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AndreA (Offline)
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Default 20-08-2007, 10:12

Originally Posted by cali99boy View Post
do they speak English there?
I think so Anyway you have a IVR before to speak with the customer service

Do you guys already have the sim card? how much are people paying to call you? =p
I'm testing a Prima simcard... in Italy the situation is not so clear: actually only H3G has a national price, Vodafone and Tim are between a national and Zone1 call...

My Phones:
iPhone 2G, E65, N70, P910 DVB-H, A835, 6630, 7600, 6210, S55, T39
"Working" PrePaids: IT: Wind, H3G, Vodafone, Tim, CoopVoce, Poste Mobile, Telepass Mobile,
Uno Mobile - CH: OrangeClick - RSM: Prima Easy - UK: O2, H3G - INT: United Mobile, TravelSim, ICQ SIM
"Deceased" PrePaids: IT: Blu - AT: H3G - FR: Itineris - ES: Yoigo - GR: Cosmote, Frog - HR: Tele2 - UK: Virgin, Orange TO: UCall - NZ: Vodafone - IN: Hutch - CAN: Fido - USA: T-Mobile - INT: Travelfone, CallKey, Globalsim, HopMobile, GT, 09, Mobal, Yackiemobile


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AndreA (Offline)
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Default 28-12-2007, 15:21

Well, Prima has 2 offers: "PrimaVoceMobile" (only postpaid, 5€/month, free roaming in Italy on Vodafone net) and "PrimaVoceCasa" (only postpaid, no roaming, no monthly fee... officially is an offer for landline, but San Marino Telecom offers the service by GSM/UMTS services with a simcard not allowed to international roaming):

the first one is interesting expecially if you buy one of 2 bundles (see , Super20 or Super50), the second one imho is great (more than "VodafoneCasa" or "MaxxiTim Casa", the 2 italian option for using the landline service from a mobile), take a look:

1= Set up fee 0,12€
*= Without set up fee.

My Phones:
iPhone 2G, E65, N70, P910 DVB-H, A835, 6630, 7600, 6210, S55, T39
"Working" PrePaids: IT: Wind, H3G, Vodafone, Tim, CoopVoce, Poste Mobile, Telepass Mobile,
Uno Mobile - CH: OrangeClick - RSM: Prima Easy - UK: O2, H3G - INT: United Mobile, TravelSim, ICQ SIM
"Deceased" PrePaids: IT: Blu - AT: H3G - FR: Itineris - ES: Yoigo - GR: Cosmote, Frog - HR: Tele2 - UK: Virgin, Orange TO: UCall - NZ: Vodafone - IN: Hutch - CAN: Fido - USA: T-Mobile - INT: Travelfone, CallKey, Globalsim, HopMobile, GT, 09, Mobal, Yackiemobile


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FabioG (Offline)
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Default News on Roaming, tarifs and more... - 01-03-2008, 01:48

I see this thread has died although there are still unanswered questions.

So here's un update.

First of all, the voice plans advertised on Prima's website are only for San Marino residents and San Marino citizens.

Non-residents/citizens (including Italians) are not allowed to subscribe those offers.

For them, there exists a non-advertised tarif plan called "ScattoZero International", which costs 26 or 28 c/min.

Then, pre-paid cards should have been available by September 2007, then the launch had been postponed to November, then December...

Last time I asked (mid-February) I have been told that in March/April prepaid cards should finally be available, although no information is at the moment available regarding its costs and features.


Roaming is available not just in Italy but also in other countries and it needs to be activated manuallly.

This means that outside Italy and San Marino, one needs to navigate the menu of the phone and switch the roaming on. When back to Italy/San Marino, roaming needs to be switched off. The SIM will not work in Italy/San Marino when roaming is on. That's curious...

Roaming charges are not advertised (excepted for - maybe - inbound calls which *may* be assumed to cost the same as calls from San Marino to the country where one is roaming).

I hope this is the case because I have been roaming a lot!

Of course, San Marino Telecom is not bound by EU's GSM tarif regulations.

Calling to San Marino Telecom

As previously noted, calls to San Marino mobile network (+378 6) are usually priced as calls to landlines (or slightly more).

However, almost no foreign operator allows calls to +3786* numbers!

No French carrier; no Belgian carrier (excluding Proximus); ...

This leads to the freaking experience where you call someone with your Prima number and your correspondent cannot call you back (s/he will hear a message from its operator saying the number is not valid...).

Does anyone know why?


PostPaid SIMs: LuxGSM [+352 621] - VoxMobile [+352 691 & +352 661] - Prima [+378 66]

PrePaid SIMs: Auchan Mobile [+33 6] - TIM [+39 334] - Ortel Mobile [+32 498] - GlobalSim [+44 4697] - Ventus Telecom [+372 53]

Phones: HTC s620 - HTC Touch - Ericsson t630
繁體版 - Philips Genie - Motorola International 3200
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AndreA (Offline)
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Default 21-07-2008, 10:56

Hi FabioG,

some good news.

From 1st of July Prima has data&3G roaming on Vodafone Italy net. So finally you can use the web mobile services in Italy too.. with the good HSDPA/UMTS Vodafone coverage

Anyway in the last month I tried from France and I was connected to +37866 numeration (Orange FR and SFR, no Bouygtel). Did you have other test?

My Phones:
iPhone 2G, E65, N70, P910 DVB-H, A835, 6630, 7600, 6210, S55, T39
"Working" PrePaids: IT: Wind, H3G, Vodafone, Tim, CoopVoce, Poste Mobile, Telepass Mobile,
Uno Mobile - CH: OrangeClick - RSM: Prima Easy - UK: O2, H3G - INT: United Mobile, TravelSim, ICQ SIM
"Deceased" PrePaids: IT: Blu - AT: H3G - FR: Itineris - ES: Yoigo - GR: Cosmote, Frog - HR: Tele2 - UK: Virgin, Orange TO: UCall - NZ: Vodafone - IN: Hutch - CAN: Fido - USA: T-Mobile - INT: Travelfone, CallKey, Globalsim, HopMobile, GT, 09, Mobal, Yackiemobile


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fedeprovenza (Offline)
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Default 21-07-2008, 18:42

Wi-fi free in s.marino's city

[COLOR="Magenta"]"Working" PrePaids: Wind, Vodafone, CoopVoce, , Travelsim (2), 02 Irish (2)
My best sim?--> Wind +39-328
My phones: Samsung Galaxy Next S5570
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prima san marino, prima voce mobile, republic of san marino

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