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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 06-03-2009, 19:13

The part about KPN and E-plus was an answer to your question between brackets.
anyway, I"m not sure how rare charging by the kilobyte is, but as far as I know none of the Dutch operators does.
And as far as I know Base is the best one to use for small amounts of data. But maybe some else has found an even better solution?
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adam917 (Offline)
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Question 07-03-2009, 00:25

Originally Posted by Ties Brants View Post
The part about KPN and E-plus was an answer to your question between brackets.
anyway, I"m not sure how rare charging by the kilobyte is, but as far as I know none of the Dutch operators does.
And as far as I know Base is the best one to use for small amounts of data. But maybe some else has found an even better solution?
So what do I do about getting an activate BASE SIM set up for prepaid int'l roaming & topping it up?

By the way does anyone even know why various operators charge in such high increments anyway? Can't they just tally up by byte or packet like Japan does? Is having high increments even though the capability to calculate smaller sizes exists just to make more money? 10KB isn't a truly terrible increment (my eKit SIM uses 10 but has a 100 minimum!) but honestly, I'd expect by now, we'd have exact calculations. Anyone know other operators besides Philippines ones that charge for Internet by _time_ rather than by volume? This could be useful for large but short sessions. Most of my use is however low volume, so I could better use volume-based charges.
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