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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 25-03-2008, 18:27

According to page 3 of this document Jersey Telecom has an roaming agreement with Digicel, so UM+ should work down there.

So can you register on that network? If only callbacks fail, try triggering by USSD: Just enter *137*phonenumber# (e.g. *137*442079765722#) followed by the pick-up-key. Beyond that you could also try sending a text so see, if communication with UM+ fails completely or not.

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Last edited by inquisitor; 25-03-2008 at 18:34..
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elshaddai (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 00:59

Thanks Inquistor, I'm back in the UK..I'll try the *139* next time I'm there. UM+ works great in the UK as it picks up the strongest signal, I am on Vodafone so if I'm in an area of bad coverage I use the UM+ to switch network.
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kantor (Offline)
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Default 04-04-2008, 22:55

Special offer through Expedia: simcard EUR 0 EUR + EUR 14.90 initial credit
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fedeprovenza (Offline)
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Default 05-04-2008, 18:21

Very interesting: what a pity, I already have 2 um+

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yippy (Offline)
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Default 07-04-2008, 20:41

Thanks for the tip, but when I try and buy it online I get some fatal php error. This is when I click "Check out" after logging in and adding it to my cart.

Guess I will have to call them or something but a legit company like that should have such errors.
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rp_aust (Offline)
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Unhappy UM+ problems in Australia - 11-04-2008, 03:31

A few months ago I bought a UM+ SIM in preparation for a family holiday in France in September. The SIM roamed onto both the Telstra and Optus networks and seemed OK. This week I bought a new el cheapo phone and tried the SIM again. On the new phone (LG KP202) the SIM registers on both Telstra and Optus, but cannot make calls - a message comes up that service is barred (even though I specifically had the phone network unblocked). Putting the SIM back in the old phone (Motorola L Series), again it registers on both networks, but can only complete a call (to an Australian landline phone) on the Optus network.

Adding injury to insult, my call credit has shrunk dramatically through these trials and I can only suppose that I am getting slugged a call connection fee (and maybe even call time) for each unsuccessful trial!

Reading through the posts for the previous couple of months I see that my experience is not unusual, and that the UM+ service is very flaky. At this point I could not recommend the "service", certainly not for any assured point of contact. Maybe I will have to buy a French SIM after all.....
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 11-04-2008, 09:09

From reading through the posts, you will also observe that the UM+ sim does to work with direct dialing from a lot of phones. Most of the time, you want to disregard any message that displays on the screen when attempting an outgoing call. You will get something like "call not allowed" etc. As for the charges for calls that may not have connected, I have experienced the same. Most recently when I was in the Caribbean a couple of weeks ago.

Originally Posted by rp_aust View Post
A few months ago I bought a UM+ SIM in preparation for a family holiday in France in September. The SIM roamed onto both the Telstra and Optus networks and seemed OK. This week I bought a new el cheapo phone and tried the SIM again. On the new phone (LG KP202) the SIM registers on both Telstra and Optus, but cannot make calls - a message comes up that service is barred (even though I specifically had the phone network unblocked). Putting the SIM back in the old phone (Motorola L Series), again it registers on both networks, but can only complete a call (to an Australian landline phone) on the Optus network.

Adding injury to insult, my call credit has shrunk dramatically through these trials and I can only suppose that I am getting slugged a call connection fee (and maybe even call time) for each unsuccessful trial!

Reading through the posts for the previous couple of months I see that my experience is not unusual, and that the UM+ service is very flaky. At this point I could not recommend the "service", certainly not for any assured point of contact. Maybe I will have to buy a French SIM after all.....

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Default 11-04-2008, 09:18

A few days ago, I checked my UM+ in a pretty compatible Siemens AX75 in three Polish networks. Things have changed since my previous tests in August 2007 (when my UM+ SIM arrived). That time, "direct dialing" worked correctly with Plus and Orange and with Era, only USSD code worked (not even "menu based calling"). Now, it works correctly with Plus and Era, but with Orange no callback occurs, however, the called phone rings 2 or 3 times. No caller ID.
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Default Expiry - 13-07-2008, 03:05

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb View Post
Back on 16 Nov I sent UM an e-mail telling them that I was confused by the fact that each language FAQ had a different explanation of the SIM expiration policy and asking for a clearer explanation. To date I have received no reply to my e-mail and the FAQs remain the same.
Going to "old Europe" soon, July 17. Logged onto my UM+ account. Says its dormant. I believe I did and SMS back in the winter and was charged for it.

Interesting, while the FAQ tells me 9 months..... The SMS tells me "no expiry".

Also interesting..... instead of ATT or T-Mobile the phone said United Mobile when it booted up. Now it says T-Mobile.

So, is it 9 months or no expiration? Any comments or experience of anyone actually losing their service?


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fedeprovenza (Offline)
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Default 13-07-2008, 09:32

Um+ sim expires if you don't use it in 9 months. This is clear

[COLOR="Magenta"]"Working" PrePaids: Wind, Vodafone, CoopVoce, , Travelsim (2), 02 Irish (2)
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