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Roti2000 (Offline)
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Default Chinese Dual-bands that Work in Mexico City? - 13-08-2011, 21:27

Hey everyone,

I started a thread last year relating to a problem I thought I had with my AT&T Gophone SIM that I was going to use in Mexico.

The gist of the problem was that a "quad band" phone I purchased on was actually a tri band and, hence, wouldn't pick up AT&T and Telcel in Mexico.

Folks indicated that some of the chinese quad bands are really tri-bands.

I am back to Mexico in a few months and wanted to see if anyone has any experience with dual sim, quad bands THAT ACTUALLY WORK with a Telcel SIM!

If you can recommend a seller, then great!

I was thinking of gambling with focal price again and try a different quad-band dual-sim model, but thought I'd ask here first.

Focal price--although slow--was pretty good to work with for the refund. But it probably cost me $15 or so to send the phone back to China. So I would like to try and get something that works this time around to avoid the hassle!

Any suggestions?
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Other than the obvious - 13-08-2011, 21:47

Other than the obvious:: Make sure you get a quad band phone that is quad band!

Also AT&T prepaid is probably a better value to use in Mexico if you are able to activate it or get an activated one. Check out their rates on their web site. The problem with Mexican cell phone companies it they have small 'local rate' ones and it costs a lot to call outside the local area. Others will chime in I assume.
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Roti2000 (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2011, 22:06

Thx, rfranzq,

Yeah, the problem I have is how do you REALLY KNOW that the quad band is quad band?

That was one of the reasons for the post--to see if people can confirm specific models/vendors that are selling true quads.

On the GoPhone, you are right for outgoing calls.

The AT&T GoPhone is $0.25/min US to send/receive calls in Mexico.

Telcel Amigo is actually $0.32/min US to send calls, but free to receive!

This is why I want to get a good dual-sim phone. I call out on At&T and have folks call me on Telcel.

SMS on Telcel (to Mexican phones) is $0.07 (US) to send (free to receive). I think it costs $2.00 (US) to SMS to the US.

AT&T is $0.20 to receive SMS and $0.25 to send.

I know that there are different ways you can configure Telcel Amigo, but I haven't figured out just how to do that!

When I am connecting with my friends in DF we seem to send sms more than talk, actually. I don't want to screw my DF mates with them having to contact me on my US number, so I always like to have a Tecel SIM!

I just got back from there and was basically carrying two single-sim phones around!

My other big challenge between now and December is to hope that I can recharge successfully the Telcel from the US so my number doesn't die. I haven't done this before and apparently it can be done online or through recharge cards available at Walgreens, etc.... However, I do not underestimate the ability of Carlos Slim to screw me over!
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default this might work for telcel/Mexico - 14-08-2011, 00:30

This might work for telcel/Mexico::

I have used them for a Philippine SIM with no problems for a few years.

They even seem to have a free trial going on--so you could test it now even to see if it will work for you.
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2011, 20:24

Originally Posted by Roti2000 View Post
My other big challenge between now and December is to hope that I can recharge successfully the Telcel from the US so my number doesn't die. I haven't done this before and apparently it can be done online or through recharge cards available at Walgreens, etc.... However, I do not underestimate the ability of Carlos Slim to screw me over!
I've used successfully in the past to recharge Telcel online, there are others also like ezetop and pinzoo.

Physical Telcel recharge cards are also available from a few smaller dealers in the US mainly in the border areas, but recharging online is easier. Even in Mexico the physical recharge cards are disappearing as stores like Oxxo just recharge phones via the cash register system.

Be sure to register for online access to your account at "Mi Telcel":
(you need to receive an sms on the phone for activation).

Then you can check the balance (saldo) and expiry date online.

To keep both the balance and the card active you need to recharge with at least 100 pesos every 60 days (make it a few days less than 60 days, to be sure). This balance rolls over for as long as the card is active, so it'll all be available for your use when next in Mexico.

Sims: Telcel MX, T-Mobile US, Virgin Mobile UK, Orange UK, Knowroaming
Voip: Localphone UK, Anveo US, Google Voice
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Roti2000 (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2011, 00:59

Thanks, RTuesday.

I have already registered it and thanks for the info about babblebug.

I have actually seen recharge cards in my local Walgreens in Chicago. I forget who was producing them, but my recollection was that you could recharge various providers in various countries with them.

I looked for the actual recharge cards when I was in Oxxo/7-11/Circle Ks, but never found them. I did see folks selling them in markets, but didn't want to risk it.

On another note, the process of getting a SIM card was flawless in the Mexico City Airport. The corporate Telcel office on the second floor did it hassle-free. I am not sure if they speak English there, as I speak pretty good Spanish. But they were pretty friendly and I would think you could get the SIM with basic Spanish (assuming no English-speakers were around).
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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2011, 04:31

My Otech F1 quad-SIM Chinese phone *seems* to be quad band on the first two SIM slots. I'm not entirely sure that it's quad band on third and fourth SIMs. Unfortunately, it's really tough to find 850 MHz-only 2G GSM in North America; the providers tended to deploy GSM 1900 first as phones were available for that band before they were available for 850 MHz.

The phones are cheap enough, at least, that you can experiment easily enough.

CA: SaskTel, Wind postpaid; Rogers, Bell postpaid iPad flex plans; US: T-Mobile postpaid data, prepaid voice; PureTalk (AT&T MVNO) prepaid voice/data; AT&T prepaid iPad plan

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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 15-08-2011, 22:01

Originally Posted by Roti2000 View Post
I looked for the actual recharge cards when I was in Oxxo/7-11/Circle Ks, but never found them. I did see folks selling them in markets, but didn't want to risk it.
Oxxo and similar places used to have the cards hidden behind the counter (you'd need to ask for them), but nowadays they can recharge any phone at the cash register. Just give them the phone number (doesn't have to be your own number) and the money to add, and it'll be added instantly. Some smaller stores may add a few pesos handling charge.

It's also possible to add money online from Mexican bank accounts at the Mexican bank's website, or at some ATMs with a Mexican ATM card.

Sims: Telcel MX, T-Mobile US, Virgin Mobile UK, Orange UK, Knowroaming
Voip: Localphone UK, Anveo US, Google Voice
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