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glhs509 (Offline)
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Default 19-06-2009, 03:22

Perfect timing...just received my SIM today.

Guess I'll bring my local SIMs for backup next week...
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 19-06-2009, 05:14


Can you please email me your number so we can investigate.

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kupe (Offline)
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Default 20-06-2009, 20:48

Originally Posted by JDekit View Post

Can you please email me your number so we can investigate.

Hi JD-

Email on the way!

Unfortunately, I'm no longer in France, but back in the US. Just as in my initial testing, my eKit seems to work fine here in the US, so I'm afraid that won't provide any clues as to the failures in France. I won't be back in France until early July to test that service again. I will be in Germany though next week to test there.

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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2009, 04:05

Thanks for sending us the details Kupe.

We've looked at the logs, and during the time you were in France we were seeing 2-5% errors being passed from the French network operators infrastructure through the mobile network. Unfortunately it looks like you got a disproportionate number of these errors. Please accept our apologies. We're confident this issue has been resolved. Please let me know how you go in Germany, and I'd certainly appreciate you reporting back on your experience during your next France trip in July. All the best for your German travels. It's a great time of year to the in Europe.

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kupe (Offline)
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Default 27-06-2009, 15:22

Originally Posted by JDekit View Post
Please let me know how you go in Germany, and I'd certainly appreciate you reporting back on your experience during your next France trip in July. All the best for your German travels. It's a great time of year to be in Europe.

Thanks JD! eKit worked perfectly in Germany! Hopefully just a brief glitch back in France.

Regarding the weather though.... I was in Munich, where after 5 days of non-stop HEAVY rain, the Isar River was nearly cresting its banks and sand-bagging was being discussed! Just across the border in Austria you may have seen news coverage of flooding in the streets! Just my luck though, almost anywhere else in Europe it was sunny and beautiful! The good news was that the weather had us holed up in a beer-hall where we watched the USA upset Spain in the Confederation Cup! Woohoo!!!! And of course then had to call everybody on my eKit to share the news!


Last edited by kupe; 27-06-2009 at 15:27..
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 29-06-2009, 00:03

That's great Kupe, I'm glad the service worked well for you.

You could certainly do plenty worse than being holed up in a German beer hall.

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meir (Offline)
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Default 29-06-2009, 12:05

I can confirm eKit works well in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Czech Republic. I used to have problems in Hungary with other SIM cards, but eKit was fine there. Even voice quality was good to very good even when calling via Betamax.
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 30-06-2009, 21:38

Something odd happened with my new Ekit Dual SIM.

As per the User Guide, the U.S. SIM deactivated after 7 days of non use. The guide says you can reactivate it by going online, or over the phone, or with customer service.

But in addition to the U.S. number being deactivated, the U.K number was deactivated too. The phone would not take the UK. Pin code at all. It was as if the whole SIM was deactivated. I had to activate it via my computer at Recharge Minutes.

Has anyone else had their US number shut down after the 7 days? What about their global number? How did you get it all reactivated?
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 03-07-2009, 05:37

Hi FBalck,

If the US service isn't used for 7 days, it needs to be reactivated to make calls from the US. If the US service is de-activated you will still be able to receive calls to the US number, and they will be forwarded to the global (UK) number. If the US service is deactivated, and you're in the US, the SIM should force you to the global (UK) profile. From the UK profile, if you dial 870, the US profile will be activated. Wait 5 minutes, turn your phone off and on, and then start up in the US profile with the PIN 2**** and you should ready to make calls on the US profile.

The global number should not be impacted by the US number. Also, if rather than entering the PIN 1**** for the global profile, you just enter the four digit PIN, you should also go to the global profile. The global profile will only be deactivated if you haven't made a call or sent a text for 9 months.

Please let me know if you're experiencing different behaviour to what I've described, it sounds like you may be. Please try again for me, and see if the behaviour is repeated. If it is please let me know so we can investigate. Thanks for the feedback.


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adam917 (Offline)
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Question 04-07-2009, 02:01

Originally Posted by JDekit View Post
Hi FBalck,

If the US service isn't used for 7 days, it needs to be reactivated to make calls from the US. If the US service is de-activated you will still be able to receive calls to the US number, and they will be forwarded to the global (UK) number. If the US service is deactivated, and you're in the US, the SIM should force you to the global (UK) profile. From the UK profile, if you dial 870, the US profile will be activated. Wait 5 minutes, turn your phone off and on, and then start up in the US profile with the PIN 2**** and you should ready to make calls on the US profile.

The global number should not be impacted by the US number. Also, if rather than entering the PIN 1**** for the global profile, you just enter the four digit PIN, you should also go to the global profile. The global profile will only be deactivated if you haven't made a call or sent a text for 9 months.

Please let me know if you're experiencing different behaviour to what I've described, it sounds like you may be. Please try again for me, and see if the behaviour is repeated. If it is please let me know so we can investigate. Thanks for the feedback.


Why does this whole 7-day de-activation/re-activation even exist? It just makes things more complicated for the end-user. Would dialling 870 from the UK profile cost anything?
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