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Ukap (Offline)
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Default British Sim - 03-04-2008, 12:34

I will be in UK in 3 weeks. I am a USA resident but I have family that live in the UK. I can use their address for mailing if I need to. If I understand correctly, if I get a UK sim I will not be able to charge/top up with my credit card because my card address is USA? How would I top up in the UK....just cash?

I was going to ask my family to get a SIM for me and mail it to me here in the USA before I leave so I will know my phone number. Maybe this idea will not work.

On my trip all I will need is to call the USA on a regular basis on my mobile phone during the week to check on business.
I had planned to use t-mobile bundles for their good rates to the USA. Reading your posts it seems that PAYG customers cannot purchase bundles.

Do you have any suggestions? I have an unlocked GSM quad phone already. I would really like to know my sim number before I go so I can give out before I leave.
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 13:27

Originally Posted by Ukap View Post
I will be in UK in 3 weeks. I am a USA resident but I have family that live in the UK. I can use their address for mailing if I need to. If I understand correctly, if I get a UK sim I will not be able to charge/top up with my credit card because my card address is USA? How would I top up in the UK....just cash?

I was going to ask my family to get a SIM for me and mail it to me here in the USA before I leave so I will know my phone number. Maybe this idea will not work.

On my trip all I will need is to call the USA on a regular basis on my mobile phone during the week to check on business.
I had planned to use t-mobile bundles for their good rates to the USA. Reading your posts it seems that PAYG customers cannot purchase bundles.

Do you have any suggestions? I have an unlocked GSM quad phone already. I would really like to know my sim number before I go so I can give out before I leave.
Yeah what you're saying will work.....but unfortunately Orange UK has recently raised the rates to call the USA on its call abroad to an astronomical 7p/ realize that's almost 14¢/minute US

To top up, they give you a swipe card which looks like a credit card you simply take into most any grocery chain store or chemist or mobile phone store, tell the clerk how much credit you wish, he or she runs it through a terminal, pay the money (£5 is the minimum) and off you go....

However a better deal, and easier too, is T Mobile UK...if you check their web site they will send 2 (count them 2) free sim cards to your relatives' UK address (see

They can even use the swipe cards enclosed to top up one of them (T mobile UK sim cards arrive without credit but provide the same swipe card noted above) and mail one or both to you....

T Mobile UK has better rates to other netowrks in the UK and when using yourcallworld (, will provide calls to the US at 3p/minute much more to my tastes.

One other advantage of the T Mobile solution is the sim cards do not have to be sim cards require registration (not a big deal but one further thing that needs to be done); T Mobile UK sim cards arrive ready for action.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 15:05

Originally Posted by Ukap View Post
I had planned to use t-mobile bundles for their good rates to the USA. Reading your posts it seems that PAYG customers cannot purchase bundles. Do you have any suggestions?
Just to reconfirm that the deal that MATHA531 mentions using yourcallworld is open to all T-Mobile customers including Pay as you go customers as well.

So...Basically I think your problem is solved. Just click on that link he has provided, get a free SIM or 2 sent to your buddies in the UK, then ask them to open the package when it arrives so they can tell you the telephone number(s) printed on the back of the packs so that you can give out your number before you leave.

The moment you arrive and are reunited with your SIM, just pop into a corner store, petrol station or supermarket and put 5 quid of credit on the SIM using the swipe card. There you will be able to pay with cash or even your US credit card! However, you can't register the US card to top up by phone though.

The next step is you dial the full 07755 access number of Yourcallworld followed by your US number and you can be talking to the US at only 3p/min! Your total investment of the equivalent of under $10 will then have got you 2hours and 47 minutes of talk time to the US and also free incoming for your friends from the US to call you back on!
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Ukap (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 16:57

I just looked at the T-mobile UK website again. It states - international Bundles available on any T-Mobile price plan including pay as you go 2pound for 50 minutes to the USA (8c @ minute). Only the IVF (voice recognition) system is open to contract customers. PAYG customers can get bundles but have to do through text to 48011.

Could someone confirm that I have understood the above correctly.
__________________________________________________ _________

I have a united-mobile SIM (callback) that I shall use also to receive free calls. If I use this to make outgoing calls it costs me 45c @ minute. This is why I want the UK sim to be able to make outgoing calls for cheaper than 45c.

Is there a way I could combine my united-mobile card with and get their low rates?
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Ukap (Offline)
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Default yourcallworld - 03-04-2008, 18:08

could you tell me what the call quality is like when using
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 19:26

Originally Posted by Ukap View Post
could you tell me what the call quality is like when using
It's good! No echos or delays.

If you want to go with international bundle it is up to you. I do not know the specifics but if you have read it up on the website I am sure it is right! I think the bundle has been discussed elsewhere on prepaidgsm but not in this thread as it is supposed to be about Orange Call abroad!

YCW at 6c/min is slightly cheaper and you are not committed to using the whole 50 min bundle. In any case 6c or even 8c is cheaper than 45c/min! There would be little point in combining UM with YCW as this would require you making a call on UM to a UK 07755 number (which I am not even sure is possible). In any case it is likely to cost more than calling to US direct from UM.
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 22:17

YCW works fine; no echos or delays or anything. It works to a lot of other places, too (you have to call a different access number for some mobiles, as the price is higher); only minor drawback is that you pay 3p per minute whether the person answers or not. TMO also offers a 5p per minute rate to eight Central and Eastern European countries (you have to text INT to 441 to activate it); however, this rate is not available to other countries, which is annoying.

Also note: With your first billable action on your SIM, TMO will give you 10 days of free Internet surfing, plus a number of other goodies (several free picture and international text messages).

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
Former DE: Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Blauworld, 01051mobile, Solomo, Lycamobile, Simyo, Congstar, Fonic, Edeka Mobile, Lidl Mobile; PL: Heyah, Era, Virgin, Sami Swoi, Orange, POP, iPlus, Carrefour Mova, Telepin Mobi, Play, Lycamobile, T-Mobile; UK: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin; US: T-Mobile, AT&T, Lycamobile; CZ: Vodafone, Oskar; ES: Lebara; GR: Vodafone, Wind; UA: Vodafone; IL: Orange; TR: Turkcell

Last edited by Motel75; 10-04-2008 at 10:35..
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 04-04-2008, 01:27

Interesting...the T Mobile UK web site about bundles now says addiing a bundle via ivr is only available to pay monthly customers...what does it mean adding a bundle by ivr???? Does that mean if you add the bundle by texting A to the number, you can get it as pay as you go...the advantage of the bundle over ycw only 1 number to dial and unanswered calls are not charged.
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Ukap (Offline)
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Default 04-04-2008, 02:15

I cut and paste this from the UK tmobile site. IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
IVR only for pay monthly customers.
Text available for PAYG

copied this too....Bundles available on any T-Mobile price plan including pay as you go
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 04-04-2008, 03:12

So you're right...they've gone back to allowing pay as you go to purchase bundles for calling the USA...they had last summer but then they dropped it and had a note that bundles were only available to pay monthly customers for a while but now they're back to allowing PAYG to purchase the bundles by texting A tothe number indicated.....good deal.
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