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richard-liu (Offline)
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Question Experience with SIM-lock free iPhone 3G in "locked" countries - 12-09-2008, 13:04

I have a Swisscom iPhone 3G. It is SIM-locked for 2 years. Swisscom tells me that I can only use a Swisscom SIM in it during that time. Due to the high costs of data roaming, this means that I might as well forget using it when I'm in Italy for two weeks. An alternative that I'm considering is purchasing in Italy an iPhone 3G without SIM-lock, running it with a prepaid card and an appropriate data plan while I'm in Italy (approx. 2 weeks), then using it with my Swisscom SIM card in Switzerland and selling my present Swisscom iPhone.

I have a few questions:
  1. Will the unlocked iPhone work with a Swisscom SIM on the Swisscom network in Switzerland?
  2. Will it work anywhere else in Europe with a prepaid card from a local operator, e.g., in France, Austria or Germany?
  3. What is the best option for purchasing an iPhone 3G and a prepaid card (incl. appropriate data plan) for a two-week stay in Italy?

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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 12-09-2008, 19:41

If the phone is UNLOCKED and you can edit the proxy-data settings (I don't have an UNLOCKED Iphone so I cannot say for sure), then the answers to 1 and 2 should be YES. That is the essence of unlocking; use with any carrier on the appropriate frequency.
Your best bet would be to hear from another Iphone owner.

I pass on 3, however.

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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 15-09-2008, 13:51

All Italian iPhones are totally unlocked so you can use them with any operator in any country. Also the settings should be free to be modified, so no problems for configuring it with Swisscom.

The only problem could be if your iPhone plan is "connected" with your actual iPhone through its IMEI number. In that case you could have some problems with data, but I don't think so...

In Italy both TIM and Vodafone sell the iPhone at the same price: € 499/569 (8/16GB).
There's no specific data plan on prepaid. You can add one of the many data options available on the Italian market. Honestly I'd go with Wind or 3, not with TIM or Vodafone...

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
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