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krlk (Offline)
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Default 10-03-2009, 19:47

Some scans of new Pre Paid PLAY FRESH Box:

My Phones: Nokia 6310i, 2310, 6280, SPV M650, SE T290i;
My VoIP Phones: wifi Linksys WIP330; wifi BELKIN (Skype), Linksys Gates
PostPaid: Orange Idea PL
PrePaids "Working": PL: SimPlus (plusgsm), PoP (orange), mbank(mvno plusgsm), snickers (mvno orange); INT: +447642 Easy Roam
PrePaids "Deceased": UK: O2, Vodafone, FreeGlobalSim, Sim4TheWorld;
My VoIP operators: skype, & BETAMAX
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 10-03-2009, 21:27

Originally Posted by PhotoJim View Post
2 PLN is not horrid, if the longevity of the prepaid balance is good. Thanks for the additional information though.

The termination rates I checked were from, which is a Canadian VoIP provider with presences in the US, Canada and the UK. My termination rate to Polish mobiles seems to be roughly 8 or 12 cents US per minute, depending on the carrier.
The levels of these rates tell me it's very likely that the FCT/GSM gateway (GSM gateway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) termination is in use. Using such devices is forbidden by T&C's of SIM usage and operators try to disable all the SIMs working in gateways. But, even if there were no GSM gateways for +48 termination, those rates don't have to increase very much even with "standard" termination, however, excluding Play. Why? Whereas the Polish Big Three (Orange, Plus, Era) has recently been forced by the regulator to decrease their termination rates to 0.21 PLN in January and 0.16 in July, Play still is allowed to keep the level of about 0.55 PLN (in order to collect funds for building its own infrastructure).

But you shouldn't worry about the high Play->Canada/USA rate anyway. In Play Fresh, it's possible to buy 30-day packets of 100 minutes to Play and landlines for 5 PLN (at most 3 packets at the same time) and use them together with a local calling card. I think that Telepin card would be OK. It has English voice prompts and the rate via the landline access number to Canada and USA (except Alaska) is 0.18 PLN/min.

Last edited by Przemolog; 16-03-2009 at 11:49..
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krlk (Offline)
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Default 13-03-2009, 18:29

Oferta indywidualna operator of prepaid Simplus in poland
start new prepaid war in poland. simplus will have almost this same offer 0.29PLN per minute = 0.06 EUROCENT
Przet?umaczona wersja strony

My Phones: Nokia 6310i, 2310, 6280, SPV M650, SE T290i;
My VoIP Phones: wifi Linksys WIP330; wifi BELKIN (Skype), Linksys Gates
PostPaid: Orange Idea PL
PrePaids "Working": PL: SimPlus (plusgsm), PoP (orange), mbank(mvno plusgsm), snickers (mvno orange); INT: +447642 Easy Roam
PrePaids "Deceased": UK: O2, Vodafone, FreeGlobalSim, Sim4TheWorld;
My VoIP operators: skype, & BETAMAX
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 14-03-2009, 22:29

FWIW, I already have a Play Fresh SIM - I found a naughty kiosk that was already selling the starter packs. They cost 5 zloty.

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
Former DE: Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Blauworld, 01051mobile, Solomo, Lycamobile, Simyo, Congstar, Fonic, Edeka Mobile, Lidl Mobile; PL: Heyah, Era, Virgin, Sami Swoi, Orange, POP, iPlus, Carrefour Mova, Telepin Mobi, Play, Lycamobile, T-Mobile; UK: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin; US: T-Mobile, AT&T, Lycamobile; CZ: Vodafone, Oskar; ES: Lebara; GR: Vodafone, Wind; UA: Vodafone; IL: Orange; TR: Turkcell
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default Price war continues :-) - 16-03-2009, 01:35

Heyah in the Multipacket tariff decreases the rate in the "Cheaper to all" option (national calls except to Play) from 0.45 PLN to 0.25 PLN/min .

Last edited by Przemolog; 16-03-2009 at 01:43..
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 16-03-2009, 11:05

Wow, it seems hard to keep the Polish pages updated now!

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
Deceased Prepaids: CZ: Oskar, Eurotel; SK: Orange; DE: E-Plus, Aldi, Simyo; GE: Geocell; AM: Armentel; PL: Heyah, Plus; LT: Tele2; LV: Amigo; EE: Elisa; UA: Kyivstar; NZ: Vodafone; INT: UM, UM+, ICQSim.
GSM/3G Phones: Nokia Lumia 630 dual sim
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 16-03-2009, 11:58

Originally Posted by Effendi View Post
Wow, it seems hard to keep the Polish pages updated now!
Plus and Era have already replied to Fresh

We're waiting for Orange. Its spokesman has told recently in his blog that "Orange will surely reply to the competitors' offers but the choice of a strategy is difficult".

Oui, oui, c'est vraiment difficile
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 07-04-2009, 19:56

Hmmm, having had Play Fresh for a little while, it seems to be slightly unreliable. At the moment, I lent the SIM to a visitor, and I'm regretting not getting another Heyah SIM instead. The Fresh SIM only seems to work on 3G - it would not connect to Plus. And in a UMTS phone with good reception, it refuses to connect to my Heyah number. I get a "nie ma takiego numeru" message, but my Heyah number receives a "this number tried to reach you" SMS. It also seems possible that the initial credit only lasts 30 days, not 365.

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
Former DE: Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Blauworld, 01051mobile, Solomo, Lycamobile, Simyo, Congstar, Fonic, Edeka Mobile, Lidl Mobile; PL: Heyah, Era, Virgin, Sami Swoi, Orange, POP, iPlus, Carrefour Mova, Telepin Mobi, Play, Lycamobile, T-Mobile; UK: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin; US: T-Mobile, AT&T, Lycamobile; CZ: Vodafone, Oskar; ES: Lebara; GR: Vodafone, Wind; UA: Vodafone; IL: Orange; TR: Turkcell
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ms93 (Offline)
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Default 08-04-2009, 17:20

Originally Posted by Motel75 View Post
Hmmm, having had Play Fresh for a little while, it seems to be slightly unreliable. At the moment, I lent the SIM to a visitor, and I'm regretting not getting another Heyah SIM instead. The Fresh SIM only seems to work on 3G - it would not connect to Plus. And in a UMTS phone with good reception, it refuses to connect to my Heyah number. I get a "nie ma takiego numeru" message, but my Heyah number receives a "this number tried to reach you" SMS. It also seems possible that the initial credit only lasts 30 days, not 365.
Play Fresh WORKS on Plus' roaming. If it's not, just try to log manually on Plus. Initial credit depends on start pack: 5zl - 10 days, 9zl - 20 days, 30zl - 30 days.
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 09-04-2009, 11:13

Yes, that's what it was. (sigh) It seems a bit silly to me to advertise the 365-day validity of the card but then revert to the bad old Polish habit of making it expire after 10 days anyway. It's not like 5 zloty is going to last long. Oh well, back to Heyah.

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
Former DE: Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Blauworld, 01051mobile, Solomo, Lycamobile, Simyo, Congstar, Fonic, Edeka Mobile, Lidl Mobile; PL: Heyah, Era, Virgin, Sami Swoi, Orange, POP, iPlus, Carrefour Mova, Telepin Mobi, Play, Lycamobile, T-Mobile; UK: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin; US: T-Mobile, AT&T, Lycamobile; CZ: Vodafone, Oskar; ES: Lebara; GR: Vodafone, Wind; UA: Vodafone; IL: Orange; TR: Turkcell
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play fresh; play; fresh;

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