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razfaz (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 04:16

No, I stopped trying at 30ct, T-Com is 35 Eurocent.
Solomo is surely cheaper, when someone else pays for the incoming call dialing the cellphone number, but if you pay both legs it isn't.
Calls to german landlines are free with my plan at home.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 09:34

Originally Posted by prion View Post
What is the cost of the T-com to call a yackie number?
depending on your landline tariff between 35 and 50ct/min


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silviocampello (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 12:11

I received my Yackie Mobile sim card last night.
I made a call to test it.
After I dialed the number, it took only a few seconds for my phone to ring. I answered and a few more seconds later the other person answered.
It sounded good enough. I was able to hear the other person talking and she could hear me normally also.
Sound was loud and clear. There was a little background noise (hiss), but it was acceptable.

Now is the bad part.
Every time I try to call the +354 number I get a message that says:
“The callee is busy now. Please try again later”
I tried to call from Skype, from my mobile and also from my landline. Always the same message.

If I call the “local” number (which is programmed to divert to the mobile), it rings normally, but if I call the +354 it simply does not work.

I’ve been trying to call the customer care number (090), but I don’t get the call back.

Also, I have not been able to send or receive SMS to and from my mobile, but I suppose this is not Yackie’s fault. It could be a problem with my local mobile company (Claro).
The only sms I received were the ones I sent from Skype.

Another strange thing is that when I sent a sms test message, I received it three times. Also, when I dialed 092 to check my balance, I received the sms message three times
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silviocampello (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 12:22

I just noticed another strange thing.
I never received the SMS I sent from my Yackie Mobile to my local mobile, but they are charging it anyway.
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 14:29

Originally Posted by silviocampello View Post
I received my Yackie Mobile sim card last night.
I made a call to test it.
After I dialed the number, it took only a few seconds for my phone to ring. I answered and a few more seconds later the other person answered.
It sounded good enough. I was able to hear the other person talking and she could hear me normally also.
Sound was loud and clear. There was a little background noise (hiss), but it was acceptable.

Now is the bad part.
Every time I try to call the +354 number I get a message that says:
“The callee is busy now. Please try again later”
I tried to call from Skype, from my mobile and also from my landline. Always the same message.

If I call the “local” number (which is programmed to divert to the mobile), it rings normally, but if I call the +354 it simply does not work.

I’ve been trying to call the customer care number (090), but I don’t get the call back.

Also, I have not been able to send or receive SMS to and from my mobile, but I suppose this is not Yackie’s fault. It could be a problem with my local mobile company (Claro).
The only sms I received were the ones I sent from Skype.

Another strange thing is that when I sent a sms test message, I received it three times. Also, when I dialed 092 to check my balance, I received the sms message three times
Hi Silviocampello,

Could you send me a private message with more information?
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 14:31

Originally Posted by silviocampello View Post
I received my Yackie Mobile sim card last night.
I made a call to test it.
After I dialed the number, it took only a few seconds for my phone to ring. I answered and a few more seconds later the other person answered.
It sounded good enough. I was able to hear the other person talking and she could hear me normally also.
Sound was loud and clear. There was a little background noise (hiss), but it was acceptable.

> GREAT !!!

Now is the bad part.
Every time I try to call the +354 number I get a message that says:
“The callee is busy now. Please try again later”
I tried to call from Skype, from my mobile and also from my landline. Always the same message.

> 09 is working on this Issue by reducing teh price range for teh operators, most are allready fixed, we still have few operators who do not authorize a call to this 354 number

If I call the “local” number (which is programmed to divert to the mobile), it rings normally, but if I call the +354 it simply does not work.

> So the DID work, Not the 354, From Brasil ?

I’ve been trying to call the customer care number (090), but I don’t get the call back.

> Try the 105 ......may be better ( the right number is 105 )

Also, I have not been able to send or receive SMS to and from my mobile, but I suppose this is not Yackie’s fault. It could be a problem with my local mobile company (Claro).

> we are also working on the SMS issue for be reconized by all Operators

The only sms I received were the ones I sent from Skype.

Another strange thing is that when I sent a sms test message, I received it three times. Also, when I dialed 092 to check my balance, I received the sms message three times
We will forward this to 09

thank you

We make your Money Mobile

Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 14:39

Originally Posted by silviocampello View Post

Now is the bad part.
Every time I try to call the +354 number I get a message that says:
“The callee is busy now. Please try again later”
I tried to call from Skype, from my mobile and also from my landline. Always the same message.

If I call the “local” number (which is programmed to divert to the mobile), it rings normally, but if I call the +354 it simply does not work.
Read my thread about the review of Yackie. Also do a search here on the forum. You will see that betamax which you are using does not connect to +354 number. My mobile does connect to the +354 number. This has everything to do with rates. Calling to the yackie +354 number is an expesnive rate and most provider either charge a very high rate. The one's that don't just don't connect to the number.
The yackie rate of $0.29 is very reasonable and much cheaper will be difficult to find.

If you do want to call the number the only good option at the moment is UM+ which is offering a +44 number which you can call using betamax.
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 14:43

Originally Posted by silviocampello View Post
If I call the “local” number (which is programmed to divert to the mobile), it rings normally, but if I call the +354 it simply does not work.
It seems that your operator (Claro) has an issue as I have just tested and it works fine from the TIM network, we'll work on this.
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silviocampello (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2007, 17:48

Originally Posted by yackietech View Post
It seems that your operator (Claro) has an issue as I have just tested and it works fine from the TIM network, we'll work on this.
I sent an sms to a friend's TIM mobile, and he received it. When he sends me the reply, I don't receive it.

And now, for the fourth time, I received the same SMS I sent from Skype last night

Last edited by silviocampello; 13-11-2007 at 18:10..
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Default 13-11-2007, 19:01

I have the same problem here in Hungary, the Pannon network does not allow even calls to the +354 with range 380...

My German operator (E+) does allow calls to my YackieMobile even when I´m roaming in the Pannon network, so it must be a operator issue. The same problem with SMS.

So that means, I will be not reachable from some operators networks because they see the 380... number range as premium numbers. Interesting is that my e-Mail account provider does allow sending SMS to +354380... numbers, the strange thing on this is that they officially do not offer service to this destination ... kind of weird ...

Service providers such as do not deliver send SMS to YackieMobile numbers, roaming SIM operators like e.g. sim4travel with +447509... numbers does not connect to YackieM., does not connect to YackieM., does connect to YackieM. last but not least the roaming service provider !GT-SIM! does connect for 29 Euro Cent to YackieM.

Last edited by JohnDoe; 13-11-2007 at 19:10..
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