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masr4779 (Offline)
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Default 17-11-2010, 15:44

Originally Posted by bartolo5 View Post
Actually now that I remember last time I recharged the SIM, I was in Greece and I did it simply calling 404. Pressing '1' after it tells you your remaining balance will directly charge the credit card on file instantly.
The problem is adding the initial payment card. For some reason the system is rejecting it.

I was able to add credit to my account though. Someone at Truphone was able to take the credit card on file with my "application" account (the same card I have tried to add to my "SIM" account). Top up the "application" account, and then transfer the money to my "SIM" account. Worked well. The only problem is that it has not resolved the adding a payment card problem. So, I am unable to call 404 and top up using the automated system.

Just to be clear, the people I have spoken and emailed with at Truphone have been very eager to help. They eventually (after a lot of persistence on my part) were able to get my account up and running. I do appreciate that. The problem is that there are still some obvious glitches in their online system. Hopefully that will be resolved soon.

One interesting thing I noticed. I was charged for half a minute of an incoming call that I did not answer. I don't have the voicemail activated so I don't believe that is the issue. The charge was $.09. It did not happen again when I tested it.
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bartolo5 (Offline)
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Default 17-11-2010, 21:35

Originally Posted by masr4779 View Post
I was able to add credit to my account though. Someone at Truphone was able to take the credit card on file with my "application" account (the same card I have tried to add to my "SIM" account). Top up the "application" account, and then transfer the money to my "SIM" account. Worked well.
So this basically proves they have an issue with their payment system. Not good.

Originally Posted by masr4779 View Post
Just to be clear, the people I have spoken and emailed with at Truphone have been very eager to help.
I second this. The times I've called them on the phone they have been very quick and understanding solving my issues. No script involved, just smart people who listen. If you've ever dealt with customer service reps in the USA or Spain this is totally a breath of fresh air.

Not let's just hope they can get the service running in places we can use it, and of course that they gladly let us pay for it
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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 18-11-2010, 02:31

You know... I just tried to add some credit to my account, for the heck of it. I did so in the past with no problems, my credit card is on record, but now the system flatly refuses to even show an amount to upgrade with. I tried on two browsers ( Chrome & IE8 ), both the same result. I hope Truphone sorts out their site soon, I fear for the worst when the simplest things are impossible... and I do want them to succeed
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 18-11-2010, 17:22

If they have a problem with their own payment system (and authorising foreign registered credit cards etc.) why don't they just allow paypal payments for the time being?
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Tip for getting the US area code you want when you order from the Truphone website - 19-11-2010, 03:12

Here is a tip for getting the US area code you want when you order from the Truphone website. When you buy a SIM from the web site it will first show a New York area code and phone number. There is a drop down list for other states. Well, let us say you live in a state with multiple area codes. California, for instance. Let us say you choose California and don't like the area code--wrong end of the state, choose any other state and choose California again. If you keep doing this you will eventually see most area codes in California. It might take 20-30 times doing this to see the one you want [562, for instance]. And if you don't choose it then, you might have to do it 20-30 times again to see it again. So be patient and see what is available, but don't get too greedy, you might double or triple your time to see the area code you want again.

You can test this without buying one.

Last edited by rfranzq; 19-11-2010 at 03:13.. Reason: final sentence
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 19-11-2010, 16:08

If I activate my Truphone SIM, can I pay the $15 member rate only for the months it might help me?
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Yes. Your first month includes it. - 19-11-2010, 20:36

Originally Posted by Stu View Post
If I activate my Truphone SIM, can I pay the $15 member rate only for the months it might help me?
Yes. Your first month includes it.
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bartolo5 (Offline)
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Default 01-12-2010, 19:01

It's december 1st 2010, around 6pm in London UK, the day its coming to a end, and still no news from Truphone. After rolling back the launch of Australia, there still not news about the next countries 'coming soon'. Website is still miss-pricing incoming calls in europe if you are a US customer, blog hasn't been updated since september 1st!

Only 20 days left till the autumn is over, Truphone's promised timeframe for delivery of all the truphone countries of this year. Let's see what happens.
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bartolo5 (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2010, 10:12

I've been trying to modify the original post of this thread but for the world of me I don't know how to figure out how to edit it.

The update I wanted to add is that I have finally been able to test that incoming calls in Europe are indeed $0.26/min as previously stated by a Tru employee in this thread, and I actually noticed that they have upgraded their pricing correctly. So the original post is no longer correct!
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2010, 10:15

Bartolo5, things change: your first post was valid on Dec 1st, now you posted again and we know that things go better, fortunately!
You can edit your posts, but only for some minutes after you posted, not after 20 days

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