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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 17-06-2009, 12:02


i've just read a lot of threads on experience with Maxroam and others. So I'm thinking about the chances for Cubic and UM.

Will they restart UM as known before?
Will they take the existing customer base and give them new Maxroam SIM-Cards with new numbers (and maybe preloaded with the old UM-credit?)

If I were the Buyer of UM I would permanently contact and inform my existing customers e.g. by newsletter or information on the homepage, explaining the situation, offering interim solutions, ask the customers what they are doing with their SIM-cards, what their needs are and how to keep them happy.

But doing nearly nothing good base for valuable customer-partnership. Just my 0,02 Euro

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
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maccoy (Offline)
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Default 19-06-2009, 10:43

I totally agree with you.
Their commercial practice is zero, they should keep their clients informed...

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 19-06-2009, 12:10

Max roam is not the best example, switching platforms also.

Why would they now do it any better. If they grant customers their existing credit that will cost them a lot of moeny. someone has to pay for that. Will these customers still be loyal or run away once their credit has finished.

I do see a nice market for someone that would just setup a system where you independent sell did numbers that forward to a mobile. Whenever the sim provider goes out of business just take another one. You will keep your did number and only pay to forward the call.

It seems that it remiens diffiuclt to really make money and that even big players can have big problems tomorrow.
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nytral (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2009, 21:32

I don't think anyone will see a cent from his previous UM credit (me included). If they failed with the available prepaid amount from their customers' deposits, how could they restart with a negative balance?
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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 03-07-2009, 17:18


most of us were wondering, why the buyer of United-Mobile, Cubic Telecom from Ireland did not inform the UM customers about his deal and the possible future of UM customers, their numbers, SIM-cards and accounts.

Now we know, why: The Deal was not completed in full yet. The financial "repair" plan had still to be acknowlegded by Mobilkom of Liechtenstein, who denied this until now.

If you understand german language you'll find more details at
Treiben persönliche Streitereien United Mobile in den Konkurs? - News
The article is based on swiss News portal 2lounge which is run by an "insider".

The main issue: A former employee of UM, now working at Mobilkom and anxious about the former CEO of UM convinced the Mobilkom management not to accept the "repair plan", which could mean, that UM had to go to Bankruptcy ("Konkurs") soon. it self cannot restart the UM423 Service for end-customers as they have only a license for Liechtenstein country itself. But could they ask a "new" "Operator" to do this?

You remember I said some weeks before, that my crystal ball thinks, that the Liechtenstein SIM card could come back

Experts told me, that the Jersey model (or the IoM model) is not viable on the long run, as you cannot earn enough money, when some customer groups only use the cheap legs of the connects to save costs extremly.

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
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hkr (Offline)
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Default 03-07-2009, 21:15

The thing that makes me stare is why it is impossible to port my +44 7937 number. JT should be able to offer UM users to adopt their cards or release the numbers for porting...

3x Vodafone (HU) 1x T-Mobile) formerly also Pannon
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Exclamation 04-07-2009, 05:55

Hello everyone,
just found this site, which I find it great since it has all the info available about the issues of prepaid cards...

Ok, LISTEN to this now!

A week ago, I was planning to travel to Switzerland (Ticino), as I do 1-2 times a year... Back in late March, while browsing around for a solution about not having to pay roaming charges when they call me (mom and girlfriend are the worst nightmares for me when it has to do with roaming!!!)...

So I found ICQSIM (which was given by United Mobile), and as such I bought a 20euro account with a +423 SIM card... perfect in shipping, fast, great service... I set it up, made the checkings and all... I am based in Greece I must tell you, and the service here is (I guess) supported by Vodafone Greece (that's what shows up in my phone, even though I try to change the network to another company, I have no signal and it goes automatically back to Vodafone; I actually like it because I am a customer of Vodafone here anyways...)

So, everything worked fine... when I was calling my +423 number from a local landline/mobile, I would always get a line... when I was trying to call from my +423, some problems existed (I had to try 2-3 times in order to get a line through)... but didn't really care, as I wanted it mostly about to be called instead of calling...

So I was getting prepared to leave for Ticino about 10 days ago, and I turn this dedicated phone I have for my trips (SE K550i) on... while still in Greece... signal full strength, Vodafone network... I try to make a call, nothing... it says "call not allowed/busy network"... I call the number from my Greek mobile, nothing... I send an sms message, nothing... I call from my home's landline, nothing... I try to send from the +423 number an sms to my Greek mobile, nothing! I think, WTF is going on here?! I was getting upset... while I was trying to see the configuration of the phone, etc, everything was just fine... So, think maybe my account is out of money? but how? I have only used it to send a couple of sms, and test the calls, etc, when I first got the number... I try to log onto my account in UM, nothing... I get an error page after I put my username and password... I was getting really upset! What happened, I thought?! Not only that, but all my business friends in Switzerland, had this phone number for me!

So, I run a search on the net to maybe find some info... and there I get it... UM has been shut down... a lot of people lost their money... move to another company... etc, etc... I had no time to do something because I would leave in a couple of days... so I just got my Greek Vodafone Blackberry, and paid roaming

The think is that I had left my +423 number at home in Greece, and I had left it on... I just got back yesterday... still Vodafone signal shows, full strength signal... but how did I see that??? Suddenly, while at home with my girl, we hear a strange, not familiar ringtone... I check my BB, nothing... my girl checks her phone, nothing... so who's is that mobile that rings??? Yes, it was my +423 number that was ringing (someone from Switzerland was calling me)... by the time I figure out what/who's phone was ringing, the caller hung up... so I went crazy! now it is working, I thought?! and I paid Vodafone roaming for a week in Switzerland?! So, I try to make a phone call from my +423 number, nothing... again same message "call not allowed/busy network"... I try to call this number from my home, again nothing... try to call from my Vodafone number, nothing... send an sms, nothing...

But it continues to show Vodafone signal, full strength...

So, what am I suppose to thing guys???

What are your thoughts???
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prion (Offline)
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Default 04-07-2009, 07:45

My +423 sim also works for incoming calls, not for outgoing.
I think this has been the case even when the problems started some time ago.
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 04-07-2009, 09:46

Originally Posted by hrgajek View Post
If you understand german language you'll find more details at
Treiben persönliche Streitereien United Mobile in den Konkurs? - News
The article is based on swiss News portal 2lounge which is run by an "insider".
The most interesting part of this article is that +423-663 is also being used for sex hotlines. This being the reason that these numbers get blocked by many provider world-wide. Unless Lichtenstein does something about this the mobile platform will still see these high rates and blocks by my telecom providers.

Is there really a future for +423-663 lichtenstein. Rates to these numbers are still very high and this is the reason most people went to other cards. I doubt that this platform will see any growth if it remains like this.
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cizake (Offline)
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Default 04-07-2009, 10:29

I can officially deny all rumors/statements regarding Cubic acquiring UM.
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