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ThomasG (Offline)
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Default 04-07-2009, 09:18

I just went through a couple of posts and threads, however I am not sure what prepaid card would be the best option. We are a family of 6 going to FL for a two weeks holiday trip and I would very much like to have an option with the lowest possible fees for calling one another. The reason is pretty simple: If anyone gets lost anywhere, this is the easiest way to get together again, and I want each of the kids to have that "insurance".
Any recommendation would be very much appreciated, TIA!
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default Need more specifics - 04-07-2009, 19:33

So you will need 6 sim cards, PROBABLY all from the same provider. I take it you have 6 GSM phones suitable for use on 850/1900.

Ebay USA ususally has lots of ATT & T-mobile prepaid sim cards for sale quite inexpensively ($10 or less). There are some Tuyo ACTIVATION packages available on Ebay also for under $10 (not clear whether a sim card is inlcuded). The ATT and T-Mo packages usually have a small amount (30) minutes time before they expire. I know T-mobile has a prepay plan were you have unlimited T-Mo tio T-Mo calling for $1 per day of use (ie, you don't use, you don't pay) - remember, inbound is not free, so if you call each phone, that is $6 gone if they are all on that rate plan option. You could just have a few phones on that kind of plan and do straight pay-as-you-go on the other phones. I dont know much about ATT prepaid plans. I hve bought T-MO prepaid cards on Ebay myself.

Seems lots of good talk about Tuyo. You would have to find a dealer in FL - seem to be plenty. I don't seem any sim card picing on the website, but I may be blind. They have a 10 cents per minute option.

I am not recommending ANYTHING, but those are some options for you to think about.

Have a great vacation!


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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ThomasG (Offline)
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Default 04-07-2009, 21:07

Originally Posted by snaimon View Post
So you will need 6 sim cards, PROBABLY all from the same provider. I take it you have 6 GSM phones suitable for use on 850/1900.
Yes, of course, some basics are self-explaining even for me
Ebay USA ususally has lots of ATT & T-mobile prepaid sim cards for sale quite inexpensively ($10 or less). There are some Tuyo ACTIVATION packages available on Ebay also for under $10 (not clear whether a sim card is inlcuded). The ATT and T-Mo packages usually have a small amount (30) minutes time before they expire. I know T-mobile has a prepay plan were you have unlimited T-Mo tio T-Mo calling for $1 per day of use (ie, you don't use, you don't pay) - remember, inbound is not free, so if you call each phone, that is $6 gone if they are all on that rate plan option. You could just have a few phones on that kind of plan and do straight pay-as-you-go on the other phones. I dont know much about ATT prepaid plans. I hve bought T-MO prepaid cards on Ebay myself.

Seems lots of good talk about Tuyo. You would have to find a dealer in FL - seem to be plenty. I don't seem any sim card picing on the website, but I may be blind. They have a 10 cents per minute option.
Thx, Tuyo would have been my choice so far, has been recommended by many users. Just that I do not need to make any calls abroad so there may be other options, I did have something in mind there was a provider with internal calls being completely free of charge.
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 04-07-2009, 21:21

Originally Posted by ThomasG View Post
.... I did have something in mind there was a provider with internal calls being completely free of charge.
This is usually true for POSTPAID plans -- either family plans or you pay for the 'feature', but I doubt you will find this offered in prepaid services. Perhaps another 'colonialist' with some ATT smarts will have an idea. Another possibility is that there is some independent provider in FL that offers such a feature. I don't live in FL, so I must also plead ignorance.

I don't think you can beat 10 cents per minute - well, 20 cents if you include the family member's phone RECEIVING the call.

There might be some deal with the ATT GOPHONE, but I expect you need to buy the PHONE. too. Of course, you want to look at the TOTAL PRICE for 6 phones/SIMs. The Tuyo activation for < $10 seems a bit suspicious - the same seller is offering a SIM with the activation for $25. 6 times $25 is lots more than 6 times $8.

So, wait for other to offer their ideas and, when you bite, let us know what you decide.


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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ThomasG (Offline)
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Default 06-07-2009, 21:10

Originally Posted by snaimon View Post
I don't think you can beat 10 cents per minute - well, 20 cents if you include the family member's phone RECEIVING the call.
There is a T-Online option which may be interesting "FREE MOBILE TO MOBILE BETWEEN YOU AND OTHER TMOBILE CUSTOMERS" -> T MOBILE PAY AS YOU GO SIM FREE 30 MINUTES ANY AREACODE. However, in total I would assume at the end there is no big difference to a tuyo card plus a 10$ refill.
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 07-07-2009, 01:47

Originally Posted by ThomasG View Post
There is a T-Online option which may be interesting "FREE MOBILE TO MOBILE BETWEEN YOU AND OTHER TMOBILE CUSTOMERS" -> T MOBILE PAY AS YOU GO SIM FREE 30 MINUTES ANY AREACODE. However, in total I would assume at the end there is no big difference to a tuyo card plus a 10$ refill.
1. I suspect you can find a better deal than $16.99 per sim. A $10 top up gives you 30 minutes or maximum 10 days.

2. Not up to speed on this; some offerors say 10 minutes, some say $10 worth of calling time.

3. I have not spoken with customer care, but I suspect the "FREE MOBILE TO MOBILE BETWEEN YOU AND OTHER TMOBILE CUSTOMERS" is only "FREE" after the $1 per day charge per phone. Note any other calls before 7 pm will be billed at the normal rate. Alll domestic calls after 7 pm are free. The catch is, of course, FREE expect for the $1 you are deducted for the day you used the phone. I amn sure you are familiar with the saying "Ain't no free lunch."

4. Try url=http: // should make it clear.

Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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ThomasG (Offline)
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Default 07-07-2009, 06:51

Originally Posted by snaimon View Post
1. I suspect you can find a better deal than $16.99 per sim. A $10 top up gives you 30 minutes or maximum 10 days.
Maybe at the T-Mobile online shop?
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