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djb2002 (Offline)
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Default Mobile Internet Access in Tenerife - 28-10-2010, 20:27

I'm going to Tenerife in a couple of weeks and would like to have internet access from my laptop. Wifi is available in the public areas of the complex, but is very expensive and I would like access from the apartment itself.

I've been looking at sim cards that I can use in my dongle and were looking for advice.

Looking at the rates, I think the best is Yoigo - It seems toe be €1.20 per day, which will allow me to have access for the 7 days I am away.

Is this correct ? - Is there any better option available to me in terms of other network providers ?

I'm also looking to purchase the sim card before I get there (if possible).

Any help, advice, or suggestions/comments appreciate.

Thanks in advance,

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Chris K (Offline)
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Default 30-10-2010, 11:41


I just got back from a week in Menorca and used a vodafone card - couldn't recommend it enough. Worked extremely well, Skype also worked over it, as did streaming from BBC and YouTube.

I'd seriously considering using one of these SIM cards if you can.

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djb2002 (Offline)
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Default 30-10-2010, 11:43

Was this a Spanish Vodafone sim ?

How much did it cost to buy it and for usage ?

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Chris K (Offline)
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Default 31-10-2010, 11:36

Yes - Spanish voda SIM.

From memory was 30ish euros which you can get 7 days pretty much unlimited (although after 1gb download it drops the speed to 64kbps).

I got mine off eBay - there's a guy that sells that who is very helpful, think his username is spainsim or something like that.

A few pointers - you need to make sure your dongle is unlocked to do this, you also need to be able to send texts to activate the service as well.

Nose around the net and you'll find instructions.
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djb2002 (Offline)
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Default 31-10-2010, 11:45

Thanks for the reply and details - That sounds great.

I can't see them for sale on eBay though.

Would you mind double checking the persons username and letting me know.

Thanks in advance,

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petkow (Offline)
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Default 31-10-2010, 17:08

Have a read through the various threads on Spain on here. The Vodafone deal isn't very good value for money at all. 30 Euros for 1Gig?? Remember the speed when you have passed the 1GB is pretty unworkable.

Unfortunately I am not hugely updated, and do not have the time to start deal hunting now. However, rather than using Vodafone or Movistar, I would rather pick up a Simyo, Masmovil or Blau card once you are here. You can get these at various retailers, notably "The Phone House" (Spanish equivalent of the Carphonewarehouse). Another option is the Carrefour SIM, which one member (Drama Queen) raved on about recently here on the forum. The good thing with those is that you can pick these up in any Carrefour store, include its many affiliates. More details on their website. There will be a couple of hundred shops on Teneriffe where you could get one of these. On Carrefour, the access charge works out at 1Euro per day. That's less than a quarter of what Vodafone are charging. However, note that if you plan on keeping the SIM for your next trip, it will probably be just better getting a new one then, as the monthly minimum charge realistically makes these sort of SIM's a one-time affair! Just use and throw!

Sorry I cannot really help more at the moment. I am stuck on a really slow internet connection for the next couple of days which makes browsing a pain.
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Chris K (Offline)
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Default 31-10-2010, 17:09

eBay My World - 128-bits

My bad - this guy here sells them.

If none listed send him a question and ask for prices.
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djb2002 (Offline)
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Default 31-10-2010, 17:26

Thanks for your replies - I'll have a look into it.

I'm not sure if there are any mobile phone shops (to purchase sim cards) near Golf de Sur. If anyone knows it would be great.

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petkow (Offline)
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Default 31-10-2010, 19:05

I just managed to have a quick look on the storefinder on the Carrefour and Phone house websites. I was thinking there might be something in San Miguel de Abono. Unfortunately, there's actually not too many Carrefour's at all on the island. Just a couple, and they're on the northern end (far from your area). The same goes for the Phone House.

You could try one of the small independent shops, as well as one of the many electronics stores run by Indians which are all over the islands. Also, Yoigo is showing a shop in Arona which is fairly nearby:
Calle Barranquillo 2
38650 Arona
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2010, 15:44

Originally Posted by lola4479 View Post
Does iphone and blackberry work in tenerife?
And why would they not? What does this have to do with the OP?

Lola, I hope I am mistaken, but by the content of your first posts it appears you are just a serial spammer and have no intention of contributing meaningful posts or asking serious questions. Could you please stop!
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carrefour movil, internet, tenerife, yoigo, yoigo sim

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