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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 09-09-2009, 19:16

when you get the call back, a terminaison is used, Leg A, from the system to you....and this have a cost, plus eventualy the sms if they are using one....

only the leg B is waived......

And this is Valid for all of the profession doing a call Back sim card, after it's a marketing choice to charge or not this part of the call....

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Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 09-09-2009, 22:35


You said "it's a marketing choice to charge or not this part of the call". Why would any legitimate company that wants to sell SIM's and keep customers require a customer to pay for an incomplete, busy, or unanswered call? Seems to me a business model like that is ripe for failure in the long run.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 09-09-2009, 22:51

It involves two calls, not one. The callback happens anyway, and the company has to pay money for this anyway. So, as Yackie says, whether they charge it or not is merely a marketing decision; that shouldn't provoke rhetorical remarks calling into question whether a company is legitimate or not
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 10-09-2009, 05:22

Thank you Andy.....

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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 10-09-2009, 15:49

Maybe the use of the word "legitimate" was too strong. Yes there is a charge to a company for half a call. Explain how any SIM company that charges it's customers for incomplete, canceled, unanswered calls etc. can hold on to customers? Especially when there are other companies who do not charge customers for such calls. As part of any business model, there are some expenses that cannot or should not be passed on to customers. It's part of doing business. If a customer feels he's being taken advantage of, they usually find other companies to work with.

Many years ago, I took my son to a fast good restaurant in Europe. They charged extra for a little pack of ketchup. Once there was talk of doing this in the U.S. Never happened. No one wanted to take a chance of offending their customers or compete against a company who did not charge.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 10-09-2009, 16:39

Many years ago, I took my son to a fast good restaurant in Europe. They charged extra for a little pack of ketchup.
But it often requires an agreement amongst operators to stand up to what is right! If that fails, government regulation kicks in...

The fast food example was probably Germany. It stems from the high taxes they have on plastic packaging but I completely agree with the charging! It ends wastage, and is better for the environment. I would guess in the USA, at least a third of those ketchup sachets go unopened into the garbage. Why are you often given 5 sachets for 1 portion of fries anyhow?

The same goes for free plastic carrier bags in grocery stores!
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pcmonkeyhead (Offline)
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Default 27-12-2009, 07:28

Originally Posted by tivoboy View Post
I'll be on the continent tomorrow now and will test a few calls.
So how was your experience on this sim card? Can you make and receive calls where ever you go?
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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 09-01-2010, 16:55

It pretty much has worked everywhere. I was just in costa rica, worked fine. The only think I would say it that their billing still is wonkey, you BUY in $$, but it bills in Euros and then your credit card company runs you through the ringer. To get around that, I pay now with paypal, which bills me in $$ and then searoam just figures it out.

Also, the ability to SEE your balance comes and goes, and call history is also a bit wonky, only available about 50% of the time and then I find random calls on it.
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123456 (Offline)
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Default 17-01-2010, 08:15

Originally Posted by tivoboy View Post
The only think I would say it that their billing still is wonkey, you BUY in $$, but it bills in Euros and then your credit card company runs you through the ringer. To get around that, I pay now with paypal, which bills me in $$ and then searoam just figures it out.
I have the same kind of issue with Maxroam (the 'sister' company of Searoam). I buy credit in EUR, are billed in EUR, but when i check my balance the amount i still have in EUR is shown in USD. Pretty strange.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default SeaRoam purchase code - 30-01-2010, 11:27

I just wanted ho buy thus Sim but la asking me for a seafarer resstriction code. Can someone tell me how ho get it and what it is.
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maxroam, searoam

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