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123456 (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 17:03

Originally Posted by djhak View Post
The other issue exists for (+372). If anyone can help with that, I would appreciate it.
I had a simular problem with Travelsim (+372), but is was solved online by the TravelSIM Shop - Help Desk. Click on LIVE SUPPORT ONLINE.
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ronwi (Offline)
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Default But, Don't Take them up on Their Offer if you Intend to Use a Callback Service - 08-07-2009, 18:37

From the Travelsim ordering page:

The use of the Travel Sim card is expected to be a fair balance between free incoming calls and chargeable outgoing calls. Excessive use of free incoming calls will constitute abuse.

Found at: Travel Sim Card - 100% Free Roaming .

BTW, I'm not criticizing the operator for that condition - I assume margins are thin, and I assume from this proviso that the margin is thinner (or perhaps even negative) on free incoming calls.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Things change fast. - 08-07-2009, 20:48

Originally Posted by littleyip View Post
I will answer my own question. The website is now saying there is a July 13th launch date for the new Travel Sim dual sim cards. I hope we can turn in our United Mobile cards for those.
I just looked and it now says July 20th.
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hkr (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 21:01

Originally Posted by ronwi View Post
From the Travelsim ordering page:

The use of the Travel Sim card is expected to be a fair balance between free incoming calls and chargeable outgoing calls. Excessive use of free incoming calls will constitute abuse.

Found at: Travel Sim Card - 100% Free Roaming .


I understand the reason behind it, however, I very seldom initiate calls (even at home, even more so when roaming), but I do receive calls as people call me from time to time. OK, I can call chargeable numbers just to make my credit go lower but what percentage?

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ronwi (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 21:45

Actually, it would be interesting to know the economics of the incoming calls.

While Travlsim are technically correct when they say they give you a UK mobile number, it is from a special range - 07924. That range has a much higher charge paid to the cell carrier by whoever is delivering the call. Thus, Voipjet (a wholesale VOIP carrier) charges 27 US cents a minute to Travelsim numbers, while only charging 11 cents per minute to Vodafone UK mobile numbers (VoipJet VOIP termination :: IAX (Asterisk) protocol :: Pricing).

Most carriers charge a blended rate (e.g. Betamax carriers), and don't differentiate between the different UK mobile carriers. However, the Voipjet pricelist indicates that the Travelsim carrier is receiving more than the average fee from inbound carriers, regardless of what the customer initiating the call is actually charged.

So, why the limit on inbound calls? Does the fee paid to the Jersey mobile phone operator by the carrier carrying the inbound call not cover the cost of the forwarded call?

Originally Posted by hkr View Post

I understand the reason behind it, however, I very seldom initiate calls (even at home, even more so when roaming), but I do receive calls as people call me from time to time. OK, I can call chargeable numbers just to make my credit go lower but what percentage?
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andy (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 22:09

Originally Posted by ronwi View Post
Actually, it would be interesting to know the economics of the incoming calls.

While Travlsim are technically correct when they say they give you a UK mobile number, it is from a special range - 07924. That range has a much higher charge paid to the cell carrier by whoever is delivering the call. Thus, Voipjet (a wholesale VOIP carrier) charges 27 US cents a minute to Travelsim numbers, while only charging 11 cents per minute to Vodafone UK mobile numbers (VoipJet VOIP termination :: IAX (Asterisk) protocol :: Pricing).

Most carriers charge a blended rate (e.g. Betamax carriers), and don't differentiate between the different UK mobile carriers. However, the Voipjet pricelist indicates that the Travelsim carrier is receiving more than the average fee from inbound carriers, regardless of what the customer initiating the call is actually charged.

So, why the limit on inbound calls? Does the fee paid to the Jersey mobile phone operator by the carrier carrying the inbound call not cover the cost of the forwarded call?
The Voipjet pricelist indicates two-thirds of not much at all

I don't think you can make broad assumptions based on the tariffs of just one carrier, especially when they are incompetent enough to also list prices for UK numbers that simply do not even exist, or have revenue-share and premium rate landlines of 5 to 150 pence listed at 1.58 cents

If companies did indeed connect calls at some of the daft tariffs they claim, it might be possible to call anywhere in the world for a couple of cents by judicious use of callthrough providers on mis-tariffs

And I appreciate that geography of the British Isles may not be a strong point at that distance, but you'll find if you check that 07924 is the Isle of Man, not Jersey. Though they are closer together in miles, in proportion to the whole area, that's like me suggesting that Baltimore is on the Gulf of Mexico, or Seattle in California
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ronwi (Offline)
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Default 08-07-2009, 22:35

OK, I'm wrong about the Jersey part (I believe some of the other international SIM carriers were based there, and it's not like Travelsim exactly highlights there location on their website), but my point was that the number is out of the typical range of UK cell numbers. In fact, given that the Isle of Man is not in the EU or the UK, the carriers there are presumably subject to different regulations (e.g., the roaming rules likely do not apply.) External Relations - Isle of Man Government -

I have used Voipjet for years, and they do indeed bill calls at the rates stated. Because they are wholesalers, their rate charts are more detailed - you will note that they charge different amounts for various different mobile carriers in different countries, based on the different charges paid by the carrier. We know that the charges do differ, and as a primarily wholesale carrier they have made a choice not to offer blended rates. As a result of the rates not being blended, their rates to most UK mobiles, for example, are unusually low. I suppose because I have done business with them for years I am assuming that the high rate for the Isle of Man number is based on some reality based to what they pay, and not whim.

I suppose the thing to do would be to look at the rates of another carrier that does not blend rates, but I haven't found one in my quick search.

Originally Posted by andy View Post
The Voipjet pricelist indicates two-thirds of not much at all

I don't think you can make broad assumptions based on the tariffs of just one carrier, especially when they are incompetent enough to also list prices for UK numbers that simply do not even exist, or have revenue-share and premium rate landlines of 5 to 150 pence listed at 1.58 cents

If companies did indeed connect calls at some of the daft tariffs they claim, it might be possible to call anywhere in the world for a couple of cents by judicious use of callthrough providers on mis-tariffs

And I appreciate that geography of the British Isles may not be a strong point at that distance, but you'll find if you check that 07924 is the Isle of Man, not Jersey. Though they are closer together in miles, in proportion to the whole area, that's like me suggesting that Baltimore is on the Gulf of Mexico, or Seattle in California
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jhh112 (Offline)
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Default 09-07-2009, 06:53

Does anyone know whether the call rates for the new Easyroam dual-number (US + UK) SIM will be the same as for their existing UK SIM? Higher? Will they extend their offer to exchange a SIM from the (defunct) United Mobile for one of these new dual number SIMs?
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easyroam- (Offline)
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Thumbs up Usa/uk sim card - 10-07-2009, 00:11

The dual UK & USA sim card will have different call & sms rates, plus more free roaming countries. See my profile photo with the new dual sim card.

Anyone else got there dual sim card
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 10-07-2009, 00:19

Are you going to continue to carry and maintain both the UK and the dual (UK/US) sim cards, also what are your plans for current customers like myself, that may want to migrate to the dual sim card?

Originally Posted by easyroam- View Post
The dual UK & USA sim card will have different call & sms rates, plus more free roaming countries. See my profile photo with the new dual sim card.

Anyone else got there dual sim card

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