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chip (Offline)
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Angry sim4travel issues - 15-06-2009, 14:06

got me a sim4travel after the united-mobile crash.
some days ago, service seized up in croatia.
support confirmed me 'major issues' without beeing able to give me any timeframe for reestablishing the service.
the whole thing reminds me a lot of united-mobile.
does anybody know further details?
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 15-06-2009, 14:39

Sorry to hear about your SIM problems. I hope you got the SIM as a trade in with your dead UM SIM. The SIM4travel has some unusual features to me compared to a few other world SIM's. I don't think it's geared to any U.S. clients.

First, it looks like their customer service is only available by calling a U.K. number. Plus your top up credit lasts only 90 days from your last text or call. Then they deduct 2 pounds a month from your credit.

For me, I like Ekit's customer service and terms better.
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mattrowntree (Offline)
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Default Response to chip (Croatia) - 17-06-2009, 12:13

Hi Chip,

Unfortunately the issue in Croatia is with the operator that we partner with and not something that we can solve at SIM4travel - to that extent we are a little at their mercy.

We have been told that other customers are able to use their SIM4travel cards in Croatia, but if you continue to experience problems in Croatia please don't hesitate to get in touch with customer services and we will do all we can to help.


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chip (Offline)
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Default croatian issues - 17-06-2009, 12:55

Thank you for your response Matt.
I did contact support, but was told the same thing you wrote...
Fact is: I can't make any outcalls, apart checking balance and checking voicemail, which doesn't serve me much (well, apart of deducting the daily charge...), because people who try to contact me don't even get to my voicemail! And that's very annoying!
Please give me some sort of timeframe in which you think you could resolve the problems.., just because I do need the service.
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hkr (Offline)
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Default 17-06-2009, 22:59

Sounds terrible... I am going to Croatia tomorrow. Should I take the card with me at all?
Which operator is your network partner there?

3x Vodafone (HU) 1x T-Mobile) formerly also Pannon
Vodafone, Pannon, T-Mobile (HU) Optimus (PT) SamiSwoi, ERA, Orange (PL) VIP (HR) T-Mobile (AT) Vodafone, O2, Orange, T-Mobile (UK) Vodafone (DE) Data-only prepaid: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Djuice/Pannon (HU)
International SIMs: UM+, Sim4Travel, TravelSim
Phones: Nokia E51, E71, Samsung D880, SE P990i, Ericsson T39m -forever! , many others in the drawer. 3G modems Huawei E220, E870, EU870D, U740, Alcatel X200
VoIP: Justvoip, CallWithUs, Neophonex, fonline, Macrogate and several others for outgoing... DIDs from Macrogate, DIDww, Gradwell, Voxbone and others. FreePBX, Vigor router with inbuilt ATA, Nokia E-series phones.
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chip (Offline)
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Default 18-06-2009, 11:43

Well.., right now, I'm not able to call even my voicemail anymore.
Serious problems.., and Matt is not answering.
The only provider you're able to log in is VIP.
Short message work, btw.
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mattrowntree (Offline)
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Default Croatia issues - 18-06-2009, 12:10

Hi Chip - apologies for delay in getting back to you - I have been trying to find out what the problem is so I can give you a reasonable response.

Unfortunately our roaming partner in Croatia, VIPNET, whilst it's the best available, is not the most reliable. SMS should not be a problem at all and I am told voice is working today.

I appreciate you have had problems and can only apologise. If you get in touch with customer services they have been advised to offer you compensation.

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hkr (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2009, 13:06


I have two Sim4Travel cards, and I am just back from Croatia myself. The cards proved pretty much useless. I could send SMS, but that was about all. No incoming or outgoing calls worked. I ended up having to buy local SIMs.

3x Vodafone (HU) 1x T-Mobile) formerly also Pannon
Vodafone, Pannon, T-Mobile (HU) Optimus (PT) SamiSwoi, ERA, Orange (PL) VIP (HR) T-Mobile (AT) Vodafone, O2, Orange, T-Mobile (UK) Vodafone (DE) Data-only prepaid: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Djuice/Pannon (HU)
International SIMs: UM+, Sim4Travel, TravelSim
Phones: Nokia E51, E71, Samsung D880, SE P990i, Ericsson T39m -forever! , many others in the drawer. 3G modems Huawei E220, E870, EU870D, U740, Alcatel X200
VoIP: Justvoip, CallWithUs, Neophonex, fonline, Macrogate and several others for outgoing... DIDs from Macrogate, DIDww, Gradwell, Voxbone and others. FreePBX, Vigor router with inbuilt ATA, Nokia E-series phones.
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easyroam- (Offline)
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Default 27-06-2009, 15:07

We have full working coverage in Croatia. We use both T-mobile and Vipnet. This is the same in most courtiers we cover. If one operator goes down. There is always a fallback operator to use, Plus this also gives full country network coverage.

And that's not to mention that we have more free roaming countries.
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hkr (Offline)
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Default 27-06-2009, 15:40


I have one of your cards too. When I arrived in Porec, I found it was roaming on T-Mobile HR. I tried to make a call, but did not succeed (no callback). I changed to VIP and it did work... However, sometimes I received SMS messages about calls ending up on the voicemail, but in fact those calls never rang my phone... Still, it worked better than Sim4Travel.

The local VIP card was very stable, apart from a network error on the last day of our stay, when 3G simply died out in our area. I called VIP and they confirmed the problem.

By the way, last year, Sim4Travel worked in Croatia flawlessly.

3x Vodafone (HU) 1x T-Mobile) formerly also Pannon
Vodafone, Pannon, T-Mobile (HU) Optimus (PT) SamiSwoi, ERA, Orange (PL) VIP (HR) T-Mobile (AT) Vodafone, O2, Orange, T-Mobile (UK) Vodafone (DE) Data-only prepaid: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Djuice/Pannon (HU)
International SIMs: UM+, Sim4Travel, TravelSim
Phones: Nokia E51, E71, Samsung D880, SE P990i, Ericsson T39m -forever! , many others in the drawer. 3G modems Huawei E220, E870, EU870D, U740, Alcatel X200
VoIP: Justvoip, CallWithUs, Neophonex, fonline, Macrogate and several others for outgoing... DIDs from Macrogate, DIDww, Gradwell, Voxbone and others. FreePBX, Vigor router with inbuilt ATA, Nokia E-series phones.
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