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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 10-08-2007, 17:24 has become obvious now, the product was rushed out the door before it was completely tested and really ready as a response to their loss of business on thd +423 card, a loss of business no doubt greatly influenced by the astronomically high termination rates for calls to Liechtenstein making the fact that the recipient of the calls was not being charged insignificant as the caller was being charged astronomically high rates thus leading to the loss of reliance on the card (as a side note, of course, with this rise using some call back services such as cbw and much earlier enlinea became next to worthless and while I'm sure that didn't break UM's heart, it meant fewer people would see a need or use for the card)...

Now having said that, we come full circle to something I asked much earlier. Who is responsible for these astronomically high termination fees (very high termination fees also on O9 and Estonian cards but at least with cbw and enlinea holding on to fairly low rates, you can use such things as enlinea US toll free service and cbw pin2dest despite the poor quality of the calls) would think UM +423 wouldn't want termination fees to be so high as to preclude usage of the card so what gives on that.

On a positive note, I just got an AT&T ld bill for a call I made into an Isle of Man sim card in July to check it out and indeed the rate was the same as a UK mobile so one would suppose termination fees on UM+, at least for now, would be the same as UK mobiles but distressingly we've seen what happend with Liechtenstein, Iceland and Estonia....will this hold?
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razfaz (Offline)
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Default 10-08-2007, 20:13

>Who is responsible for these astronomically high termination fees
The money goes to Mobilkom Liechenstein, which operates those "663" service numbers. The high termination fees should only aply to those 663 nubers, but since most phone companies don't differentiate into expensive and cheap Liechtenstein mobile numbers, all callers to Liechtensten have to pay for this. At least the phone companies don't lose any more money when someone calls Mobilkom numbers.
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Mirken (Offline)
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Default 10-08-2007, 21:10

Originally Posted by fedeprovenza View Post
can you receive sms?i've some problems with my new um+, 'cause it can't receive sms
Yes, sms works also before the complete activation of the sim, i've tryed also today.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 10-08-2007, 23:09

Some tests in Poland (6-7.0 - from Poland to my UM+ SIM roaming in Poland.

The SIM logs in to any of the "big three" networks Orange, Plus and Era w/o problems.


OK from Orange, Plus and Era - arrives after less than 10 seconds, delivery report is available.
I didn't tested Play (as I didn't want to activate a Play SIM which I have) but I suppose it wouldn't work (no roaming agreement with Jersey Telecom).

Voice calls when the UM+ phone was on

Orange, Era, Plus, Polish Telecom landline, Telebonus calling card - the phone rings, no caller ID.
Netia landline - the phone rings, caller ID visible (in Orange and Plus without +48 on the front but it's a stupid feature of those operators and it happens with any foreign SIM roaming in those networks).
HaloKomórka dialthrough service - the voice message (in Polish, generated by the local service provider) "the number is busy, please try again later".

Voice calls when the UM+ phone was off

Orange, Era, Plus, Polish Telecom landline, Netia landline, HaloKomórka dialthrough - voice messages in Polish "the number does not exist" or "invalid number" (operator-dependent).
Telebonus calling card - voice message in Polish "please dial the number followed by #".

Yesterday (on 10.08 ) I tried again to call from Orange and Netia landline.
When the UM+ phone was off I heard a strange busy-like signal. When it was on, it rang when called from Orange. I heard the same signal when calling from Netia, however (the route broke?)
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Mirken (Offline)
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Default 11-08-2007, 00:44

yes, it's right, now there is a strange busy-like signal, is an irregular tone, short and long , instead of "number does not exist"...
there is a good provider from uk to send free sms to +44?
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 11-08-2007, 06:56

I 've just tested to call (w/o answering) from UM+ to Orange. 2 attempts were OK but caller ID appeared at the first attempt only...

PS. The phone with UM+ was an oldie Siemens C35 - "direct dial" works OK just like for +423 UM.
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hawkdeira (Offline)
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Default 11-08-2007, 18:11

I'm puzzled. Using the same phone (Nokia 6230i) with the +423 Liechtenstein simcard I have to dial numbers using the Services menu, but with the +44 Jersey simcard I can dial out using the normnal phone book !?
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Mirken (Offline)
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Default 11-08-2007, 18:33

Originally Posted by hawkdeira View Post
I'm puzzled. Using the same phone (Nokia 6230i) with the +423 Liechtenstein simcard I have to dial numbers using the Services menu, but with the +44 Jersey simcard I can dial out using the normnal phone book !?

yes, right, same appens to me with 6230 (not i) ... a big difference is the ringing, when call ends, caller continue to ear calling sounds, also if UM+ reject calls, caller will ear ringing.
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GadgetKen (Offline)
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Default 11-08-2007, 22:36

Originally Posted by TheMadBrewer View Post
Finally got thru to CS. The guy said the were having (have had?) problems with the web activations where it didn't always go thru properly and it leaves the SIM somehow blocked. So he cleared the block and called me back to test (which cost me a couple bucks ) and now it works.

I asked him about the voice mail problem and he said they knew about it and it won't be fixed for "a month or two". Ouch!

I didn't know they had that sort of accent on the Isle of Jersey
Had a similar problem when I tried a test voice call yesterday. Callback didn't occur and got a "Your SIM card has not been activated yet. You will be connected to our Customer Services. Please wait." text message and no connection to customer service. Wierd thing is I could send text messages fine and recieve account value updates OK but no phone calls.

Tried an email on Friday but no response by Saturday, so called customer service and they unblocked my sim card. Tried a test call while they waited, and it works OK now.

Probably a good idea for anybody ordering a UM+ card (or upgrading to one) to try a test text message and an outgoing call to make sure their account is set up correctly before traveling. Good thing I checked this before I went on a trip to the UK in early September....

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 12-08-2007, 11:36

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
On a positive note, I just got an AT&T ld bill for a call I made into an Isle of Man sim card in July to check it out and indeed the rate was the same as a UK mobile so one would suppose termination fees on UM+, at least for now, would be the same as UK mobiles but distressingly we've seen what happend with Liechtenstein, Iceland and Estonia....will this hold?
Chances are that they will hold. The +44 mobile is used but many other carries and +44 is a major international destination.

Lichtenstein, Iceland and some of the other small countries are just verlittle traffice but when termination is huge it is easy just to charge everyting to lichtenstein mobile at a very high rate.
For +44 I asume that most international operators will use a fixed price for +44 mobile as lost of traffice going tom+44 mobile will not be the roaming free cards.
If you take lichtenstein I asume most of the trafic is to roaming free cards.

I agree with you and have said it before the high cost to call +423 mobile is killing the card and +44 is a good alternative now. I does indeed seem that they rushed it onto the market as some things are not working perfect, the reason for me not to use my um+ card untill it has been solved.
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