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MrEd (Offline)
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Default Dual Number GeoSIM Now Available - 30-07-2009, 14:20

The new Dual Number GeoSIM is now available.

The SIM has a UK and US number with free incoming calls in the US.

To compare with the standard SIM online at
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 15:18


I believe you mean free incoming calls in the U.S. are only calls to the UK number. Calls received on the U.S. number cost 25 cents per minute.
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prion (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 18:19

Originally Posted by FBlack_111 View Post

I believe you mean free incoming calls in the U.S. are only calls to the UK number. Calls received on the U.S. number cost 25 cents per minute.
Receive calls for FREE in USA when UK number called

Dual IMSI SIM | FREE incoming calls USA | Roaming in USA | GeoSIM International SIM Card | Global SIM Card
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 18:30

I saw a few things on their web site. They do charge 25 cents for calls made to the U.S number. "If the caller dials your Geosim’s US number an additional charge of $0.25 per minute will be incurred."

And they also have a fair usage requirement. Do companies with a fair usage policy have an exact ratio that some computer monitors? Is 50/50 considered fair? What about 70/30? Or ??

"15.2 Fair Usage. The usage of the SIMcard and any of its calling systems is expected to be a fair balance between free incoming calls, chargeable incoming calls and chargeable outgoing calls. Excessive volume or duration of only free incoming calls or free call forwarding, determined at Geodesa's discretion, acting reasonably, will constitute abuse."
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 19:13

Geosim, which one is it $0.25 or $0.35. See excerpt below:

If you have friends, customers or clients in the US, they can conveniently call your US number on the SIM cheaply. If someone calls your US number, you will be charged $0.35 per minute in addition to any existing incoming call charge on our rate sheet. For example, if you are in Europe you will be charged $0.35 per minute to receive the call as there is no incoming call charge in Europe on our standard rate sheet. However, if they call on your UK number, you still receive for free.

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 21:44

Originally Posted by FBlack_111 View Post
I saw a few things on their web site. They do charge 25 cents for calls made to the U.S number. "If the caller dials your Geosim’s US number an additional charge of $0.25 per minute will be incurred."

And they also have a fair usage requirement. Do companies with a fair usage policy have an exact ratio that some computer monitors? Is 50/50 considered fair? What about 70/30? Or ??

"15.2 Fair Usage. The usage of the SIMcard and any of its calling systems is expected to be a fair balance between free incoming calls, chargeable incoming calls and chargeable outgoing calls. Excessive volume or duration of only free incoming calls or free call forwarding, determined at Geodesa's discretion, acting reasonably, will constitute abuse."
looks like more and more companies are hidding this in their terms whilst it should be mentioned as part of the service.

I see that has updated their terms also using this fair use where you are left at their mercy if they want to cut you off.
I would really like to know what the limit is, do you give a warning or do you cutoff someone whenever you lie or give then a change to improve.
What is the timegframe this usage is measured on 1 3 6 12 month time /

Just looked at ekits website and don't see those fair use terms. They are also offering dual sim so maybe they are the answer to these terms.
on you can get a sim card four 10 pounds having 5 pounds credit, also being used in the us.
on you can get one for $20 having $10 credit, seem like a good deal and lower price than above offer.

On travelsim website I noticed a $1.5 per month charge to keep the us number active.

I will order one soon for ekit

Last edited by bbob; 30-07-2009 at 21:55..
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 22:31


I also noticed the GeoSIm requires an annual fee to keep the SIM and your credit alive.

"Is There An Annual Renewal Fee? Yes. A nominal annual fee of £11.91 + VAT is charged." (That's about $20 U.S. )

Personally, I would rather pay $10-$20 to a company like Ekit in the form of a recharge credit to keep my SIM working for another 15 months rather than paying a $20 annual fee that added nothing to my prepaid account.
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 22:44

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
looks like more and more companies are hidding this in their terms whilst it should be mentioned as part of the service.

I see that has updated their terms also using this fair use where you are left at their mercy if they want to cut you off.
I would really like to know what the limit is, do you give a warning or do you cutoff someone whenever you lie or give then a change to improve.
What is the timegframe this usage is measured on 1 3 6 12 month time /

Just looked at ekits website and don't see those fair use terms. They are also offering dual sim so maybe they are the answer to these terms.
on you can get a sim card four 10 pounds having 5 pounds credit, also being used in the us.
on you can get one for $20 having $10 credit, seem like a good deal and lower price than above offer.

On travelsim website I noticed a $1.5 per month charge to keep the us number active.

I will order one soon for ekit
On ebay, you can get a dual US/UK sim card for $9 with $3 seems to have everything the more expensive one has and is far cheaper than geosim...19¢ to receive a call on the US number in Europe as opposed to further annual fee...nothing about fair use.....and ekit has been around for a while.

Given my druthers, that's the direction I would go..

(Question for those in the know...why would you get the European sim card from ekit as offered on ebay ($20+$3 shipping) opposed to the US simple ($9 + $3 shipping...I just dont see the advantage of the former unless I am missing something (which happens with me all the time BTW)
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 23:06

I did see an ekit card on ebay $5 but that had incoming for free only in 3 or 4 countries. It did have the usa number.

The $20 offer seemed to be a normal card free incoming in many countries.

This is the link to the uk ebay: International Travel Global SIM Card - call from 49c/m! on eBay (end time 21-Aug-09 16:55:46 BST)
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2009, 23:19

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
I did see an ekit card on ebay $5 but that had incoming for free only in 3 or 4 countries. It did have the usa number.

The $20 offer seemed to be a normal card free incoming in many countries.

This is the link to the uk ebay: International Travel Global SIM Card - call from 49c/m! on eBay (end time 21-Aug-09 16:55:46 BST)
The $9 US sim card on ebay has a dual number, lists all the same countries for free receiving of calls as the $20 card. As I pointed out in another thread, it omitted the fact there is a 19¢ charge to receive calls in Europe which come in on the US number but I just don't see any difference between that card and the other "foreign" ekit card.

Go to ebay USA, do a search for ekit sim card and see what I mean. But again, there might be something I'm missing.
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