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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default Cloud 9 Launches in Isle of Man - 21-06-2007, 19:58

Cloud 9 ( launched their Isle of Man mobile network today, including prepaid.

They're the second network to launch here, after Manx Telecom, but Sure Mobile ( should be following within days.

Personally I think Cloud9 are going to be the number three player, if they survive. There's really very little in their offer to attract most local customers, although for me some of their roaming could be interesting - so I got a sim.

The sims are "free", although need a GBP 10.00 initial recharge to activate, but if the initial recharge is 20.00 there is a startup offer of 1000 free texts (doesn't say if the offer applies to texting while roaming).

The expiry times on the recharges are debatable. The dealer claims they don't expire, and I checked with the call centre and they agreed. But printed on the voucher is a "90 days from first use" expiry, and a second call to the call centre claimed that was accurate. I'll be chasing this up!

The number range is +44 7924 5xx xxx. This is where they've made a serious blunder (or been unable to find a work-around) - here people are used to dialling just 6 digits for both landline (6xx xxx, 7xx xxx, 8xx xxx) or Manx Telecom mobile (3xx xxx, 4xx xxx). But the short dialling doesn't work for Cloud 9. It's going to take a lot of education and marketing to get people to dial longer numbers, can't see them getting around this major disadvantage unless their deals are fantastic, and they're not.

The rates are really complex (lots of exceptions by carrier etc), very hard to work out. The normal roaming rates are literally unpublished, i.e. random based on what the carrier passes on (so unusable). Free incoming in "all of Europe" (no country list shown - reading the small print it looks like it may be free some other places as well, such as Australia, but unclear).

But, they do have built-in callback - enter a number with a # after it and it initiates a callback, with charges of 10p/min (US20c) on each leg for most local/EU calls (higher outbound to mobiles and some carriers/countries). Haven't tried this yet (as I'm not roaming).

Incoming calls can also be forwarded (and calls made from) a VOIP client, seems a bit expensive for that but VOIP outbound to most European mobiles (jncluding Liechtenstein!) for 20p (40c/Eu28c) is sort of usable.

All in all WAY too complex for most local users, it'll flop locally (mainly because of numbering and poor marketing).

But it could have limited use as an international sim with outbound calls to/from most of Europe around 20p/US40c/Eu28c/min (50% more to call mobile). At least being a "real" carrier the rates should hopefully change less often than most of the Manx SIMs.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 24-06-2007, 01:03

Apparently free incoming calls whilst roaming on weekdays only!
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andy (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2007, 11:46

I think it could be worth asking more about the callback system

It may be that as incoming calls are free in Europe, then the outgoing calls are 10p and 20p for landlines and mobiles.

In fact maybe they don't use callback within Europe. This is the impression I get from a phone call just now, but I wonder if I've got the wrong idea of what was said.
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2007, 11:53

Originally Posted by andy View Post
This is the impression I get from a phone call just now, but I wonder if I've got the wrong idea of what was said.
This is the problem I'm finding with Cloud9 - so much is unpublished, and because it's new nobody knows anything about how it works (including the people answering the phone). I've had completely contradictory stories on whether the credit expires, for example.

As far as I can see though, the callback is designed to work in Europe as well. Free incoming, so "calls within Europe are the cost of two local calls" they say - the local area (same rate) is 10p/min to IOM/UK + Europe fixed, so that would work (20p/min, or 30p/min to an EU mobile or US fixed/mobile).

What they don't say (amongst many other things) is how much the incoming is at weekends! Or how much the incoming is outside Europe (the small print at the bottom of the rates appears to show incoming surcharges in the usual countries such as US, but doesn't show what happens with places like Australia).

(edit) BTW, the IOM Cable and Wireless website is now online ready for their launch in a few days: . Nothing special on their roaming rates at all, very traditional, not cheap, and limited countries for PAYG. Strangely they don't even try to compete on local call prices, looks like the focus is on contracts/free handsets.

Last edited by RTuesday; 25-06-2007 at 12:02..
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2007, 18:23

Are you guys sure that the callback-leg to the Cloud9-subscriber is charged with 10p/min only? I expect they'll charge it as a mobile call at 20p/min.

The lack of information on their website is a shame!

If incoming roaming-calls are free on weekdays only, I'll keep my UM SIM.

Does anyone know if Cloud9 aims to international customers? Will they ship their prepaid SIMs abroad soon?

