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ygeffens (Offline)
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Default Experience in Oman - 16-12-2007, 21:56

Who has some experience in Oman with UM(+), Yackie or other cards?

I have these 3 cards, so I prefer these (but other suggestions are welcome).
If it was myself who was traveling over there, I would take these 3 cards with me, but since it's someone else, with absolutly no technical knowledge, must put the right card in the phone and explain step by step what to do.

I want to give him a phone where dialing from the keypad is possible, or through the menu. Dialing *...#...# or whatever is to complicated (he simply will not understand why that is needed ).

So,... What card will work flawlessly ?
Is there a preferred provider to connect to, or can I leave the phone in 'automatic network detection' (explaining how to choose a network to him will be difficult too).


Belgium: Proximus Smart+ 15 (+32 496 contract)


Apple iPhone 32Gb 5S
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 17-12-2007, 02:33

I've used traditional United Mobile (Liechtenstein) and 09 in Oman and didn't have a problem. Since Yackie is based on the same infrastructure as 09, I presume it will work. When is the person going? I'm in the US at the moment, but I'm frequently in Al Ain, UAE and can pick up an Omani signal there.
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