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kupe (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 15:51

Wow- the sharks waste no time:

I don't know anything about "Onesimcard", but a link to this was on Howard Forums:
OneSIMcard welcomes United Mobile customers - International SIM Card, Prepaid SIM cards, International Mobile phones, rent a cell phone for international travel, International Cell Phones, Global Phone SIM Card, corporate mobile phones

It also appears if you Google "United Mobile Replacement" and the page says "Got Burned With Your United Mobile SIM Card Not Working Anymore?..."

FWIW, they use an Estonia number so I wonder if they are another rebranded version of TravelSim?


Last edited by kupe; 17-04-2009 at 15:57..
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 17:31

I'm sorry. After all your historic trip, which made a contemporary witness of you, makes absolutely sense to me. You were probably the last man to have seen United Mobile alive.
For now UM hasn't filed bankruptcy neither in Liechtenstein nor for their Swiss branch (search for "United Mobile" and check "Laufendes Jahr").

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Akito-kun (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 21:39

For example, if United Mobile closed what do his customers?

PS: Sorry for my English, but I am using a translator.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 21:50

If you are asking what will happen to their customers if UM goes out of business, which it looks like they have at least for now, probably nothing. It's very unlikely that any credit will be refunded if this shutdown is due to financial reasons. Most folks (at least I do) probably just write whatever credit off as part of doing business. I try to not topup any of these sims unlesas I really need to. So as to minimize my loss in a situation like this.

Originally Posted by Akito-kun View Post
For example, if United Mobile closed what do his customers?

PS: Sorry for my English, but I am using a translator.

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Akito-kun (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 21:59

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
If you are asking what will happen to their customers if UM goes out of business, which it looks like they have at least for now, probably nothing. It's very unlikely that any credit will be refunded if this shutdown is due to financial reasons. Most folks (at least I do) probably just write whatever credit off as part of doing business. I try to not topup any of these sims unlesas I really need to. So as to minimize my loss in a situation like this.
It can not happen, for example, that another company acquires United Mobile customers if it were to close?
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saintsimon (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 22:06

Originally Posted by Akito-kun View Post
It can not happen, for example, that another company acquires United Mobile customers if it were to close?
Unlikely. After they are bankrupt, somebody else might only buy their customer data, which we can't delete anymore, and could offer us some replacement.
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Akito-kun (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 22:11

Originally Posted by saintsimon View Post
Unlikely. After they are bankrupt, somebody else might only buy their customer data, which we can't delete anymore, and could offer us some replacement.
Ok, we'll see what happens.
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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 22:33

Hello there,

there are too many questions what happened.

Did UM leave the (Mobilkom) Liechtenstein Plattform on its own decision or has the Austrian Headquarter of Mobilkom lost its personal interest in creative roaming-tariffs, as the by the European Union down-regulated roaming-tariffs reduce the possible margins in this business?

Why did Jersey Telecom switch off their system suddenly, without any notification? If a system is switched off, normally an announcement informs the callers, like "We are sorry, we cannot connect the desired call" or something like this.

Too many questions.

Why were the UM online Shop and the personal account closed so suddenly?

Why is there no official statement on their Homepage?

The regular customer sits at home and does not discuss this questions. He wants to make calls either a lowest prices or at maximum quality or stability. If he paid money, he wants to know, if this money is gone or will come back.

I think, there is still a chance that UM will come back some day. But it will be a very hard task to regain the trust of their long year customers.

Business is not always so cute as a love-movie in the cinema, but some customer information even when there is trouble ahead is crucial for trust of customers in "their" company.

To speak it clearly:

For European customers the "damage" is not so hard - as the current Roaming-Regulations give interesting prices to customers roaming inside the EU.

For international customers or people who want to make phonecalls from or to non (EU) European destinations the alternatives are very rare and nothing than reliable.

Isle of Man (IoM): Switching-Cabin "Callkey" switched off suddenly and the customers had to suffer and to wait. OK, they came back, but many customers didn't return.
Isle of Man is used by various companies like GT-SIM , Globalsim and others.

Jersey Island: Was first discovered by United-Mobile (UM+) the Voice-Mail-System is located in Germany. UM used the prefix +44-7937, which is completely shut down.

At the moment Jersey is also used by Sim4Travel (AKA Truphone) which hijacked the domain Avoid United Mobile problems with a free SIM upgrade from SIM4travel and which uses a +44-7509 prefix. Are the switchboards of UM and S4T located in the same City, the same house, on the same floor? Could a technician have changed some cables in error? Not for such a long time.

Iceland was used by It is gone, due to the economical crisis.

Some offers tried Israel (+971) SIM Cards, it didn't work as some customers exspected.

There are cards based in Estonia (+372). Calling this number from various countries suffers similar problems as calling +423-663.

On new offer is located in Belgium (intra EU). Have no personal experience with it yet. (Using +32-486 Prefix)

Weird enough: +423-663 Platform is still up and running. May be it was a mistake to shift all the money from +423 to +44

My personal crystal ball says: +423 will come back
This my personal crystal ball. I have no proven facts on this opinion. Time will tell, if I were right

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
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saintsimon (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 22:45

If some service is switched of suddenly, it indicates that bills were not paid. Also, the so called "legal dispute" with (re +423) is rather about money, I assume. Seemingly both and Jersey Telecom lost faith in UM's ability to pay their bills, while the rest of the (most likely sceptical) UM workforce was looking for some other opportunity. The workforce and the customers are the last to know about the severity or imminence of a crisis.

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kupe (Offline)
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Default 17-04-2009, 23:28

Originally Posted by hrgajek View Post
Why did Jersey Telecom switch off their system suddenly, without any notification?
Ahhh- so was Jersey Telecom the cause of this latest outage then? Very interesting. Why indeed??

Originally Posted by hrgajek View Post
At the moment Jersey is also used by Sim4Travel (AKA Truphone) which hijacked the domain Avoid United Mobile problems with a free SIM upgrade from SIM4travel and which uses a +44-7509 prefix.
OMG that is so sleazy! Like I said, the sharks wasted no time!

Originally Posted by hrgajek View Post
Weird enough: +423-663 Platform is still up and running. May be it was a mistake to shift all the money from +423 to +44
Oh no! After all I went through to get my balance moved to my +44, now I have to go back to Zurich to get it moved back to my +423!

Very interesting post Henny! Thank you!

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