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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 21-06-2012, 22:49

I have an E63 and I've never had any luck configuring the VoIP client. Can anyone point me to any websites that help, or give me some suggestions? I use and and have had no luck configuring most softphones or configuring hardware ATAs like the Linksys PAP2T.

CA: SaskTel, Wind postpaid; Rogers, Bell postpaid iPad flex plans; US: T-Mobile postpaid data, prepaid voice; PureTalk (AT&T MVNO) prepaid voice/data; AT&T prepaid iPad plan

Hardware: Too much but notably iPhone 5, iPad Mini Retina LTE, Moto G LTE (N.A. version), iPhone 4. All unlocked.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 22-06-2012, 10:12

I did not have any problems setting it up for voipcheap. Here is a setup instructions, you just plug in appropriate settings as needed. Below that is another one from the Nokia support forums.

Nokia E63 SIP Settings VoIP Setup SIP Client Configuration

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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 22-06-2012, 11:07

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
I tend to believe GSMArena when it comes to phone specs.

Dell Venue Pro - Full phone specifications
Turns out there are two versions of the Venue Pro: T-Mobile's had UMTS 900, 2100 & AWS. ATT's had 850, 1900 & 2100. So, neither of these satisfy my minimum requirements. According to GSMArena there are 27 phones that do, most of which are Nokia.
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masterofdisaster (Offline)
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Default 09-08-2012, 16:11

After readin @Bossman's instructions it was easy to install voipcheap!

Much appreciated
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 23-08-2012, 14:46

I finally broke down and bought a Nokia N8. So far, my impressions are mixed. First, it's small. I look and my old E61 and people with iPhones and current Android phones and ask myself, "Why do they carry that shingle around with them?" OTOH, I'm pretty disappointed by the paltry number of worthwhile apps for Symbian^3 (Nokia Belle). The company who offered PPTP VPN and other networking apps for earlier Symbian phones has discontinued development for the current Symbian platforms. While Skype runs on Belle, they don't support video chat, so I'm not sure what good that front-facing camera does. I can't get Fring to work but Nimbuzz seems to. It took a bit of doing but SIP VOIP is working. Their IMAP mail client is good enough but slightly dumbed down from the one on the E61. (It does not allow you to ignore the IMAP Inbox folder but assumes that you always want to see that folder.)

My reasons for buying the N8 were various but one of the critical requirements was to have UMTS bands I, II, IV & V. The list of phones that did this was fairly short and mostly Nokia. The one or two Motorolas and handfull of Samsungs that had this feature were over US$500, new, while the N8 was US$270.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 07-09-2012, 02:10

I loved my Symbian phones but moved to a jailbroken iPhone because of the lack of apps. I'm grandfathered on ATT's iPhone international data plan and put a prepaid or roaming SIM in an old Nokia E66. If I were going to buy a new unlocked phone, I'd think about the Galaxy Nexus S.

I was reading the specs over the Nokia Lumina 920 and it looks like it supports a number of LTE bands. I'm wondering if we see a new LTE world phone anytime soon.
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