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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 10:33

Roadrunner, I have just had time to read the whole thread properly! At least have the decency to compare like for like and compare the facts properly! I'll admit I don't even use ekit (anymore), but this thread is just going a bit too far!

1. You keep staing that ekit charge 10c for incoming SMS. At least make it clear that this is only for SMS received on the US number. Any SMS received on the UK number is still free of cost!

2. You ridicule ekit for charging a 19c/min surcharge on the US number, but you fail to mention in the same breath that your own product incurrs a much higher 30c/min surcharge!

3. You mention the rate for India on ekit (I presume incoming) as the "cream" at 4.04. The incoming rate is actually 3.29 on ekit and 3.26 on yours. Forgive me for saying but in the grand scheme of things, and given the fact that practically all of the roaming products for India are expensive, that 3c difference is insignificant!

I haven't got time to investigate more of your tall claims, or to highlight many of the instances where your own product works out much more expensive than ekit but please stop insulting the intelligence of the users of this site who are able to make up their minds with real facts based on rate sheets!

Last edited by andy; 03-11-2009 at 02:07.. Reason: as requested below
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RoadRunnerUS (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 14:57

Hmm… If someone is working for a company here, I guess it is the one that promote e-kit around here… I mentioned in my posts at least 5 different companies that are alike!

As for bbob claim about annual fee, I do not understand what is unclear. has a renewal fee of $21, which is less than 6 cents a day. e-kit are charging $0.35 PER CALL, and if you make 10 calls a day you ended up with $3.50. If you make 60 calls a year, your fee already surpass ANNUAL fee. A little different I should say from the bright picture you are trying to draw… has a $29 renewal fee which is cheaper than e-kit as well. have extension fee of $20, but if you forgot to purchase it within 90 days, your airtime will expire... They all have annual fee, it is all a matter of how you market it. e-kit are marketing it like it does not exist, but they are the most expensive of them all!

I don’t come with a different answer every time. My answer is always the same. e-kit is expensive; avoid it at any cost. I already proved it in my calculations above. Any one of the companies I mentioned is cheaper by the end of the day than e-kit, unless you are using all kind of tricks like multiple SIM cards, or “friends pay my bill”.

Petkow, you are writing “…will make use of the free/cheap incoming facility on a roaming SIM and then setup a callback using a 3rd party provider!” are you sure about it? I don’t know how to do this, together with 98% of the population. Guys, the world is not “prepaid academy”. We want to talk for a reasonable price. That’s it. Not to do three weeks research and travel with a manual “how to beat the system”. And this is exactly what all the companies I mentioned do. Give you a good service at a fair price.
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prion (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 15:04

Originally Posted by RoadRunnerUS View Post

Petkow, you are writing “…will make use of the free/cheap incoming facility on a roaming SIM and then setup a callback using a 3rd party provider!” are you sure about it? I don’t know how to do this, together with 98% of the population. Guys, the world is not “prepaid academy”. We want to talk for a reasonable price. That’s it. Not to do three weeks research and travel with a manual “how to beat the system”. And this is exactly what all the companies I mentioned do. Give you a good service at a fair price.
What about rates to India?
I suppose you should have to say something about that or not?
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 15:28

Originally Posted by prion View Post
What about rates to India?
I suppose you should have to say something about that or not?
Who, me?
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 15:36

Look, what is obvious here is different strokes for different folks. As we said about 7 posts earlier, there is obviously not one perfect card for everybody. The objection is charctrizing e-kit the way it was and I positively don't work for e-kit.

Most people I know take one or two trips on an international basis a year. They may be away say 4 weeks. In that time, they may make 15 to 20 outgoing calls. Using the 35˘ set up fee, that comes to $7 (remember I said most).....

Setting up an international callback system is easy.....but yes most people don't read this bulletin board and know some of the ins and outs we pick up. I grant you that. But then again many people are happy to pay $1.29 to AT&T and/or T Mobile US to roam and pay for both incoming and outgoing calls and think it is a bargain!

This whole area, of course, is in a state of flux. We make the same points over and over again. Quite frankly, for a trip to Europe, today I might opt for a true UK sim say from O2 and consider their European plan for 10 quid a month, over and done. But that doesn't help me much if I have to call the USA (and those rates are sky rocketing as many of the telcoms have to make up for their loss of revenue due to eurotariffs)...but I have a certain set of needs that may be different than others but I think my needs are more in line with many people. Here are my needs, Mr. Roadruunner...

1. Trips about three or four times a year to Europe, almost all within the eu.

2. Prime consideration is receiving calls when I'm away for as cheap as possible. This includes having the ability to, as cheap as possible, forward calls off my home number landline in NY to whatever sim of the day, so to speak, I am using. Currently, my call forwarding costs me straight from my landline 30˘/minute to UK mobile numbers, not outrageous but that's the price. Of course, until about two years ago, my call forwarding to a Liechtenstein mobile cost me 10˘/minute before termination fees shot through the roof.

3. I do not use the sim for's just plain ordinary to be reachable 24/7 when I'm away for people to call me on my regular number.

4. I have no intention of travelling to India or Indonesia or some of the other places mentioned here.


For me, e-kit is a fine compromise. Am I totally happy as compared to what I once had. No, of course not. Would I prefer to carry my notebook everywhere and use one of th einternet based carriers. Of course, but then there's the charge for wifi or whatever.

Sure I want as cheap a plan as possible and I understand at a certain point, there will be little return to the international card providers. They have already seen a lot of their customer base disappear due to the eurotariffs but at the same time I am tired of having T Mobile (DT) take money from its left pocket and put it in its right pocket and on the way charge a steep fee for "roaming".