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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2007, 20:18

Originally Posted by inquisitor View Post
Are you guys sure that the callback-leg to the Cloud9-subscriber is charged with 10p/min only? I expect they'll charge it as a mobile call at 20p/min.
Calls to Cloud9 mobiles are charged at the same rate as a fixed line (i.e. 10p/min). It's only other mobiles that are 20p. So callback calls to fixed line would be 20p, callback to a different mobile 30p.

Callbacks between two Cloud9 mobiles in Europe (when free incoming applies!) would be 20p/min ($0.40, Eur 0,28 ), which could be very interesting for a family group that needs to keep in touch travelling to multiple European countries. (assuming the callback actually works that is, and they don't need high quality).

Does anyone know if Cloud9 aims to international customers? Will they ship their prepaid SIMs abroad soon?
They're barely marketing it locally yet. Definately a "soft-launch" - just available through a few dealers. Not surprising as it isn't really ready.

There are definate quality problems with Cloud9. Much poorer quality calls than Manx Telecom, not just voicemail but all calls, even local (just did some direct comparision tests). If the problem is because they're mainly a VOIP company and the routing is ultra-cheap or ultra-compressed it could well be the same when roaming. Add in a callback round-trip delay and it could be too bad to be usable.

Last edited by RTuesday; 25-06-2007 at 20:39..
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 07-07-2007, 01:06

Originally Posted by RTuesday View Post

Personally I think Cloud9 are going to be the number three player, if they survive..
It's already looking like they may not survive! There are rumours on the Island tonight that Cloud9 may be going out of business.

Just rumours, BUT at the moment it's not possible to make an outbound call on the network, the callback doesn't callback, and inbound calls go to voicemail...

Marketing-wise, their launch was barely visible locally, I can't imagine they've sold much.

They've had problems from day one, but 14 days from launch to close would probably be a new record for a GSM operator with their own infrastructure! Maybe they'll limp on for a while longer, but it's not looking good.

Anybody want to buy a slightly-used mobile operator?
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AndreA (Offline)
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Wink 07-07-2007, 08:27

Originally Posted by RTuesday View Post
They've had problems from day one, but 14 days from launch to close would probably be a new record for a GSM operator with their own infrastructure!
14 days is not so good... Ipse Italy closed before to open :P

Anybody want to buy a slightly-used mobile operator?
Oh yes, the PrePaidGSM's network

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iPhone 2G, E65, N70, P910 DVB-H, A835, 6630, 7600, 6210, S55, T39
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Uno Mobile - CH: OrangeClick - RSM: Prima Easy - UK: O2, H3G - INT: United Mobile, TravelSim, ICQ SIM
"Deceased" PrePaids: IT: Blu - AT: H3G - FR: Itineris - ES: Yoigo - GR: Cosmote, Frog - HR: Tele2 - UK: Virgin, Orange TO: UCall - NZ: Vodafone - IN: Hutch - CAN: Fido - USA: T-Mobile - INT: Travelfone, CallKey, Globalsim, HopMobile, GT, 09, Mobal, Yackiemobile


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andy (Offline)
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Default 07-07-2007, 16:45

Originally Posted by RTuesday View Post
It's already looking like they may not survive! There are rumours on the Island tonight that Cloud9 may be going out of business.

Just rumours, BUT at the moment it's not possible to make an outbound call on the network, the callback doesn't callback, and inbound calls go to voicemail...

Marketing-wise, their launch was barely visible locally, I can't imagine they've sold much.

They've had problems from day one, but 14 days from launch to close would probably be a new record for a GSM operator with their own infrastructure! Maybe they'll limp on for a while longer, but it's not looking good.

Anybody want to buy a slightly-used mobile operator?
Once upon a time, there were rumours that Orange was going out of business.

When they listed only 2 dealers in a city of about 200,000, I rang one of them and was asked why on earth I was interested, and why didn't I choose Vodafone instead (which comment I reported back to Orange).

I think someone bought it in the end

But I agree it's not promising

Last edited by andy; 07-07-2007 at 17:29..
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 28-08-2007, 13:08

Just an update on the (lack of) progress at Cloud9.

I tried it out roaming in the UK/France/Spain recently. Wouldn't log on to a single network anywhere, i.e. no roaming.

I emailed them to complain about this and (what a surprise) got a roaming update SMS after I got home. No idea if that's made a difference as I haven't been away since.

However, I also got a reply to my complaint email - after 4 weeks! - where they completely failed to understand the problem (assumed I was dialling wrong). They sent their reply email from an address which bounces when replied to.

In a word, AVOID. Makes Yackie look professional.
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