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tux (Offline)
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Default 19-03-2011, 14:10

In Monaco there's Orange F coverage. Monaco Telecom is an MVNO on the Orange F network.
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xieyi (Offline)
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Default 09-04-2011, 23:10


I'm planning to go in France for 8 days next week and i've been trying to figure out which is the best way to have web access and especially to google maps.

By reading this forum i became really disappointed. Excessive charges and time gap from purchase to activation.

Is there a cheap option for data usage or should i forget a-gps?
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scirocco (Offline)
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Default 20-07-2011, 14:20

I visited France last month for about 25 days and used the Orange data network for calls and data for an iPhone 4, using a prepaid Mobicarte. Coverage was excellent and data speeds were usually at least as good as I usually get with Telstra in Australia. Congestion did sometimes occur in busy areas but was not too bad. I was also in a lot of rural areas and was pleasantly surprised by how often I could get 3G; if 3G wasn't available it was only in extremely remote places that Edge was not available.

I subscribed to Internet Max (500MB) for 9 euros and Mail for 6 euros. This meant that once these had been deducted I only had to worry about the balance for call charges (I hardly made any) and had effectively unlimited surfing and proper mail rather than webmail. VPNs worked fine as did video streaming. I didn't try Skype calling as the terms and conditions specifically prohibit it.

I had internet from the time the plane taxied in at CDG until I left the country. And no, I don't have a French credit card or a friend in France to buy the SIM card for me. Here's how to do it:

1. Buy a prepaid, pre-activated Orange Mobicarte SIM card on Ebay. There is a seller with about 2000 positive feedback - he is legit. Ensure you buy the one with 15 euros credit. The credit expires within a month so don't buy it too early before travel.

2. Turn data off and put the SIM in your phone in your home country (you will have to cut the SIM to micro-SIM size for an iPhone4). You may have to try a few different local carriers before you get one that will allow the SIM to work on its network.

3. Log on to the "Portail Orange" website Portail Orange : Actu, Sport, Assistance Internet, Web Mail Orange (French only) and create a user account using the phone number. To get the password you will have to send a SMS to the phone from the website - this is why you need the phone turned on. The SMS will cost 50 euro cents or so.

4. Once you receive the SMS, finish setting up your account on the Portail Orange. At least two or three days before you travel, activate the Internet Max Option - it takes up to 48 hours to come on line. You will not have enough credit left to activate the Mail option yet.

5. For an iPhone, sync with iTunes with the SIM card in before you leave home - this will ensure that the correct carrier settings for the SIM card are loaded.

6. Once you arrive in France you will have phone and internet available immediately. You can buy 5 or 10 euro recharges at any newsagent so that you have some credit for calls. You can recharge and also activate the Mail option through the #123 phone menu (French only).


No wasting time in France buying the SIM card and waiting 48 hours for activation;
Know your phone number in advance to tell friends and family.
No messing around with carrier settings in France - get it all set up before you leave.
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scirocco (Offline)
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Default 21-07-2011, 12:54

A few more clarifications:

1. You don't absolutely have to set up an account on the Portail Orange website; if you prefer you can use the #123 menu from the phone in your home country to activate the Internet Max option before you leave. My local carrier (Telstra) did allow the #123 phone menu to work on its network and it was free. But it was a bit flaky and did not work all the time. I can read French not too bad so the Portail Orange website option worked well for me and you can see exactly what's going on.

2. The Ebay seller sells the SIM cards with 15 euros credit. In theory this is enough to activate both the Internet Max and Mail options (9+6 euros) but the SMS to get the Portail orange password uses up 50c and prevents you from doing so. I found a different Ebay seller selling Orange recharges so I bought one and activated the Mail option prior to travel.

3. I have seen some people complain that they don't see the Internet Max option in the phone menu. You have to have enough credit (9 euros) on the phone for the option to become available.

4. If you are searching for the Ebay seller and you can't find him on your local Ebay, try searching on the French Ebay site.

5. Obviously this whole procedure only works with phones not locked to a carrier. You need to unlock if your phone is locked.

