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dohouch (Offline)
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Wink Good news for yoigo prepaid,"no consumo minimo" - 13-12-2010, 09:13

Good for me. heard rumours of this earlier, and was going to change to MAS. Now I won't have to. Was in Spain in September and left about €3.50 on SIM, when back at the end of November was surprised to see it still there. So seems to be true.

Yoigo hace desaparecer la Tarifa 2 | Noticias

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Yoigo takes away the rate 2 Posted by Peter P. on 07 Dec 2010 in News | Tags: Data, Prepay, Tariffs, voice, Yoigo | is not the first time a fee is discontinued. In fact, it happens continuously. What it is most strange (although not a first for Yoigo) is to make disappear altogether for a fee. And, although by that time was not employable, customers who once chose the rate 2, still maintained it. But as the letter reports that have had clients receive that rate, and as stated in the brief information that is posted on the page, on December 15, 2010, the fee will disappear forever. That is, unless otherwise stated, customers that rate pass rate to be zero (in card) with which we can speak to an hour a day for free to other numbers Yoigo, the other calls to 12 cents and SMS to 8 cents. It has no minimum consumption, but as a loss with respect to the present, requires a minimum charge of 5 € every 9 months to keep the number. It's little, but it is more than required the previous tariff, in which the number provided he remained balance. If you have balance available and you do not agree with the conversion to the new tariff, Yoigo undertakes to repay the balance on current account indicated.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2010, 11:12

I can verify this. I still have a few old "Tarifa 2" SIM cards, and I recently received some letters stating that these were effectively being converted into the standard tariff but without the 6 Euro minimum monthly spend. Previously the standard tariff had a lower per minute charge for daytime calls, but the 6 Euro min charge meant that this product was quite useless for occasional visitors to Spain. Overall, the Yoigo prepaid SIM is now becoming a much better product for visitors, especially as it is a relatively easy SIM to buy.
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MobileMan (Offline)
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Default 14-12-2010, 16:06

Not so good for me, I was quite happy with Tarjeta 2 as I only use the card around once a year, mainly for data and incoming calls.
Hadn't added credit for a year but have just managed to top up by 5 euro through their website.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2010, 00:17

Didn't even the old Tarjeta 2 have the topup every 9 months rule? If so, not much has really changed, apart from the daytime calling rate coming down a long way.
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MobileMan (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2010, 11:08

The old Tarjeta 2 just required you to have credit on your account, as quoted in the dohouch tranlation post above "It's little, but it is more than required the previous tariff, in which the number provided he remained balance."
I topup apx every 12 months anyway so not a big problem for me, just need to set a reminder to topup 5 euro every 9 months from the UK.
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