But you know, I know, we all know that in the 21st century world of technology, things are constantly changing and becoming more user friendly and cheaper. The same computer system I can go out and buy for $400 today would have cost $2,000 just a year or two ago and comes with so much more. Having wireless routers in my apartment with wireless printers and whatever is an every day thing today, would have been unheard of just a couple of years ago. Just having a mobile phone that works relatively (and that is the key word) inexpensively when I travel and the ability to forward calls to it 24/7 wherever in the world (well most places in the world) is what is most important to me saving a few pennies along the way.

I will stick with what I said...if I were to give advice to a novice, going across the pond for the first time from North America and who asks me what's the most convenient way of having a mobile phone for a trip to Europe (or Australia or New Zealand) I would still suggest the ekit simple card as available on ebay for $9 plus $3 shipping. I still stand by my original point that it's fairly reasonable and convenient for most. And I'm sorry to say buying e-kit is the biggest mistake you can make is just downright wrong.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 15:37

Funny thing is I had never heard of Simcardglobal, brightroam and roamsimple until Roadrunner turned up here. I am not sure, (and cannot be bothered to check) but are they all from the same stable?

With regards to what I mentioned about setting up a 3rd party callback... Callback is actually the technology that most of these SIM's are based on in the first place! As it is, it's a bit of an adjustment to make as when you dial a number your phone start ringing and waiting for a pickup! I think most people who get used to this, and read up a bit on sites like this...will eventually figure out how to make low cost 3rd party callbacks!

We are not talking about 98% of the population in any case. 98% of the population do not regurlarly have to make 60 calls per year on a roaming SIM from UK to France!

Last edited by petkow; 02-11-2009 at 16:12..
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 21:02

As for bbob claim about annual fee, I do not understand what is unclear. has a renewal fee of $21, which is less than 6 cents a day. e-kit are charging $0.35 PER CALL, and if you make 10 calls a day you ended up with $3.50. If you make 60 calls a year, your fee already surpass ANNUAL fee. A little different I should say from the bright picture you are trying to draw…
You go to Cheap International dual SIM cards and free global roaming
On there main page at the bottom you will find some text saying Main Features

Your unused airtime credit never expires as long as your card is active that is what it says now. Before it said your unused airtime never expires.

all of a sudden they have now like it should be added "as long as your card is active" Seems like others have complained or they have read this thread. Or like petkow says no one ever heared of simcardglobal before you came here and now all of a sudden because I wrote about the problem between faq en main pages this has been resolved, mm very interesting.

As for your comparing prices. There is no use in doing this as everyone has to do this based on their personal use.

Like I said simcardglobal does charge incoming cost in many EU countries. So if you are receiving many inbound calls using simcardglobal in these countries, france, italy, germany, netherlands you are paying $0,10 to $ 0,21 per minute. When using ekit or some other sims you pay nothing.

So I could also slap you saying when I use the card for receiving many incoming calls in these countries simcard global is a rip off.

The point is very simple, there is no cheaper or more expensive call card, this al depens on where you are traveling, are you using more inbound than outbound, do you use it once per year or all year round. In some cases whatever sim x might be cheaper in other case sim y and yet in others sim z.

So please get the point here and stop you pure marketing for simcardglobal.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default Another post by - 02-11-2009, 21:21

Could this be the same person in the last post here?
Getting a mobile phone in England


The minus in buying the SIM card while in GB is you don't know the number that will be assigned to you, so your friends will not be able to call you. I think a better idea is to buy a global SIM card, which will serve you in UK and other countries. Some of them has no expiration at all, so it is yours for life. I know Cheap International dual SIM cards and free global roaming has a good service with cheap price, and they have a branch in Australia. You might want to consider it.


Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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andy (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 22:13

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Could this be the same person in the last post here?
Getting a mobile phone in England


The minus in buying the SIM card while in GB is you don't know the number that will be assigned to you, so your friends will not be able to call you. I think a better idea is to buy a global SIM card, which will serve you in UK and other countries. Some of them has no expiration at all, so it is yours for life. I know [...] a good service with cheap price, and they have a branch in Australia. You might want to consider it.

Well found, and what a load of absolute bollocks that advice is

As we know, the UK has at least half a dozen brands with cheap calls to Australia and USA and plenty of other countries, starting at 3 and 4 pence a minute., so someone moving here for some time should look for those rather than a global SIM

I'd still been wondering why the OP had asked the question from the perspective of someone travelling from Australia, yet has declared as coming from America. Now I wonder if the criticism of a prominent Australian provider isn't much of a coincidence

Last edited by andy; 02-11-2009 at 22:22..
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 02-11-2009, 22:46

Looks like someone is pretty hell-bent on plugging their product at all costs! I just had to read the OP again after your post Andy, though am confused by the bit of "the criticism of a prominent Australian provider"?

Anyhow, unfortunately plugging your own product on this forum tends to back-fire. For some strange reason I don't think anybody here will buy this product now!

Interesting points too made by BBob! You're absolutely right that people make their choice of SIM on so many different factors. Just a small point that I wanted to add on that! One other very important factor in choosing a SIM is reputation, however it's hard to know what to measure that against these days, after even some of the most reputable companies folded (e.g. United Mobile), resulting in people losing credit and to a certain extent their investment on the upfront cost! On that note, all the more reason to buy a SIM card with a low upfront cost (e.g. Ekit), and keep your balance on that as low as possible. It also goes without saying that you should always buy a SIM from a provider that someone has made some decent experiences with, and not one that is suspiciously marketed by a new member!
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