Last edited by scirocco; 21-07-2011 at 13:05..
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Dimebag Darrell (Offline)
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Default 29-07-2011, 14:38

Originally Posted by scirocco View Post
A few more clarifications:

1. You don't absolutely have to set up an account on the Portail Orange website; if you prefer you can use the #123 menu from the phone in your home country to activate the Internet Max option before you leave. My local carrier (Telstra) did allow the #123 phone menu to work on its network and it was free. But it was a bit flaky and did not work all the time. I can read French not too bad so the Portail Orange website option worked well for me and you can see exactly what's going on.

2. The Ebay seller sells the SIM cards with 15 euros credit. In theory this is enough to activate both the Internet Max and Mail options (9+6 euros) but the SMS to get the Portail orange password uses up 50c and prevents you from doing so. I found a different Ebay seller selling Orange recharges so I bought one and activated the Mail option prior to travel.

3. I have seen some people complain that they don't see the Internet Max option in the phone menu. You have to have enough credit (9 euros) on the phone for the option to become available.

4. If you are searching for the Ebay seller and you can't find him on your local Ebay, try searching on the French Ebay site.

5. Obviously this whole procedure only works with phones not locked to a carrier. You need to unlock if your phone is locked.

Hi Scirocco,

Could you please share the link where you find the sim card (mobicarte) on ebay?

Thanks a lot
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scirocco (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2011, 01:31

I won't post the seller's name or a direct link to the product, because that's probably against the forum rules, but simply go to Ebay France and search for "orange prepaid 15". The seller I used had more than 2000 positive feedback. He is obviously used to selling to foreigners because the item description is in English.

The seller is now selling micro-sims as well as regular sized sims with the 15 euros credit. Note that the item description says that you need 12 euros for the Internet Max - this is incorrect - it's now only 9 euros.

Last edited by scirocco; 30-07-2011 at 01:48..
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Dimebag Darrell (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2011, 13:36

Originally Posted by scirocco View Post
I won't post the seller's name or a direct link to the product, because that's probably against the forum rules, but simply go to Ebay France eBay - Achetez et vendez vos objets neufs ou d'occasion. Enchères, prix fixe, petites annonces - Et vous, vous achetez comment ? and search for "orange prepaid 15". The seller I used had more than 2000 positive feedback. He is obviously used to selling to foreigners because the item description is in English.

The seller is now selling micro-sims as well as regular sized sims with the 15 euros credit. Note that the item description says that you need 12 euros for the Internet Max - this is incorrect - it's now only 9 euros.
OK thanks

If you want, you can send me the name in private message !

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flychr (Offline)
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Default 02-08-2011, 17:01

sems very good!!
how is the settings for internet on the phone? (Android)
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drsugarman (Offline)
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Default 13-09-2011, 19:41

"4. Once you receive the SMS, finish setting up your account on the Portail Orange. At least two or three days before you travel, activate the Internet Max Option - it takes up to 48 hours to come on line. You will not have enough credit left to activate the Mail option yet."

Check to all of the above: SIM Purchased, Portal account setup on-line can see my number etc. But I can't see this Option to setup ...

I have 14 Euro credit on my account. Says's my sim is set up as a "le Pass Let's Go" no contract account.

Where is this option? Do I need more credit to see it? This is for an iPad2 3G.

I can get someone to top me up a bit if that's the issue.

I did already use this in France last month but what to set up the Internet Max + Popmail
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scirocco (Offline)
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Default 16-09-2011, 02:33

The way it works for my account (a standard prepaid Mobicarte) is:

Start from login page "espace client" (client area)
Click on "mes options / bons plans" (my options / good plans)
You will see two tabs within that window, one "Gerer mes options" (manage my options) and another called "Souscrire une nouvelle option" (subscribe to a new option). Click on the Subscribe one and a list of all the valid options for your Sim will come up. Click on "Souscrire" against the ones you want to subscribe to.

In my account shown below I am already subscribed to Internet and Mail.

The "Subscribe" tab:
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france, internet data, mobicarte, orange france

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