generic Mobile Partner instead - it's light, simple and user-friendly. 1Mb of data traffic is costing you 1 Kuna. Topups available from everywhere, coverage is better than T-Mo in rural areas (such as big or small islands) so if you plan to go sailing take Vipme Broadband. APN is, *99# dialing sequence.

3. Tele2 Croatia, Tele2 Hrvatska - Mobilni internet na bonove (blimey, no english version!)

Swedish low-cost outfit is lately aggressive in promoting their own offering. The bundle is made of a Huawei E180 USB stick, 7.2Mb HSDPA USB stick and a data SIM with 394 Kuna in balance. The bundle is being sold for 395 Kuna (!?) so it looks like you get E180 for 1 Kuna, not bad at all. 1Mb of data transferred will cost you 0,70 Kuna, 0,40 Kuna if you additionally topup with 100+ Kuna (much cheaper than T-Mo/Vipnet). I don't know about the coverage but they made a deal with T-Mo for national roaming, which in theory is sounding great but who knows if T-Mo is throttling Tele2 roaming traffic. I'm not sure about the SIM validity, reckon 12 months. Topups are again sold everywhere, no problem about that. APN is

What offering would be best for you? I live there and use T-mo's Option 225 (unlocked for 15 Euro by the Baltic craftmen at Dc-unlocker | iCON 431,Merlin X950D , GT Express 7.2) with a Vipnet SIM and I'm happy with it. If you are going to stay in bigger cities than Tele2 or T-Mo are equally good. Tele2 offers lower cost, plus you get Huawei E180 virtually for free. Vipnet is good for those going into the wild, off the beaten path, as their coverage is the most extensive one. Nuff said!
I find it interesting that you say that vipnet is the best option for "urban areas"
Im currently living 10min walking outside of the center of Split, and I got myself the vipnet mobile internet and tbh, its really shit!! i brought my computer into the city today and it was working as intended, but at home it takes me up to 5min to even load etc.
so how shit is tele2 or t-mobile then?
any solutions for what i can do to increase the speed?
it says it got a 7.5mbps, but my speed atm is not even close to that!
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doni01 (Offline)
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Default 20-07-2012, 10:41

Originally Posted by Pred02 View Post

Can anyone please post of confirm the internet settings (APN, PIN, Account Code, Password) for T-Mobile SIMPA USB Stick and package so I can configure my 3G router.

Thank you
Is there anyone that can update the above informations with the current offer and with all the info to configure my internet key. I haven't alrready decide which one I'll use, I'm going to Rab on sunday....any idea on which is the best in that area??
Thnaks, Donatella
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darkolo (Offline)
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Default 20-07-2012, 20:47

well, I'm looking for info too. Depends if you need to use internet from you mobile phone or using a usb modem.
It seems that with 70 hrk you have 1GB, it seems good
I need info for coverage, I will be near Trogir
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darkolo (Offline)
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Default 23-07-2012, 20:28

Originally Posted by doni01 View Post
Is there anyone that can update the above informations with the current offer and with all the info to configure my internet key. I haven't alrready decide which one I'll use, I'm going to Rab on sunday....any idea on which is the best in that area??
Thnaks, Donatella
The offers are quite the same, with Vipme
On mobile
With usb stick
I'm also interested because I'll go in Croatia too
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zvoneb (Offline)
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Default 25-07-2012, 11:28

Originally Posted by doni01 View Post
Is there anyone that can update the above informations with the current offer and with all the info to configure my internet key. I haven't alrready decide which one I'll use, I'm going to Rab on sunday....any idea on which is the best in that area??
Thnaks, Donatella
Yo u can find all configuration here.
Pages are a little bit outdated, but settings are ok.
VIP - Prepaid Wireless Internet Access
T-Mobile - Prepaid Wireless Internet Access
Greetings from Croatia

Zvone B

Voice GSM:
CRO: Vip, Tomato, D: Tchibo, UK: giffgaff, PL: Heyah, Plus, UA: Kyivstar, MK: Vip, BIH: Eronet

Mobile internet GSM:
CRO: Vip, BonBon
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