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Roaming_student (Offline)
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Default The best prepaid SIM card for roaming - 29-08-2008, 00:43

Dear all, I need your opinion on the following subjects;
I need to purchase SIM cards for my company; we need reliable cards for employees traveling overseas. There are a lot of options available, but I really want to get the best SIM card. Your comments will be really appreciated. No spam please.
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bylo (Offline)
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Default 29-08-2008, 03:11

Mobal hands down. Not the cheapest but definitely the most reliable. Also the easiest to use compared to call-back cards like UM.

Phones: OnePlus 5 • Nexus 5
SIMs: CA Fido/Fongo • AT • Google Fi
R.I.P.: UM • UM+
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Roaming_student (Offline)
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Default The best prepaid SIM card for roaming - 29-08-2008, 04:36

Mobal seems to be very expensive and I don't mind using solution with call back. I need large quantity of SIM cards, maybe even for resale in my industry. I think I can rephrase the topic "which SIM card is reliable to use and make sense to resell, as far as residuals and reputation. As of today I see following providers with model that allows resale;
1. Travel SIM
3. Yackie Mobile
Which one you think is the best choice?
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bylo (Offline)
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Default 29-08-2008, 13:11

If reliability is important, Mobal is your best option. As for cost, they have a referral program under which you can save up to 50% on the cost of calls. If you plan to buy a "large quantity" of SIMs then perhaps you should contact them about making your company a special deal. They also have a reseller program because I've seen their products sold by others. Again contact Mobal for more information.

As for the others -- and you should include United Mobile in that list -- search this forum for threads about problems with their service in certain countries. If that's acceptable to you for wide deployment within your company then by all means consider those options too.

Phones: OnePlus 5 • Nexus 5
SIMs: CA Fido/Fongo • AT • Google Fi
R.I.P.: UM • UM+
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amroe (Offline)
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Default 29-08-2008, 14:30

The Best One of all is Yackie Mobile , you buy a Sim Card with 49$ and you will Get 49 $ , so the Sim is Free , and there is no hidden fees , also you will have a DID number like 5 $ per 3 month ,,, also it have an Iceland mobile Number which cost about 0.29 $ from Skype , its Great i had traveled from my country to another two and it Works Great , and about the GT-Sim its prices is Good but i didn't test it .
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Roaming_student (Offline)
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Default The best prepaid SIM card for roaming - 29-08-2008, 17:28

Mobal rates are twice more expensive then all other SIM cards, I don't see I should I pay more when I can pay less. In regards of UM their residuals are not very attractive, comparing to other players. I'm looking for the product which will generate profit repetitive business and not users complaints
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 29-08-2008, 23:06

Originally Posted by Roaming_student View Post
Mobal rates are twice more expensive then all other SIM cards, I don't see I should I pay more when I can pay less. In regards of UM their residuals are not very attractive, comparing to other players. I'm looking for the product which will generate profit repetitive business and not users complaints
You asked for "best", not "cheapest". If I ask what's the "best" auto, I think most folks might answer something like "BMW", "Lexus" or "Mercedes". I don't think they'd offer "Kia" or "Ford".
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andy (Offline)
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Default 29-08-2008, 23:12

Originally Posted by Roaming_student View Post
Mobal rates are twice more expensive then all other SIM cards, I don't see I should I pay more when I can pay less. In regards of UM their residuals are not very attractive, comparing to other players. I'm looking for the product which will generate profit repetitive business and not users complaints
As the saying goes, we're divided by a common language. I really don't understand what you mean by residuals; these are hardly cars for leasing companies to calculate depreciation figures to underwrite.

I think it will depend what you are planning. If you are just acting to advise fellow employees and friends and family, then I'd definitely suggest getting more than one brand of SIM card, but if you are after entering the market yourself (as your switch of emphasis and tone implies) then it's obviously more difficult to carry a number of them.

This forum isn't really for offering commercial advice, more for amateur interest. But nevertheless:

There is plenty of info on here and elsewhere that you can read and pick through the minutiae, without asking others to precis it for you. Then, buy a few of these SIMs and try them out for yourself.

You need to look at the products from different angles than we do, and your ideas will be better if grown out of direct experience. For example, what do you mean by reliability? A credit rating might help a reseller decide who to work with, but an individual would hardly bother with this for a modest credit on only one card per brand.

We've seen some resellers, even large companies with plenty of other telecoms interests, switch from one brand to another at various times; one may soon be on their third; a couple of others already are. The reasons will be various, sometimes too technical for most of us, and obviously commercially privileged and confidential, so I really wouldn't like to comment with poor guesswork; you'll have to read nuances between the lines and make up your own mind.

Or perhaps you are a student; I wouldn't pin your MBA on this business
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 29-08-2008, 23:35

I've been pleased with my Celtrek SIM. Celtrek has many advantages for the business user: 1) It has a US number, 2) Rates are reasonable and 3) They have company account management tools where the manager can manage all the usage. However, there is one huge disadvantage: It's based on an Israeli SIM which does not work in several Arab/Moslem countries.
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MrEd (Offline)
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Default 30-08-2008, 07:29

GeoSIM also offers a referral program and the SIMs can be grouped under one master account.
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